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My Favourite Game

Part Four

By: Tay

***** Disclaimer: I still don't own 'em.

Author's Note: I got some e-mails after the last part expressing some confusion as to what their relationship was all about. I hope this clears some things up. Write me if you have an inspiration for me.

Feedback: It would be nice to have some. I'm a novice, so bear with me.


(Five months ago)

The sky seemed as if it were going to be eternally gray. Storm clouds had easily been blocking out the sun all day and it seemed as if the sky could open up at any moment with sheets of rain. It had been drizzling periodically throughout the day, making it impossible to enjoy the holiday weekend outdoors even though it was warm outside.

Joey couldn't help the hot tears from rolling down her cheeks as she ran into the parking garage. Her entire body was wracked with tears as she got into her car and tried to start the engine. It wheezed and sputtered in response, over and over again. Feeling completely helpless, she slammed her palm against the steering wheel. "Fuck," she muttered. She would have to wait until Tuesday for someone to come and fix her car.

Slowly, she climbed out of her car and resolved to walk home. After all, it was only seven blocks away. The only reason she drove to his apartment today was because she had been running errand all over town. She never expected to find him going at it in his living room with his neighbor.

Of course he would go for her over me. She's a fucking model, and I'm…me. I guess I can't blame him for…Damnit! It wasn't meant to be like this. I was supposed to find my soulmate, we were supposed to be married, and…he moved to Chicago right after he betrayed me and stomped all over my heart. God! Why do I keep finding all the losers? Obviously, I'm sending out some radar. As if on cue, the rain began to pour. It was like a moment out of a bad nineties film. "Obviously, you think this is some funny joke," she whispered, as she looked heavenward. Within seconds, she was drenched. The warm rain seemed to enjoy pelting her body. Joey didn't try to move any faster; she just took the rain. It almost comforted her. In her mind, at least this way, no one would have to know she was crying. It rained so hard, she didn't know where the rain ended and her tears began.

"Perfect," she growled as she fumbled with the doorknob. It took her a minute before she finally threw the door open and stormed in. Joey sank onto a stool and leaned her elbows against the counter, holding her head in her hands. She continued to shake as she cried.

"My fucking umbrella gave out me. Damn! And it would rain this hard on the day I decide to go into work on a weekend!" exclaimed Pacey as he peeled his raincoat off. He slammed the door behind him, and still had a scowl on his face as he turned around to find Joey. He walked over immediately when he saw her hunched over. He put his warm hands on her shoulders, and immediately, she turned and wrapped her arms around him.

"Hold me," she managed to squeak out. He pulled out of her hold for a moment, and helped her stand up.

"Okay, let's just go over here," he said as he maneuvered her over to their couch. As he sunk down into the plush cushions, she returned to his arms, and held on even tighter. "Tell me."

"I never thought I would ever be so weak," she cried. "I hate him, Pace. He wasn't supposed to break my heart."

"Sean," he breathed angrily. "What did he do to you?"

"Only something terribly cliché. I went over to his apartment only to find him having sex with his slutty next door neighbor." She sighed as she felt Pacey's hand stroking her hair, and wiping her tears away with his thumb.

"I'm so sorry, Jo. I…I would find some more comforting words to say to you, but all I've got in my arsenal are bits of misplaced sarcasm and maybe some promises to break some bones at your command," he said gently. His last comment managed to make her laugh slightly. Joey drew away from him, so she was just leaning on his shoulder, and his arm was securely around her waist.

"Which bones?"

"Anyone you want. I aim to please," he grinned.

"I'll keep that in mind," she sighed. "What's wrong with me, Pace? Do I have some bastard beacon?"

"Of course not. There's nothing wrong with you," he said, squeezing her shoulder. "Just look on the bright side. After kissing so many slimy frogs, your Prince Charming has to be right around the corner."

Joey smiled, and gazed up at her roommate. "Thanks Pacey. You always know the perfect thing to say," she said, kissing his jaw. "Let's go get trashed tonight."

"Trashed? She who does not drink wants to get swilly? Well, well. He must have actually meant something to you," he said.

"Shut up," said Joey, jabbing him in the side. "We going or not?"

"You know I would never miss a chance to get you drunk so I could take advantage of you. But first, I'd like to request that you shower and change. I will not go out with someone who looks like a drowned rat."

Joey looked down at her clothes, and remembered how she walked home. "I would come up with a witty reply, but I do need to change," she said standing up.

"Just tell me if you need some company in the tub!" he shouted after her.

"In your dreams, Witter."

"Every night, Jo."


"Okay, that's fine," said Pacey as he grunted, and kicked the door open. Once inside, he collapsed on the couch, letting out a deep breath as he let go of Joey's legs.

"I can't breath," he heard her say from behind him.

"Serves you right for demanding a piggyback ride," he said sitting up. She dramatically took a deep breath and blew it out quickly.

"It's not my fault I can't walk," she said throwing her arms over his shoulders again. Joey placed her cheek against his shoulder blade and sighed.

"But it is your fault we had a drinking contest," he said moving from her hold. Instead he moved so he could lie in her lap. But she would have none of it. She moved from her seat, only to lie down next to him. Pacey snaked his arm around her waist, and rested his chin on her shoulder. Then he reached up to touch his nose, brushing her breasts in the process. "I can't feel my nose." As drunk as Joey was, she felt his touch, and became mildly alert.

