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Buffy Fan Fiction

Disclaimer: The stories on this page are all my own concepts. The characters you recognize from Buffy the Vampire Slayer belong to Joss Whedon and his people. The characters you don't recognize are most likely mine.

Note: Anyone who wants to add a story of their own email me the story and I will think it over.

Rating: G to R/NC17- I'm not really sure yet what the later parts will be rated but when I post them I will add a rating to them.

Email me and let me know what you think

I'm in the process of moving my fics to my new site... this site won't close but in time my fics will no longer be housed here. So right now the fics that are moved are:

Going Back

Returning Home

Last Slayer

Untitled BA

Aliens, Demons and humans... oh my.

And my Alias Fic: Back Together

I'm linking the fics above to my new site and once the whole site is up and running I'm going to completely remove MY WORK ONLY from this site. I'm going to continue to use this site for other fics of interest.

Last Slayer
Untitled B/A
Going Back
Returning Home: Sequel to Going Back
Love and Family Found
Angel's Chance Index
Aliens, Demons, and Humans... Oh my!- Sequel to UntitledBA fic. BTVS/EFC X-over
Reunited(?) on