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Living Conditions

Buffy's 'superfun' room-mate becomes the bane of Buffy's existence in this ep. Buffy's intolerance of Kathy's habits lead to her concluding that she's evil...."she irons her jeans"! Giles, Willow, Oz and Xander fear that Buffy is becoming a homicidal maniac intent on killing Kathy and try to unsuccessfully restrain her. In fact, Kathy is a demon from an alternate universe who 'left home' to go to college. She has been performing a ritual on Buffy whilst asleep to drain her soul so that her fellow demons will not identify her as 'soul-less' and take her back. This is a very funny ep, that all of us can probably identify with at some level. We are also introduced to Parker Abrahms...whom Buffy seems very attracted to and is happy when Oz tells her, "...he'll be back". The Bronzers among us had to love the "...gotta respect the drive-by" line...priceless!

Regular characters: Giles, Willow, Xander, Buffy, Oz
Villain: Kathy (demon)