"You're just as drunk as I am," she said drowsily. Slowly, he inhaled the sweet scent of jasmine that was infused in her hair and skin.

"You smell so good," he murmured. "It feels good to be in your arms." Joey turned back, and looked into his sleepy eyes. She wasn't sure if it was the effect of the beer goggles she had on or not, but at that moment, Pacey looked incredibly sexy to her. She had to look away.

Unexpectedly, she felt wet lips touch her neck. What began as a sloppy kiss, turned into an incredible sensation. It felt like a hundred butterflies kissing her from the base of her neck to her earlobe. The way he sucked and nibbled on her ear sent a tingly sensation all the way to her toes.

"What are you doing?" she asked dumbly.

"I don't know," he breathed. Using his index finger, he turned her head so she faced him, and he gazed into her eyes. She lost her breath as he eyes continued to bore into hers.

Unable to resist any longer, she reached up and kissed him. As she slipped her tongue into his mouth, he moved so he was now half on top of her. His hand slid up her skirt, and he caressed her thigh. Joey was not so tactful as she ripped his shirt off, sending buttons flying everywhere. Pacey never lost contact with her lips as he pulled his shirt off and tossed it carelessly to the ground. Pacey wrenched his lips away from hers; Joey looked lost, and cursed him for pulling away.

"Maybe we should stop," he mumbled. Joey unbuttoned her own shirt and undid her bra, exposing her supple breasts to him for the first time.

"Or maybe you should shut up and make love to me," she purred. Pacey tried to weigh the pros and a con as quickly as he could in his mind, but his judgement was too clouded for anything to process correctly. The needs of his body won over the miniscule amount of rationality he had left in his brain, and his lips found hers again. Right now, nothing seemed to matter. It was just the two of them in their apartment, and the rain pounding against the windowpanes.


His mouth was dry, and it felt as if it were full of cotton. Pacey opened his eyes, and wasn't the least bit surprised when he saw a female figure lying next to him in bed. But for the life of him, he didn't know her name. Her dark hair was long and thick, and no body had ever made a sheet look better as it carelessly draped over her midsection. As he leaned it to look at her over her shoulder, he caught a whiff of her perfume. It was all too familiar to him.

"Joey," he croaked. She moved then. She rolled onto her back, and snuggled closer to him. Pacey could hardly believe that she was in his bed, but then, everything about the night before hit him with the force of a ton of bricks. As he observed her, he couldn't help but smile as he watched her chest rise and fall, and he reveled in the feeling of her skin under his hand.

His smile disappeared as her eyes snapped open, and she looked horrified. "Pacey?!" She moved away from him, and pulled the sheet over her chest. "What are you doing in my room? Oh god, why am I naked?"

"Look around you, Jo, you're in my room," he said sitting up. He propped one of his pillows against the headboard, and leaned back. "I can hardly believe it myself."

Just like Pacey, it didn't take her long to remember the events of their night. Joey could safely say it was one of her more wild turns in bed. She couldn't help the smile that crept onto her face. But she rapidly lost her smile when her mind kicked into gear.

"What have we done? Do you have any idea what kind of repercussions we have to deal with now? They're astronomical!"

"It doesn't have to be that way."

"Pacey, I don't want to hurt your feelings, and as much as I enjoyed having sex with you, I wish it never happened."

"Thanks for trying so hard to spare my feelings," he said sarcastically.

"I knew it would come out wrong. It's just…well, you have a girlfriend, and I'm just getting over Sean…it just isn't right," she said. "And I love you too much for one night to come between us." Pacey put everything into perspective, and his bitter expression melted away.

"Look, Joey, it doesn't have to be uncomfortable. We can still be friends. One night of passion isn't going to change anything between us, if we don't it to," he said calmly. They both sat still, hating the silence.

"It has changed. Instead of accepting your words, and wanting to jump out of bed, I just want crawl under the sheets and make love to you again," she said softly. "But at the same time, I'm not ready to jump into another relationship."

"It's like you're reading my mind, Jo," he said, laughing nervously. And then she had an epiphany.

"Okay, maybe some wires are crossed in my mind…this might sound ludicrous to you…but…"

"Just spit it out, Potter."

"What if we tune into our needs. I want you, you want me…and we both don't want strings…why can't we just strike a deal?"

"I think I know what you're talking about, but I really need you to clarify for me," said Pacey. She let the sheet fall, and she crept over to him, and straddled his torso.

"I'm saying, we can be friends…with benefits. We can still have sex, but with none of the emotions," she whispered into his ear as she pressed up against him.

"That's an offer I simply can't refuse. But do you think we can really detach ourselves from our feelings?"

"Honestly, Pacey, I'm so horny right now, I can't think straight. We can cross that bridge when we come to it. And we can make rules as we go along."

"I can accept that," he said with a grin. Putting his hands on her waist, he turned her over so she was on her back. "First rule. I'm always on top."

Joey laughed softly, and nodded her head. "Acknowledged."

"Well, let the games begin."


Hope you liked it…I know it's short, but this was written during a hiatus from studying…so…until next time…