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Once and Again's Jesse Chats You Up!

Wanda's Eonline! chat with Evan Rachel Wood

Wanda: Hey, boob tubers! Just hopped off a plane from London--was on "holiday" (as they call it) in Europe and missed you dearly. But Evan Rachel Wood's here, rarin' to go, so send in all your juicy Once and Again Qs, and we'll get started!

From Sunbeam_260: Evan, I love Once and Again, and you're great. What's it like working with Julia and Shane?
Evan Rachel Wood (ERW): It's a real blessing. I'm so lucky to work with such great actors. They're like my brother and sister. Sometimes, we fight off camera, but it's like a family. It's really cool.

From Shelly: Is Jesse going to have a love interest next season?
ERW: Actually, we have been talking about that a little bit. I think she is going to go on a date with somebody. It's up in the air. We just started the next season, episode two, so we'll see!

From narline: 'N Sync or Backstreet?
ERW: That's an easy one. I don't listen to either of them all that much, but I'd definitely go with 'N Sync. They're just so cute.

From bently317: Are there a lot of O&A bloopers, crackups or line screwups?
ERW: Oh yeah...last season for the wrap party, we had a blooper reel. Most of the goofs were between Billy and Sela--they crack each other up a lot--or we forget lines or whatever. A lot of times, we'll play practical jokes or just screw up. But I'm sure we've used up a lot of film. Billy is a big kid--he's always playing pranks on people. But we always get him back. Meredith and I recently toilet-papered his trailer. We offered to clean it up, but he did it himself.

From Wanda: Any other mischief?
ERW: In a scene we just did, Billy has to snatch up his briefcase and walk out the door. We filled it with sandbags, and he just about fell over. We were getting him back for all the grief he's given us. He's so fun.

From kellly: What's it like working with Patrick Dempsey?
ERW: I actually only did one episode with him, but it was great. He is so funny. It was hard to keep a straight face, even in the serious scenes. He'd give a look, and we'd all laugh. He is such a talented actor. I'm so happy he got the Emmy nomination.

From Wanda: On that note, how do you feel about the fans and TV critics (like moi) feeling you were robbed?
ERW: It's really flattering. I think it's wonderful that people are recognizing children. I know a lot of the time, we're getting overlooked just because we're kids. Being nominated would be like winning. I really didn't want to get my hopes up, so I didn't wake up early or anything. But it was kind of easy to figure out because my mom didn't wake me and the phone wasn't ringing on Emmy nomination morning!

From bently317: Evan, any hints on storylines with your "mother" Karen and yourself? You're terrific together!
ERW: I actually have no idea. I know there's going to be something that nobody's allowed to talk about. I know there's going to be a terrific storyline between Shane, Susanne and me. But it's a big secret. Everyone's all hush-hush about it.

From shully: Hey, Evan and Wanda! Evan, you are amazing on Once and Again, and your singing voice blew me away. Is there any chance we'll get to hear it again? Maybe with Eli's band?
ERW: They've been talking about it. I think we're going to shoot a scene in which both Jesse and Grace audition for the same part. So, that should be interesting.

From Wanda: Sounds a little tense.
ERW: Yes. And there's a conflict with her and Zoe sharing a room. I don't think there will be big scream-fights, but there will be bickering. Grace has never had a sister her age, so now she has someone to compete with.

From meghanstar: O&A usually focuses in on one or two characters each ep. Do you have to be on the set even if it's not "your" ep?
ERW: Actually, it depends on what order the scenes are done. Most of the time, you'll come in early in the morning and shoot your scenes. Mostly, I'm shooting my scenes and then in school--home school. If I'm only in a few scenes, I'll be there just one day. Other times, I come in every day for two weeks. But I like when I get a script and I have a big storyline.

From weloveusinc: What was it like acting with Ed Zwick? I thought he was great as the therapist. Do you know if we'll see him again?
ERW: It was funny, because it was his first acting job so he was really nervous. He was a lot of fun. I know Jesse is still going to have some problems with her eating, but I'm not sure if we'll see him again.

From 1bently317: Is the secret storyline a source of conflict, joy, sadness...what?
ERW: I'm not sure. They won't even tell me! It's a big secret.

From joeynickel: How do you feel about the eating-disorder storyline? It's the most realistic I've seen. Is it tough?
ERW: Sometimes. You really have to concentrate and get yourself in the moment. Once you're there and you can let it out on camera, it's great. I was kind of nervous at first. I didn't really have any time to do research. I was kind of worried people thought I was fake. But I'm getting letters from people who are anorexic, and they tell me how real it was. That's why you're an actor--because you want to reach out to them.

From louanimal: Who are you closest to on the set?
ERW: I couldn't pick. I'm close to everybody. Merideth is like my little sister. Julia is my big sister. Billy looks at us like we're their children. So, it's all very real.

From beate: What do you wish would happen between Grace and Eli?
ERW: It'll be interesting to see what happens. I think it would be a little weird for them to get together, but it's interesting. It would be nice to see Grace get her wish, but then again, maybe he will be the one that got away.

