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Friends and Lovers

Part One: Joey

by Allegra

Disclaimer: As you probably already know I do not own these characters. Please don’t sue.

Rating: NC-17

Author’s note: This series will be alternately narrated by Joey and Pacey. It begins with Joey.

Feedback: This is my first attempt at fan fiction and I’d love some feedback. Good or bad, send it to


I slide the steamy glass shower door open and unceremoniously drop my thin silk robe to the tiled floor.

“Joey!” he cries in horror, releasing the grip on his hard cock. “What are you doing!?”

“I was cold, Pacey,” I reply innocently, completely unfazed by the situation.

“You startled me.” This is very apparent as his erection quickly begins to fade. I can see his mind racing as he tries to figure out what’s going on.

“Sorry.” I move in closer to get under the spray of hot water. Between the temperature of the water and the view of Pacey’s naked body, I’m warming up quickly.

He looks totally confused as I snuggle into him, kissing the heated skin of his neck. “We don’t want to let this to go to waste, do we?” I ask, taking hold of his partially hard cock and giving it a firm stroke.

He groans loudly and leans into me. “No...” he says, his voice barely more than a whisper, “we don’t.”

“So, show me how you do it,” I say, shifting so that I’m behind him with my chin resting lightly on his left shoulder. I watch the little droplets of water trickle down his hard body.

“You want me to...while you watch???” He looks back at me incredulously as if there has to be some kind of misunderstanding.

“You can say the word Pacey,” I smile, “it’s called masturbating and yes, that’s exactly what I want you to do.”

“I don’t know...”

“Come on baby, please,” I beg, taking his earlobe between my teeth and giving it a gentle nip. “I want to see you come.”

I can tell he has no idea what’s happening. I’m turning him on and freaking him out in equal measure. He stands, silent and still, for a few moments just enjoying the feel of my wet, naked body pressed up against him and the sensation of my warm breath on his neck. Finally, when he simply can not hold back any longer, he reaches out and firmly grasps his hard penis.

“That’s it,” I whisper, sensually tracing his ear with the tip of my tongue.

He works his fist up and down the shaft in a forceful, rhythmic motion. I can tell he’s enjoying this. I too, am finding this whole situation wildly arousing. I run my hands down his muscular back, watching him intently. He won’t be able to last long. This is unlike anything he’s ever experienced.

“Oh, Jo...” he groans as I gently bite into his shoulder.

“You are making me so hot...” I say breathlessly, my hard nipples poking into his back. “Let me see you come...I know you’re close...come on baby, please...”

That does it for him and he climaxes with an intensity that surprises me. Shuddering, he presses back against me. His body feels firm and strong in my arms...completely perfect. I drop soft, tender kisses along his shoulder blades as he works to catch his breath.

“That was fun,” I whisper into his neck.

Then as quickly as it all started, it’s over and he disappears before my eyes.

“Pacey?” I call out, confused. “Pacey?”

My eyes blink open and the sun streaming in through my bedroom window blinds me. Reality rears its ugly head, as it always does, and I’m left feeling completely alone. These damn dreams are becoming a very frequent occurrence. I don’t know why they started. For three years, since graduating from college, I’ve shared a house with Pacey and Dawson. It’s a comfortable, slightly worn looking little place tucked into the hillside of Topanga Canyon. None of us would have been able to afford it alone but together, splitting the rent three ways, we are able to get by pretty good. The rent is still on the high side but it’s worth it to live in such a nice area and not be stuck in some crappy little apartment. Until a month ago everything had been going along very smoothly. We all get along great--it’s almost creepy how easily we fell into the routine of living together-- but then, out of no where, I started having these dreams about Pacey. At first I thought nothing of it, I mean everyone has weird dreams now and then. The thing is these dreams didn’t go away and they kept getting more and more sexual. They became harder to dismiss. Now, thoughts of Pacey creep into my head all the time, when I’m at work or doing the dishes or just trying to get to sleep. I don’t know how to stop them.

I’m suddenly aware of the heavy, muscular arm draped protectively across my naked belly and I remember that Connor, my boyfriend, spent the night. I feel a hundred times more pathetic for having this dream when I’m sleeping in bed next to him. This isn’t the first dream I’ve had about Pacey while sleeping next to my boyfriend and I have a feeling it won’t be the last. What’s wrong with me!?!

Connor McKenna and I have been together for close to 8 months now. We met at The Getty, where I work as a museum educator. Connor’s sister, a 4th grade teacher, brought her class in for one of our guided lessons and Connor was there to help chaperone. We just kind of hit it off. It didn’t hurt that he’s an attractive guy with beautiful brown eyes and sandy blond hair. He’s also an avid surfer, so needless to say he has a very yummy body. Anyway, he came back the next day while I was working, asked me out to lunch and we’ve been together ever since.

Glancing over at him, I’m very aware of how aroused I still am from the dream. Images of Pacey, naked and wet, keep flashing before me. I know that if I make love to Connor right now I’ll be thinking about Pacey. I wish I could say I have the self-control to do the right thing but I don’t. Turning onto my side, I kiss and nuzzle Connor’s neck and let my hand drift under the thin sheet. Slowly he awakens, his eyes squinting as he tries to adjust to the sunlight.

