Silent Auction
By: G. Barton

Rock and Soul Museum
Memphis, Tennessee

A tall man dressed in black dress pants and a white shirt was walking from one table to another looking at the art displayed for sale. He turned to face the next table when he bumped into a dark haired woman wearing a short black strapless dress with a shawl draped across her shoulders.

"Excuse me." He said as she turned around.

She smiled at the gentleman.

"Parker?" He couldn't believe his eyes.

"Jarod." Her smile grew wider.

"What are you doing here?"

"I should be asking you the same thing."

"I helped by putting the art work together for the charity auction. You?"

"I went to college with Mr. Robinson's son."

"That still doesn't tell me what you are doing here." He looked her over.

"I was searching for a new piece of art for the house." Her eyes watched his. "What are you doing?"

"I'm making sure there is no way you can be carrying a gun." He grinned back at her. "Are you alone?" He peeked over the bars by the table.

"You mean as in...sweepers?" She loved watching him squirm.


"Relax. I'm alone....tonight." She whispered. She could see his muscles relax.

"Oh good." He said softly to himself.


"Oh, nothing." He pushed one arm open to clear the way from the crowd.

A short man with a receding hair line walked up to the couple.

"Jarod, I would like you to meet someone. Is this a good time?"

Parker shook her head to let him know it was fine with her.

"Yeah." Jarod followed the man to the other side of the room.

"Jarod, this is Mike Fletcher. He was in charge of getting the right people here, if you know what I mean." His arm hit against Jarod's.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Jarod's eyes stayed focused on Parker. He watched her talk to Mr. Robinson and a younger man. He assumed it was his son. Jarod heard him talk about his son a lot but never got the chance to meet him.

As the group of men talked and laughed, a young couple walked up.

"Mr. Fletcher, you have out done yourself here tonight."

"Well, thank you. I knew if we wanted to make money for the charity we would have to invite the right people." He joked.

"It looks like it is going well."

"Yes. I'm very happy at how it turned out."

Jarod glanced over the couple's shoulder to find Parker gone. "Excuse me. I see someone I need to talk to." Jarod left the group talking among themselves.

He walked over to the bar. "Excuse me, did see where the lady went that was standing here?"

"I believe she went down stairs. She was asking about the wine. We only serve beer on this floor."

"Thank you." Jarod was trying to make his way toward the stairs when a small group of five stood in his way. He looked up at the stair case above him. He was blocked off by the bar. Then he noticed the black metal bars. He walked over to the rail and stared down to find her standing alone next to the wall. Jarod pulled out his cell phone and began dialing.


"Try the Chardonnay. I hear it is very sweet."

Parker looked up to see Jarod staring down at her. "And how would you know?"

"It's just a rumor." He smiled back.

"Then why don't you join me?" She hung up the phone and watched him as he made his way down the stairs and toward her.

"I thought you would never ask." He whispered in her ear.

"The Merlot is good, if you like red wines." She said as they made their way to the bar set up in the center of the room.

"I like sweeter things." A small grin formed at the edge of his lips.

After they got two glasses of wine from the bartender, Jarod placed his hand on the small of her back and lead her out of the crowd.

Jarod's eyes scanned the room. "What do you say we get out of here?"

"And go where?"

"The Peabody."

"A hotel? Well, aren't you brave boy genius?"

"I mean we could talk."

"In a hotel room. I don't think you have talking on your brain."

"Dessert. I mean we could have dessert."

"And what would be for or you?"

Jarod's face turned red and he could feel the sweat forming on his body. "I mean we could go the restaurant in the hotel and get a bite to eat."

"I was hoping for the other." She turned to set her empty glass down on the table. "Let's go."

He let out a big sigh of relief before he caught what she had said. Then he smiled.


Jarod drove them to the Peabody. He opened the door for her as they entered the hotel.

"Now, aren't you the gentleman tonight." Parker responded as they walked down the hallway and to the restaurant.

"I have learned a lot since I have been free from the Centre." He said as they waited to be seated.

The hostess seated them at a table in the far corner.

"Thank you." She said as Jarod pulled the seat out for her.

"You're welcome." He sat across from her.

As they waited for their order, Jarod thought now would be a good time to start a conversation.

"So tell me well do you know Mr. Robinson's son?"

"Brian and I go way back. We dated in college."


"Yeah. You know when two people go out and enjoy each others company."

"I know what it means I was just wondering how long."

"Just a few times."

"You broke his heart."


"Then what happen?"

"You sure do ask a lot of questions."

The waiter brought their order and asked if they needed anything else before leaving them alone again.

"I'm sorry. It's just I'm trying to start a pleasant conversation." Jarod picked up his fork and began to eat the carrot cake that was in front of him.

"What do you say we talk about something else?" Parker asked as Jarod had a funny look on his face. "What is it?"

"I thought it would have big chunks of carrots in it."

Parker laughed. "Big chunks of carrots?"

