The Hard, Fast, Short, and Sweet Series
Author's Note

Hello everyone! My name is A. Price and I write stories occasionally for my sister Gena. In my stories for some reason, Jarod and Miss Parker usually find themselves in let's say compromising positions. Enjoyable but compromising. After reading them over again, I decided to add this little Authors Note to my stories -

Although it is never mentioned, Miss Parker and Jarod do practice safe sex. You don't realize it, but around the from that infamous alley in Chase Jarod, there is an EZ Mart, Jarod stopped there first. And before he entered that elevator in Love in an Elevator he went to the gas station restroom across the street. And before he entered the tent in The Great Outdoors he had made a visit to the pharmacy down the road from the campsite. Okay, I'm covered here - enjoy the stories!


Chase Jarod!
Love in a Elevator
The Great Outdoors
Never Trust A Used Car Saleman
A Buffet to Remember!
Tunnel of Love
A Christmas Story

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