Why Not?
By: Lydia

Diclamer: The characters and events in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author. "The Pretender" is a protected trademark of MTM and NBC television, and the characters of that series are used here with no mean intent or desire for remuneration.


Ms Parker closed the door with a snap. "Why me? It was his fault! Shit! This wack just brassily smirk! *He* missed Jarod today! *He* failed all operation, not me! I almost could see how my heel crashed into his face..." She grinned pleased.

Or maybe I'd beat him a little bit below. Ms Parker nearly felt herself happy. It was just dreams, but her fave ones.

She took a bath , almost relaxed. "I have to sleep. I have to forget about Center, daddy... Daddy .Why he didn't say anything to Lyle? I saw he was so upset, and he didn't even tell off this b... . Of course, out new mommy is innocence itself, the blessed virgin Mary! I need to smoke". She nervously ferreted in her handbag, in pockets... everywhere.

"Where is the hell my pack of cigarettes?!" Ms Parker sat down at bed , took a deep breath.

"I'm calm, really calm, absolutely calm... I'd kill all of them!!! No, I just try to be calm, I need to have good rest coz I didn't sleep last night".

She got to bed. Closed her beautiful but very tired eyes. "_ Deep_ _breath _ , and again... _deep_ _brea...."

"What the hell! How could I sleep? I can't! Well, maybe if I find any documents about Lyle's dirty business I'll feel better (I'm sure such dirty psycho have something at the Center )". Ms Parker got in car, started it ... but after she drove a few miles something happened. She swore a profane oath.

"Is any taxi here at that time? Or I just sick at this measly hole? Leastways I can drink at this squalid nightspot and besides I'm starving".

It was very strange bar. But soft light, pleasant atmosphere were very relaxing and Ms Parker felt there comfortable. She ordered some meal and sat behind little stage . Actually it was strip bar. Show began 10 min later. With saucer eyes Ms Parker stared at one guy. Of course she saw a lot of men in her life, but this one was her ideal . It was _Jarod_ . She could see almost *all* his well-muscled perfect body. Before that she just could imagine what was hidden under black leather jacket and jeans (she thought about it so many times!). He moved very slinky. Ms Parker enjoyed situation she found herself in. Jarod was really good pretender.

But unfortunately she was too excited and woke up. Ms Parker rolled over in bed, trying to lie comfortable and see the rest of this dream . Maybe it'll be continued

Part 2