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John's favorite supporting characters of the new season

By John Levesque


People latch onto new shows for many reasons. The stars. The look. The music. The writing. Me? I'm captivated by supporting actors.

Alyson Hannigan keeps me coming back to "Buffy the Vampire Slayer." Ditto Amy Jo Johnson on "Felicity." Robert Guillaume on "Sports Night." In the six new series featured in today's column, outstanding support is a commonality. Here are six backup players who deserve more air time.

Evan Rachel Wood
Character: 12-year-old Jessie Sammler on "Once and Again." You may have seen her in: The Nicole Kidman/Sandra Bullock flick "Practical Magic."

Last word: All the kids on "Once and Again" are good. If Wood keeps acting, she'll be great.__Seattle Post-Intelligencer. (November 15, 1999)