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If you are an actual Kid in the Hall, by god I hope my info is right. If it's not, feel free to email me. Really.

     Here at Creative Possibilities, we like to look at the world in a fresh and exciting way. The imagination is a dying animal. But here at Creative Possibilities, we like to feed that animal, and give that animal room to roam. Office, submarine.

     Welcome to my shrine to the comic genius that is the Kids in the Hall. Kithlove is a very zen thing. Very balanced. Full of short bald men.

Take a quiz!

Last Quiz:
Your Favorite New Sketch (Tour2K):
Simon and Hecubus-37%
The Power of the Suburbs-12%
Brian's Gay-12%
Buddy Cole 2000-12%
Jesus 2000-20%

Your Favorite Mark Character

Deceptively sweet, eh?

A Brief History:   The Kids in the Hall was started, originally by Dave Foley and Kevin McDonald as an sketch act in the Canadian comedy club circuit. They joined forces with Bruce McCullouh and Mark McKinney who were, at that time, in a group of their own called The Audience. They decided (thankfully for us) that rather than compete, they would join forces. For a time after that, they toured together, sometimes known as The Kids in the Hall, sometimes known as The Audience. One night, during one of their acts, a cheeky comedian known as our dear Scott Thompson decided to heckle the Kids by throwing the chocolate donuts they had been provided (for some reason that I have not been able to track down), at the stage. Scott was doing standup at the time. After working with the Kids for a while, they officially made him a member, "They took me out back and sang me a song". That is how they became the holy quintuplet they are today.

Whatcha boys gonna do with those guns?

The Origin of the Name:   The name orginated from the days of the Jack Benny show (a comic genius in and of himself). Benny would, on occasion, ask for jokes from the people who were standing out in the hall, outside the show. He would use the jokes in his act and if they went well, he would tell the audience that it came from "the kids in the hall". So, they (KitH) decided that since they weren't quite in the show yet, they were still the fringe (at the time), that they were the Kids in the Hall. Odd Fact Bruce and Scott didn't (and mays still not) like the name. But a rose is a rose....

Nice legs

The Drag:  Despite popular belief that the Kids did drag for the comic possiblities of a man in a dress, all though they did milk that for all it was worth, they actually did it because they had no women in the troupe. "Unless we wanted the show to be about five guys who were constantly saying 'the girls are in the car', we had to play the women ourselves." And they did a damn good job of it. The consensus has been, even among the Kids themselves, that Dave makes the best woman, bearing some resemblance to Isabella Rosselini. How she should take that, I'm sure I don't know. But Dave sure makes a hot chick, eh?

Flower power

The Show:  The show started in 1989 on CBC in Canada and HBO in America. They got away with as much as they could (censorship-wise) and then one day, with a brilliant sketch known as "Christ was a bad Carpenter", they went too far for HBO (which is ironic for a station that rountinely shows things like "Real Sex 1-8"). So, they were rudely booted off of HBO and were picked up by CBS. The show lived on until 1995 where they hung up their wigs (literally). Now, just to be clear, they had always intended to end the show after five years. Just to squash what may be left of those nasty rumours that they "broke up".


The Brilliance:The brilliance of this show...well, it's so difficult to pin down. The incredible success of an entire cast of fictional characters swirling in a mist of comedic absurdity. But, at the same time, it wasn't so absurd that it didn't strike a chord with us, the viewers. I'm sure (if you're visiting this page, that is) that all of us have had a "Kids in the Hall" moment. Walking by the temp agency and thinking "temp, slut!" When in philosphy class during a discussion of particular moral intuitions "An Open Letter to the Guy Who Stole My Bike Wheel" pops into my head. In choir rehearsal, singing Carmina Burana, belting the phrase "Hecubam reginam", giggling when a picture of Hecubus coming out of the floorboards appears in my mind. Or maybe it's just me... Onto some people who aren't quite as nuts.

The Links:  Now that I've filled you in on info that you probably all ready knew, here are links to other people with good taste.

First, visit the chat room to see if anyone's feelin' chatty

Pictures Okay, so this is still part of my site, but check it out. Good pics.

Post something for other kithfans. Or for yourself. However you get your kinky sex jollies.

Sign my guestbook. This is the last thing that's part of my site. Really., a site I use frequently. An almost comprehensive list of transcripts from all five seasons. So, if you're watching and episode on Comedy Central and what to know what really came out of Scott's mouth, go here.

  Along the same line. If you want a random transcript, click the pic.

  Comedy Central's tribute to the Kids in the Hall. And, if they haven't all ready come by and you don't all ready have your tickets for the tour then WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?!!! QUICK! QUICK! CLICK ON THE LINK!!!

AT&Love  Barb Carr's extremely well done division of AT&Love.

A Complete Guide to the Kids in the Hall  Pretty much what it says. Lots of Kids in the Hall. A fun site, with good info.

The Kids in the Hall Sound Archive  An archive of kith sounds. Fabulous.

Bellini's Living Room  A site set up by the toweled man himself. He's really quite fascinating. Weird, but fascinating.

KitHLovers  Go here to join a faboo listserve and talk about the genius that is the Kids in the Hall (and other things), because your friends are sick of hearing about it.

I'm also going to try to html some of the many, many articles done about our lads, so check back and see if I've gotten off my lazy ass and done it.