"Yeah. I did order carrot cake."

"Jarod, you would think as long as you have been away from the Centre you would know more than you do." She laughed again.

He sat his fork down and stared at her.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't help it." She could see in his face he wanted to pout. "Try some of my cheese cake. You will like it." She scooted the plate over next to him.

"Cheese cake? Does it have cheese in it?"

"Yes. Cream cheese."

"Cream cheese? I don't think I have ever had that." He smiled at her.

"Try it."

"Mmm." He licked his lips. "That's good." He ate the rest of her dessert.

Parker stared into his brown eyes and wondered if he would ever grow up into a man. But then again most of the men she knew that had lived outside the Centre still hadn't grown up.

"What?" He asked as he noticed she was staring.

"Nothing. Let's get out of here."

"Where do you want to go?"

"I don't care."

Jarod waved for the check and paid. They walked through the rest of the down stairs of the Peabody. They came to a big party in the main lobby.

"What to join them?" Parker asked as she turned to see Jarod's face.

"We weren't invited."

"So, I bet they don't know half the people here."

"I don't think it's a good idea."

"Come on Jarod." She grabbed his hand and pulled him into the crowd.

A man wearing a cowboy shirt and jeans walked up to them.

"I told you..." Jarod started whispering when Parker nudge him.

"Hi. So, you know Pam and Jerry."

"Well, not actually. I know her sister. We went to school together." Parker replied.

"Oh, I didn't you know you knew Brenda."

"Yeah. We lost touch after graduation. How is she anyway?"

"Fine. She not here yet. You know Brenda....always wanting to make a late appearance."

"I see she hasn't changed a bit." Parker joked.

Jarod jabbed Parker in the lower back.

"Well, it was nice meeting you....?"

"Aaron." The man extended his hand to her.

"I see some more people I want to talk to."

"Nice meeting you too."

The couple walked off.

"Her sister?" Jarod whispered. "How did you know she had a sister?"

"I didn't." Parker smiled as they came to another couple standing by the statue with the water pouring out of it.

"And what would you have done if he said 'what sister'?"

"I would have came up with something else." They kept walking until Parker spotted the bar. "Let's get a drink."

"A drink? I think we should get out of here." He grabbed her arm, hoping to hold her back.

"After we have a drink." She broke loose.

Jarod threw his arms in the air and followed her.

"Vodka on the rocks." She told the bartender.

"One drink." Jarod said as he caught up with her.

"Want something?" She asked.


"Oh, come on. Don't quit on me now, Jar."


She took her drink and down it. "I'll have another."

The bartender poured her another one.

"I thought you said 'one drink'."

"I'm waiting on you to have the one drink." She faced him.

"Fine." He turned toward the bartender. "I'll have the same."

Parker laughed.

"What's so funny?"

"You and vodka?"

"I've had vodka before thank you very much." He turned around and looked into the crowd of people. He saw Aaron and a woman approaching them.

"Let's go."

"Why? I'm starting to have fun."

"Then you better think of what you want to say to Brenda."

"Brenda? Who's Brenda?"

"Pam's sister."

"Pam's....oh shit." Parker finished her drink.

Jarod down his drink as he took her by the hand and made their way out of the crowd and toward the front doors.

"How about a walk?" Jarod asked as he got her outside.

"Sure." They walked down the sidewalk. They didn't get very far when they came to construction work. As they turned around to head back toward the car, it began to rain.

"Great. Rain." Parker held her hand out to feel the water droplets fall.

"Are you cold?"

"I'm fine."

He saw the goose bumps on her bare skin. He pulled her closer to him.

"Jarod, I said I was fine." She jerked away.

"Sorry. I just didn't want you to catch a cold."

Neither of them said a word as they reached the car. Jarod opened the car door for her. Then he went to the other side.

"Where are you staying? I'll take you back." He asked as he started the engine.

"The Hilton." She kept her eyes focused on the road in front of her.

"The Hilton?"

"Yeah, why is there a problem?"

"No, we are staying at the same hotel." He chuckled.

"How come I haven't ran into you before now?"

"Luck I guess." He snickered.

It was a quite ride to the hotel. Jarod parked the car and they walked up to her room. She unlocked her door and Jarod stood in the doorway.

"I guess you will be safe from here."

"You aren't coming in?"

"Are you inviting me?"

She stood with the door open, waiting.

"I guess I could stay a little while." He walked in and sat down on the bed. "So, what's next?"

Parker hung her shawl on the back of a chair. "A bath. I'm cold." She walked into the bathroom and turned on the water. Jarod sat on the edge of the bed as he grabbed the TV remote. He heard the water stop. Parker stood in the doorway. "Are you going to join me or would you rather watch TV?" She walked back in the bathroom.

Jarod hit the power button and quickly joined Parker in the bathroom. When he got to the door he saw her black dress on the floor and her in the tub covered in bubbles.