From aliban: Wanda says you have an amazing metabolism. But do you have pressure to keep your weight down?
ERW: No, they would never do that. Everybody always asks me how I stay so thin. It's my mother and father. I'm really lucky to have this metabolism. Everybody always says they have to watch their weight. I say, "I don't!" And they say, "I know; go kiss your mother and father!"

From gerald: Do you ever feel you're missing out on the high school experience?
ERW: Sometimes. Everyone always asks about home school and friends. And sometimes I think: Yes, I am missing out on high school, but then I think about what I'm missing it for. Most people would kill someone for this opportunity. And I feel really lucky. I've met most of my friends at acting class. I think I have a pretty good social life.

From ned: How do you bring up those emotions for the show?
ERW: Everybody has had some sort of pain in their life. You kind of have to bring up those feelings for a drama. It's nice to be in a place where you can be raw and cry in front of people.

From jrgriffin: What's in your CD player right now?
ERW: I'm really into Linkin Park. All the new stuff--No Doubt, Pink and then older stuff like the Beatles and Simon and Garfunkel.

From yokelcletus: How close was the show to cancellation? And how relieved were you when it was picked up? Is it a full season?
ERW: It was really close. At the end of the season, none of us knew if we were going to get picked up or not. So, on the final day, we were all crying. Billy was sobbing. We thought it was the end. When I found out it got picked up, I was so relieved. I think a lot of people can relate to it. And it's been picked up for a full season.

From bently317: Can you describe some of Billy's practical jokes? It sounds like a fun set!
ERW: He's known for touching your shirt and flicking your nose. I can't even think of all of the other ones, but we are getting him back.

From evenstar1400: Hey Evan--just wanna know if you have a boyfriend.
ERW: Yes. He's here, actually. I met him in acting class. We've been together for a month, but we've known each other for three years. Most of my friends are from my acting class.

From juan: Have you ever heard yourself speaking a different language (on the show in another country)?
ERW: No, I've never seen the episodes in a dubbed language. But I've seen myself when I had a different voice on the Practical Magic DVD. I didn't sound like me. But I was like, Look how well I speak French!

From bently317: How similar/different are you to/from Jesse?
ERW: Besides the whole eating-disorder thing, I'm actually really similar. Jesse is smart and easygoing. I'm probably more wild...more of a daredevil. I'd really like to see Jesse become more like me, because she keeps everything inside. I'm more open.

From bently317: What's the hardest part of your job?
ERW: Probably the early mornings and the long hours. You don't get to spend as much time with your family and friends as you want, so that's hard.

From Wanda: Do you have any upcoming projects?
ERW: I just finished a movie in Utah called The Secret Keepers. My other project is with Al Pacino. It's about this director, Valentino, and he has no leading lady for his next movie. So, he puts in a computer-generated woman. I play Lainie, his daughter, who sort of figures it all out.

From Wanda: What was it like working with Al?
ERW: It kind of puts the pressure on--acting with Al Pacino. It definitely made it easy that he made me feel so comfortable. He really stays in character, even when he's not acting. I learned so much.

From larrypigtails: If you could work with anyone, who would it be?
ERW: Definitely Meryl Streep or Jodie Foster. Or Robert De Niro. The list goes on and on!

From Wanda: And if you had to pick your upcoming love interest, who would it be?
ERW: Gosh, I don't know. There aren't really that many actors my age to choose from. But I'd love to have one of my friends in there. Or my boyfriend, of course!

From evanichole: What would you like to have happen to Jesse?
ERW: Definitely get better. I want to see her healthy. But also, I'd love to see her get over her problems with Grace and form a bond with her. She has never really had a sister before, so I'd like to see her develop a positive relationship and get to experience that.

From christi: How is it to work with Sela Ward?
ERW: It's great. Sela is so nice. She's from Mississippi, so she's a nice Southern woman. I've never met anyone like her. She helps me with my lines, and she's great.

From henriey: What are the fans like? Do you get a lot of reaction? How is it?
ERW: I love it. I love it when fans come up to me and say they watch the show. I love getting stopped and signing autographs. It reminds you that millions of people are actually out there watching this thing we're creating. It's easy to lose sight of that sometimes, when you're on set a lot. And the fans have always been really nice and considerate. I've never been harassed or anything. No stalkers.

From narlieee: Do you keep in touch with Kevin Bacon? What's he like?
ERW: I haven't seen him since Digging to China. My mom went to go see him at the Troubadour, but I was too young to get in! Yeah, he's Mr. Cool, Mr. Kevin Bacon. But totally nice and funny and a brilliant actor.

From Wanda: Did you ever get to cut loose--footloose--with him?
ERW: Actually, yes. It's the best story. When we had the opening party for the movie. They showed part of Footloose on a big screen, and I pushed him out to make him dance, and he dragged me with him! I was out there, dancing with Kevin Bacon! I couldn't wait to get home and brag to all my friends! [Laughs.]

[ from Sue -- one little addition : ]
From meghanstar: Maybe you can tell us, Wanda, what's up with Grace and Eli? Please tell me the writers are finding a way to get them together!
Wanda: I hear: Slooow flirtation and, most likely, an unrequited love for Gracearooni __August 13, 2001 E!online