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Okay kids, I've decided I'm going to shut this site down. The show has been HORRIBLE lately and Angelfire isn't giving me more space to actually do anything I want to with this site. Thanks to everyone who has visited. I will leave the adoptable alien page up which functions independently of the rest of it. Once I shut this down I will also leave up a few random things such as the Brendan Fehr article I scanned and the Duchovney Fehr Connection Page. I am going to use the space to make my Buffy site better. I apologize if this upsets anyone. Blame Angelfire. I put in a request for extra space THREE MONTHS AGO and haven't heard a word, and frankly my Buffy site means more to me. I will keep the topsites list going as well.


Email: Kiera

Empower Women!  Be a Goddess!