“What time is it?” he groans.

I glance back at my bedside clock, “9 am.”

“Why are you waking me up?” he complains. “It’s too early know...”

I am speechless as I watch him roll onto his side, turning his back to me. It is early for us to be up on a Saturday morning, I realize this, but come on!

“So sorry for bothering you,” I huff, under my breath as I fling my robe on.

“No worries baby,” he mutters sleepily. I have to bite my lip for fear of saying something that I will probably regret later. Now I’m pissed off and horny--a very frustrating combination. Stalking out of my bedroom, I opt for a cold shower...always a lovely way to start the day.


Curled up on our overstuffed couch, I am securely bundled in my robe, drinking my coffee and staring out the window at the bright, papery blossoms of the bougainvillea that is growing wild in our backyard. I glance up as Pacey stumbles out of his bedroom and I blush slightly. I feel like he’ll be able to see right through me...that he’ll know about the dream.

“Morning,” he mumbles, heading straight for the kitchen.

Okay, maybe not...

“Morning,” I reply.

I listen to him rummage around in the kitchen, preparing his coffee, He appears a few minutes later and sits down next to me, sighing loudly We sit silently, drinking our coffee and spacing out together. Finally he turns to me. “Are you hung over too?”

I shake my head. “Just had a really bad night.”

“Connor stay over?” he asks, eyebrows raised. I nod my head. “Trouble in paradise?”

“No, just a bad night, that’s all,” I say and there is a definite harshness to my voice that surprises me, as much as Pacey.

“I’m sorry Jo, I didn’t mean to...”

“It’s okay, I guess I’m a little cranky this morning.” Sexually frustrated is more like it. “So, how was your date last night?

He groans loudly and looks pained. “Oh God, it was Awful! I’m officially taking a hiatus from dating.”

“What happened?” I ask, unable to contain my amused smile. “Where did you take Bunny, or was it Sunny?”

“It was Suzie,” he corrects me, “and I took her to that new little cafe that opened up on Montana and then we went to a movie.”


“And, it was awful.”

“Um, I’m going to need more details.”

“Jo, she had this giggle...” he winces. “It was so horrible and embarrassing...just completely obnoxious. It was kind of high and squeaky. I have to admit that until tonight I thought girls who giggled a little were kind of sexy but Suzie pretty much ruined that for me.”

“What else?” I am enjoying this way too much.

“Well, ask me anything about acrylic nails, I know everything. It seems that Suzie is working on her license to become a manicurist, she even has these really gaudy, pink, glittery nails herself. We spent most of dinner on that topic even though I made several attempts to steer our conversation in other directions. Oh, and she’s also one of those people who can not follow a movie on her own. She kept having to lean over and ask me questions. It was so annoying.”

“Oh God, Pace, where do you meet these girls?”

“Well, Suzie I met at Jake Faller’s birthday party a few weeks ago. She seemed nice enough but I guess I had been downing those Long Island Iced Teas...” Pacey sighs woefully.

“Ah yes, that was the party where you found your date getting it on with the bar tender, right?”

“Yeah, that was the party,” Pacey groans at the memory.

“That’s your problem Pacey. You’ve got to stop dating these kind of women. Give up the exotic dancers and those bleach blond actresses you are always bringing home. If you want a real relationship you need to try a different type of women...preferably one without silicone breasts.”

“Hey!” he cries, nudging me in the arm. “You’re mean...they weren’t all artificially endowed.”

I look at him skeptically. “Whatever you say...”

Connor pokes his head into the living room just then. “Jo, I’m taking a to join me?”

I want to say something stupid and childish, like you snooze you lose, but don’t. Instead I smile and apologetically tell him, “I’ve already showered this morning and my hair’s just about dry.” He nods his head and shuffles into the bathroom.

I can feel Pacey staring at me and when I don’t give him my attention, he pokes my leg. “So shall we talk about your love life now?”

Thankfully Dawson chooses this moment to appear, interrupting us. “Morning,” he greets us tiredly. “Is there anymore coffee?”

“Yep, in the kitchen,” I tell him.

He starts for the kitchen then stops and looks back at us. “Is everything okay with you two?”

“Yeah, why?”

“Nothing,” Dawson shakes his head, disappearing into the kitchen. We fall silent again.

“I’d better get dressed,” I finally say, standing and stretching. I start to walk back to my bedroom when Pacey reaches out and catches my arm. A little flutter moves from my belly down between my legs as remember the dream. “What?”

“Don’t forget that guy is coming to look at the air-conditioning system today. You’ll be here to meet with him, right?” he asks, still touching my arm as I feel myself flush slightly. This never used to happen...he didn’t used to have this effect on me...he didn’t used have any effect on me! It’s like I’ve lost all control.

“Yeah, I’ll be here,” I reassure him, gently pulling out of his grasp.

“Good,” he nods his head, smiling slightly.

I make a beeline to the shower, hoping I’m not too late for Connor. All thoughts of getting dressed have disappeared and to hell with my what if I have to dry it again later? There will be plenty of time to feel guilty about what I’m going to do, but right now...well, to be honest, I have more pressing matters to attend to.

To be continued....