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Remembering the 2,996

Never forget those lost on 9/11


39-year old Simon James Turner, London, England, was killed when the World Trade Center was attacked Sept. 11, 2001. I never had the chance to meet the man, but from what I can find, he sounds like he was one heckuva guy.

This page is to serve as a simple reminder that when this terrible act was played out, more than just strangers were taken from this world. While he may have been a stranger in life, in his death he is immortalized.

May God rest your soul, Simon. Everyone - from here in Minnesota to England to every nook and cranny of this place we call home - will remember the sacrifice you, as well as the other 2,995 other folks that lost their lives, made. While your sacrifice wasn't planned, it will serve a purpose - whatever that is, whenever it is...thank you!

For more on the 2,996 Project, please follow this link

-- Dave "Thunder"