Feel So Right
By: G. Barton

It had been the biggest snow storm of year. Parker couldn't believe her lover actually got stuck in the house with her. She was so happy that no one could visit cause of all the ice on the roads. She loved the idea of having him all to herself.

"Jarod!" She called out as she put her jacket over her two layers of clothes.

"Mmm." He entered the living room.

"Are you ready?"

"Yeah. I have been waiting on you." He opened the door and they went out into the snow.

"Let's make a snowman." She said as she picked up some snow and made it into a small ball.

"I have better idea." He also had a small ball of snow in his hands.


"Let's have a snowball fight." He threw the ball of snow at her and hit her right in the face.

"Jarod!" She yelled.

He laughed as she wiped the snow.

"That's not fair!" She threw the small ball that was in her hand and quickly picked up some more snow to throw.

"You missed." He laughed again as he watched her grab more snow. "You can't catch me!" He yelled as he took off running across the frozen yard.

"Wanna bet?" She chased after him.

As he ran to keep her from catching him, he hit a slick spot of ice and tried to keep his balance. Parker laughed as she watched him fall to the ground.

"Hey, that's not funny."

"I'm sorry." She laughed even harder. She reached her hand out. "Would you like help getting up?"

Jarod stretched his hand out and grabbed her, pulling her down to the ground. She fell in his lap.

"Hey!" She said as she looked into his eyes.

"What?" He gave her an innocent look.

"I was just trying to help you." She tried to get up but Jarod pulled her back down.

"What's your hurry?" He leaned in and kissed her.

"It's cold on the ground."

Jarod picked up some more snow and put it down her jacket and both layers of clothes.

"Jarod!" She screamed. "That's it." She jumped up and packed snow into hard balls. She began throwing them one at a time.

"I'm sorry." He yelled as every one of them hit him in the face.

"How do you like that?" She smirked. She turned her back to grab some more snow when Jarod came up behind her. He grabbed her waist, spinning her around. He laid a kiss on her cold lips.

"What do you say we go in for some hot cocoa?"

"You givin' up so soon?" She grinned.

"If you want to stay outside where it is cold that is fine by me but I thought we could go inside where it is warm and..."

"Ok." She stopped him from finishing his sentence. "Let's go." She took his hand and lead him in.

They began peeling clothes off of each other. Jarod gave Parker another kiss as they made it to the fireplace.

"Stand here." Jarod told her as he went into the other room to get a blanket. He wrapped it around them, tightly. They took a seat on the floor. Jarod put one arm around her as she moved closer to him.

"I'm glad you are here." She looked up at him.

"Me too. I would hate to know that you were alone in the worst snow storm ever."

Parker watched him as he stared into the fire. "I love you." She turned his head towards hers.

"Mmm." He looked down into her blue eyes. "I love you too."

"Jarod, what is wrong?"


"You seem so distance."

"I'm sorry. I just have some things on my mind."

"Like what?" She asked as she cocked her head.

"Us." He smiled.

"Us?" She answered.

"Yeah." He pulled her closer to him. Parker pulled away long enough to straddle him.

"Us as in you and me." She smiled as she planted her lips onto his.

He let out a grunt as she pushed him to the floor. He wrapped his arms around her. Running his hands through her hair and down her face as she continued to kiss him. Her hands began to wander down his chest and to his waist. She could feel him getting harder by the touch. She shifted her body to fit his. It was the puzzle piece that began to fit into place. Her lips moved down his neck and to his chest. Her tongue ran over one nipple. As Jarod went to touch her, her teeth racked across his chest just barely breaking the skin. He flipped her over slowly, brushing his lips over every inch of her body. He wanted to take her in, inch by inch. She let out a soft moan as he found his way to her breast. She wrapped her arms around his head trapping him there for a while. As he played with each breast, Parker held him tighter and tighter. She didn't want to let him go. She missed him so much and hated to think about the snow leaving soon. She wanted to be trapped with him forever.

Jarod glanced up into her eyes. It was like looking into a wall of pain. He knew what she was thinking without even asking. He couldn't believe this was the same woman he knew a few years back. A woman of deceit. The same woman that he showed love to.

He made his way back to her lips, giving her one more long kiss. "Let's run away together." He spat out.

"What?" She gave him a look but it wasn't the look he was hoping for.

"Let's get out of here. Go away...where we can never be found." He raised up from her body.

"I think the cold has gone to your head." She laughed.

Jarod propped his head up with his hand. "I'm serious."

"Really? Us....you and me...just leave."

"Tomorrow." He stared into her eyes. "What do you say?"

"I...I don't know. It's such short notice."

"If we wait the sooner they will find out about us."

She shifted her weight so Jarod would let her up. He watched her as she left him lying on the floor. She returned shortly with a robe on.

"I..." She let out a deep sigh.

"It's ok. We can wait if you want." He could tell she hesitated to go. He held out his hand for her to lay down with him again. She took the offer. Jarod wrapped his arms around her body as she laid her head down on his chest. She stared into the fire like it was an interesting show on TV.


The next thing Jarod knew it was morning and Parker wasn't in his arms. He sat up, searching the room to discover she wasn't there.

"Parker?" He called out.

"Are you going to sleep all day?" She entered the room with fresh clean clothes on. By the look of her, she had just taken a shower.

"How long have you been up?" He stretched.

"A while." She smiled as she bent down to him.

He could smell the fragrance of the soap. "You didn't wake me for a shower?" His smile turned to a frown.

"I'm sorry. I wanted to get ready so we could get going."

"Going?" He had a funny look on his face.

"Yeah. You said something about getting out of here. Did you change your mind?"

"No." He jumped up with excitement. "Give me five minutes." He took off toward her bedroom.

"You have ten." She picked up the blanket and began to fold it. She put everything up and made sure the fire was out. She didn't want any sign of Jarod being there.

He returned shortly. "Are you serious? You are going?"


Jarod couldn't believe she was going away with him. He pulled her closer to him. He gave her a kiss.

"If you want to get started before anyone has a chance to be on the roads, then we better get going."

"I'm ready." He grabbed his bag and hers. "Are you sure?" He watched as she stared into her empty house again.

"Yeah." She shut the door.

Jarod took her hand as they walked off the porch and to the four wheeled vehicle in her yard. He helped her in then went to his side. Parker stared back toward her house until it faded out of sight.

"Are you ok?" Jarod glanced over at her.

"Yeah." She wiped the tears that were falling down her cheek. She took his hand into hers. "We are starting over and that is all that matters." She smiled.

The End!