The Nanny Smutfic!

(All of these so far are N/CC in content -
M/F story submissions welcomed as well as more N/CC ones!)

Born To Be Wild

Written By: IvanaBgood

Niles’ past catches up with him and along with it some
surprises for CC, Fran, and the rest of the Sheffields.

One Night

Written By: IvanaBgood & Mara Adler

Niles and CC decide that there is only one thing they can do to
get past *that* kiss they shared - one night together.

The Chair

Written By: Maxie

The missing scenes from 'Fran Gets Mugged'

The Nose Knows

Written By: CD

Continuation from dance scene in 'The Nose Knows'

The Nose Knows - Part II

Written By: CD

Continuation of the morning after from dance scene in 'The Nose Knows'

Continuation of 'Once A Secretary'

Written By: Mara Adler

On this day, CC gets the better of Niles.

Playing Games

Written By: IvanaBgood

Max finally sees the light and it's shining upon CC.
But will Niles stand by and let this happen?

Love in the Afternoon

Written By: Maxie

The many uses of a feather duster - Niles knows all of them!

The Room

Written By: IvanaBgood

An overcrowded room and an overheated couple.
Niles and CC make the best of the situation.

CC's Lesson

Written By: Selina

*SLASH - Yes, you read correctly. This is a story concerning some male bonding.
I'm an equal opportunity site. Grittily told right off the bat - you've been warned!

The Gamble

Written By: Mara

Niles and C.C. make a bet with one another.
Will decisions be reached and desires be met?

If anyone would like to submit a story that you've written, please do.
If the author would like to remain anonymous, that could be arranged.
I have been doused with the anti-kibitzing ray and am Yenta-free.

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