"Well?" She asked, waiting on a decision.

He unbutton his shirt as he kicked his shoes off. He sat down on the toilet, pulling his socks off. He stood to unzip his pants and started to pull them off when he realized what he was about to do. His eyes focused on Parker.

"What?" She waited.

"I can't."


"Yeah, could you please turn around?"

"What? You can't be serious."

"Please." He pleaded.

Parker rolled her eyes as she turned around in the tub. She heard the water splash when he got in the tub.

"Now, can I turn around?"


Parker turned to see the pretender, boy wonder, lab rat as she called him, sitting across from her in the bath tub. Neither of them said a word. They just stared across from each other.

Finally, Jarod couldn't take it. "What did you have in mind?"

"A bath. A nice, long, hot bath."

Jarod watched her lips as she said 'hot'. He snatched her leg that was laying next to his body and pulled her closer to him.

"And what do you have on your mind?" She asked as her face was inches from his.

"The same as you." Their eyes never left the others.

"And how do you know what is on my mind is the same as yours?" She answered softly.

He leaned in closer to touch her lips. Her fingertips came between their lips. Jarod hung his head down for a moment then he looked back up at her.

"What do you want, Parker? Tell me. Do you want me to stay or leave?"


She stared into his brown eyes as he wrapped on arm around her waist and the other one found a breast. His thumb rubbed her nipple gently as she rest her head next to his neck. She kissed him softly on the neck then up to his ear.

"I want you, Jarod." She whispered as her lips found his. She moved her body to where she was sitting his lap. She wrapped both arms around his neck. She wanted her body to be as close to his as possible.

He ran one hand down her back to position her steady on his lap. His lips stay connected to hers as Jarod ran his hands back up to her breast. He then moved to her neck and down her chest. Parker leaned her head back giving him full access to her. As his lips found a nipple a moan escaped from her lips.

She ran her right hand down his hairy chest as her head came forward again.

"Jarod." She moaned.


"The water is getting cold. Maybe we should take this to the bed." Her hands taken the hair on his head.

He didn't answer. He just kept playing with one breast.

Parker pulled him away. Her hands clutched his face to where their eyes met again. She extracted herself from his body and stood. Picking up a towel and throwing one at him. He caught it as he followed her out. He barely toweled off the water before he took her into his arms and carried her to the doorway. He stopped to kiss her when she fell from his arms. He backed her against the cold wall. He lifted her to where she could wrap her legs around his waist.

Jarod's hand moved due south and stopped after his finger entered inside of her. Then he moved his hand back and forth against her.

She clutched the edge of the doorway with her hands as Jarod brushed his lips against her breast and down to her stomach. Parker felt the stumble of his fresh growing beard touch her neck as his lips kept moving up to her right ear. She took her hands and grabbed his face to where they looked each other in the eyes. Then she opened her mouth and took his lips into hers. Their tongues fighting for control of the kiss. He broke lose to get a tighter grip on her body as she began to slide down from the wall.

He carried her from the bathroom to the bed. He laid her down gently as she pulled him down onto her.

"Jarod...." Her voice trailed off as he pressed firmly against her body.

"What?" He breathed heavily between kisses.

"Nothing." She lost her train of thought when she felt his hardness push down deeply into her.

She dug her nails into his back as he moved back and forth onto her. His soft hands moved up her body again to only stop and play with a nipple before sucking lightly. Her fingertips ran along his jawline becoming between his lips and her nipple. He took one of her fingers in his mouth. He glanced back up at her. She licked her lips as she watched him. He turned his focus back to her body when she pulled him back up toward her. She ran her tongue up his neck and to his lips. He felt her nipples pressed against his chest as she turned him over.

He watched her as she matched his every move. She kissed him on the cheek before she raised up. Jarod ran his hands down her body to keep a steady hold on her hips. After a few moans escaped both their lips, she fell down on him.

She stared deep into his eyes and knew they both had stumbled onto something more. "Jarod..." She spoke barely over a whisper.

"Shh..." His fingers stopped her.

She kissed his hand, knowing he understood what she wanted to say.

He wrapped his arms around her sweaty body. She placed her face down on his right shoulder as her fingers playfully circled one of his nipples before a nail scraped one of his hairs. She laid there for ten minutes fiddling with his chest before either of them spoke.

"When do you have to leave?" He finally broke the silence.

"Tomorrow." She raised up.

"Then I guess we better make the best of it." He flipped her over and kissed her one more time before getting up from the bed.

"Now what?" She watched him as he left the room to re-appear with his clothes.

"Let's eat. I'm hungry."

"Food? You are thinking about food." She couldn't believe what he had said. They had just made love and now he wanted food.

"Yeah. If we are going to go again, I'm going to need food. I don't want to get weak on you." He smiled.

Parker chuckled softly as she got up from the bed. She gathered her clothes and dressed. Jarod took her hand as they left the room in search of food.

Part 2