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Barbara Niven


Born: Portland, Oregon

What Inspires Her:

  1. My mother (who passed away three years ago) and my father, who taught me that I can do anything I set my mind to! They always supported me unconditionally.
  2. My daughter, who has always kept me grounded and shown me what's really important in life. More than once, when I've been at rock bottom after losing an audition, she has helped me back up and sent me back out to keep chasing my dreams
  3. My acting coach, Milton Katselas. Without him, my dreams would have never come true. His book, "Dreams Into Action" is the most inspiring book I've ever read. GO GET IT!
  4. Brian, who is helping me test my boundaries and fly higher than I ever thought possible.

Hobbies: Mountain Biking, the ocean

On Her Character: "This character is the closest to my personality of any part I’ve ever played. Kate loves being a woman. I designed her to contrast with the military women on the show….curly hair and a flirty persona. But it works because she does it all with a wink and a sense of humor. She’s fun, uses the years she’s lived, loves to put people on and make them blush, and can be both sexy and mothering. Kate’s not afraid to whack the Nuggets on the head when they need it. She’s truly a woman who’s been there, done that, and knows it, so there are no limits to what she can be. She’s a great broad and a great role model."

Intersting Facts: