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TV Guide Marin Hinkle Chat Notes, April 27, 2000

Although TV Guide Online had a "Chat" with Marin Hinkle (Judy Brooks)on Thursday, April 27, 2000, it appears that they are extremely slow in posting an official transcript of that Chat.

Fortunately, one of our fansofonceandagain/contributors to the web site not only was present at the Chat, but took notes. The following are Sue's words, thoughts and notes from that night:

Sue's Preface: Since I made notes that night, I'll report much of what she chatted about. This is just reporting, not verbatim (unless you see the quotation marks!).

Marin thanked everyone for having her. "I'm honored that you are here."

First comment/question was how much Marin and Sela were enjoyed in their scenes together. How did they get along offscreen? MH said she adored Sela, she truly was an inspiration in her life, a mentor of sorts. It was a "very easy-going, sensitive, and supportive relationship.... A great, generous gift Sela gives me -- she teaches me.." about balancing life and work, how that is like a "tension"... MH said they were combative onscreen, but not in real life. "I really have to pretend!" said she.

Marin was asked about her hiatus plans. She said she was back living in NY, and had started shooting a small role in an indy film (with Chris Eigeman). She mentioned completing an episode of "Law and Order" the previous week, in which she plays a bookstore owner! MH said she had scenes with all the cast, who were "so funny and professional".. Also, she was doing a play called "Blue Window" with a group of friends.

MH was asked -- if she could guess, how would Judy spend these summer months? She hadn't thought of that, but she thinks there's a part of Judy that's on the road to self-discovery (mentioning her unhappy relationship with the married Sam). Her dream job would be to go somewhere like Europe and have "some crazy adventures", meet people in pubs and see castles and old bookstores. "She (Judy) would want to get away from it all."

It was asked if most scenes are done with one take? Marin replied that because there are so many pages and only 8 days, the takes are minimal -- 1-4, or 5.

When asked about her name, Marin said that her name is Norwegian and a derivative of Mary. Her grandmothers were named MARgaret and marlaN... Her name is pronounced with a hard "A", as in MARin.

MH was asked about the literary references in "O&A"... were there plans for these to continue to be used? She said that nobody's ever said, but if audiences respond, they will continue.

Marin was asked about the use of inside jokes during the filming. Her favorite was when Winnie Holzman appeared. There she (MH) was sitting next to "MY BOSS!", and she (WH) was so nervous about performing and kept calling for another take. Marin also mentioned Marshall Herskovitz playing a doctor in the episode in which her father dies---that he had to audition! She said these felt like family moments, WH and Marshall acting right next to you... "I love that.."

Marin was asked if it was true that Paul Mazursky petitioned the cast to stay on the show. "I didn't hear that." She said he joked about a "twin" who would come back, some long-lost brother from Italy.

Does she visit the ABC (or other) boards? "I am horribly embarrassed to say that I don't own a computer." She's intrigued to know what is said, but she never goes there. "SO," she said, "If there are any questions you have to ask me, THIS IS YOUR CHANCE!"

MH spoke of only 3 big-budget films she has made, but in all of them she has played characters "that are not in this time." As in "Frequency" -- she plays someone who gets killed 20 years ago."

The question was asked about what favorite books she likes from the bookstore. Marin responded that there's no time on the set to read the books, but sometimes she skims through books in the kids section, for friends' babies. She loves "Make Way for Ducklings," all of Dr.Seuss, and lots of Shel Silverstein.

What would you like to have happen to your character next year? MH answered that it might "be fascinating to deal with some issues of pregnancy.. This is NOT a hint!" But, because Judy's involved with a married man, MH would really love for her to have a happy and fulfilling relationship. Her fear is that Judy tends to not have the good happen to her. She's seen her sister have so much joy.......

In signing off, Marin said she would like to do another chat and keep people posted with what's going on.