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Inquisitive1s Fan Fiction News




Attention Please:

August 12, 2005: So as most people hopefully know I have started a new site for my work only. Here it is. I have added Last Slayer, Truth Revealed, and some others to the site. I’m working on updating more… but it is taking a while. For now I won’t be closing this site… I will probably continue housing the fics here and adding links but my work won’t be on this site but it will be linked to my new site. Let me know what you think about my new site.

August 5, 2005: Today I reformatted Last Slayer and Truth Revealed. I added some fic links… and am still contemplating  new site… just for my new work… or all my work but that’s a lot of trouble to move all my work over… so lets just see what I decide. Plus I removed earlier News Stuff from before 2002… don’t need it anymore.

August 2, 2005: Well I finally got around to making some changes to my site. I had some motivation thanks to Dru on working on the site.

March 4, 2005:  Finally it is time to rejoice! I have my own internet access… in my own apartment without having to answer to my Mom what I’m doing. Only problem is that it’s a dial-up connection. I’m working on updating the site and adding my new work and fixing the old work. I’m contemplating creating a second site just for the fiction I like and keeping this one for my own work. I’d buy more space but I’m broke so… only option I have. I hope you like what I’m doing. If you have any idea of what I need to fix email me at and let me know.

January 7, 2003: Happy New Year people. Today I added my finished fic Ezekiel... I'm thinking of doing a sequel but if I do it won't be ready for a long time. I'm still working on a couple other stories.

November 6, 2002: Hey everyone. I've fixed the links for Buffy/Spike linked authors. Send me what needs to be fixed on all other categories along with the new address and I'll fix them.

August 8, 2002: Added Chapter 2 of Lost Chapters by karmel I uploaded a fixed version of Correcting the Past into the Witchblade section

August 7, 2002: Added a new fic to the other BA authors called The Lost Chapters: Part 1 In The Beginning by

July 22, 2002: Over the last few months I’ve added finished Witchblade fics of mine and some links to some Witchblade fics I like. Plus I’ve fixed the Spike/Willow link to Blue Moon Love. I’m trying to find Dragon’s Lair but so far no go. I’ll let you know when I find it.

February 26, 2002: added my finished Witchblade fic Correcting the Past

January 31, 2002: I added two new sections Roswell Fanfiction and Witchblade. Added some links to my fic and some others there and in My B/A fanfic. Check it out. Let me know if anythings broken

January, 29 2002: Fixed From Slayer to Killer link and added some
