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Giles Quotes
Buffy: "Have I ever let you down."
Giles: "Do you want me to answer that, or do you just want me to glare?"
from "The Dark Age

Giles: "Two more of the brethren came, but I was more that a match for them."
Buffy: "Meaning?"
Giles: "I hid."
from "Never Kill a Boy On the First Date"

Buffy: "It's not noise, it's music."
Giles: "I know music. Music has notes. This is noise."
Buffy: "I'm areobicizing. I must have the beat."
Giles: "Wonderful. You work on your muscle tone while my brains dribble out my ears."
from "The Dark Age"

Xander: "Giles lived for school. He's still bitter there were only twelve grades.
Buffy: He probably sat in math thinking, "There should be more math! This could be mathier."
Willow: "Come on. You don't think he ever got restless as a kid?"
Buffy: "Are you kidding? His diapers were made of tweed."
from "The Dark Age"

Buffy: "I was a little sloppy on the roundhouse. You want me to do it again?"
Giles: "No, that's fine. You run along to class and I'll wait for the feeling to return to my arms."
from "The Pack"

Oz Quotes
Willow: "Do you guys have a...gig tonight?'
Oz: "Practice. The band's kind of moving toward this new sound where we suck. So, practice."
from "Surprise"

Xander: "Vampires are real; lot of 'em live in Sunnydale. Willow'll fill you in."
Willow: "I know it's hard to accept at first...."
Oz: "No, actually, it explains a lot...."
from "Surprise"

Oz: "Who is that girl?"
from "Halloween"

Villains Quotes
Spike: " Humans, they're like happy meals with legs."
from "Becoming, Part 2'

Spike: "Are we feeling better then?"
Drusilla: " I'm naming the stars."
Spike: "Can't see the stars, love. That's the ceiling. Also, it's day."
Drusilla: "I can see them. But I've named them all the same name, and there's terrible confusion. I fear there may be a duel."
from "Innocence"

Spike: You have your way with him (Giles), you'll never get to destroy the world. And I don't fancy spending next month trying to get librarian out of the carpet."
from "Becoming, Part 2'