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BA fanfic

Crossover Fanfic

Story Index


Aliens, demons and humans oh my:

Sequel to UntitledBA fic




Disclaimer in index.


Chapter 4

That Evening

      Liam enters the silent apartment "Kat?" he calls shrugging out of his jacket.

      "No" Kat cries out

      Hearing that Liam runs down the hallway into his room to find Kat thrashing in her sleep. "Kat" he says soothingly sitting on the edge of the bed he shakes her lightly

      "Mommy. Daddy" Kat cries out sitting up her head pounding she looks around wildly

      Liam starts at the sight of her golden gaze. "Kat?"

      Kat shakes her head then her eyes focus on Liam "Liam?"

      "You OK?" he asks

      Kat nods running her fingers through her hair "I just had a dream"

she sees the perplexed expression on his face "What?"

      "Your eyes." he says

      "What about them?" Kat tilts her head

      "They were gold."


      "When you first woke up your eyes were gold."

      Kat frowns "That's not possible" she protests

      Liam shrugs "Maybe I just imagined it"

      "What time is it?" Kat asks

      "6." Liam answers

      "I must have dozed off" Kat mutters

      "Why don't you go shower and get ready and we'll leave in an hour"

      Kat smiles kissing Liam quickly "Alright"


An hour later    

      Liam looks up to see Kat enter the livingroom wearing a short black dress and black heels carrying a leather duster over her arm. "Wow"

      Kat smiles slightly embarrassed "Thank you"

      "You ready?"

      Kat nods "Sure."


Twenty minutes later    Liam pulls out the chair for Kat "So what do you think?"

      Kat smiles looking around "Like it" she states

      The waiter approaches the table "Would you like to see our wine list?"

      Liam looks at Kat who shakes her head "No thank you." he sees the look on Kat's face. "You OK?"

      "Memory" she says

      "What kind?"

      Kat frowns "My father... I remember him drinking"

      "Did he hurt you?" Liam asks concerned

      Kat shakes her head "He cried a lot. He would fight with someone else. He never hurt me he'd take his anger out on someone else"

      "Your mother?"

      "No." Kat shakes her head "she wasn't around"

      "Do you remember anything about your mother?"

      "I don't know" Kat says softly "I know she loved me and my father"

      The waiter walks over to the table "Would you like to order?"

      "Kat?" Liam gestures

      Kat picks up the menu scanning it "I'll have a steak medium rare"

      "Soup or salad?"

      "Salad no olives or croutons"



      "And sir?"

      Liam smiles "I'll steak well-done. Salad." he hands the menu to the waiter. "Thanks"     


An hour later

      Hand in hand the two walk through the park. "Its a beautiful night" Kat says looking up at the night sky

      "Yeah it is" Liam agrees his eyes on Kat "not as beautiful as you"

      Kat looks at him with a slight smile "Thank you" she looks around "The night is so powerful... so..." she pauses "welcoming"


      Kat nods "I was born as part of the night."

      "How so?"

      "I'm not sure" Kat shrugs "I just am part of the night. I feel it" she places her hand over her heart "here." she looks around

      "Kat?" Liam asks sensing her distance

      "Someone's here."

      Liam looks around seeing people walking around "Kat there are a lot of people here"

      Kat tilts her head "One of them" she says softly.

      "One of who?"

      "I think she's refering to us" a cold voice

      Kat turns around to find three men watching them. She shakes her head at the sight of there faces

      "Kat" Liam pulls out his weapon stepping between his lover and the men. "who ever you are leave your scaring her"

      "Human she's not scared"

      Kat stares at the man speaking "Who are you?" she steps forward

      "I'm like you" he says

      Kat tilts her head listening to her instincts "No" she shakes her head "you aren't like me."

      "You aren't human" the man states then looks at Liam "neither is he. I can smell it."

      Kat looks at Liam briefly then back at the men. "If I'm not human then what am I?"

      The group snickers "What you are is part of us."

      Kat shakes her head "I'm not"

      "Grab her. Once we have her he'll pay big to get her back."

      "Who?" Kat demands

      The men launch themselves towards Kat. Liam sees this and starts to shoot.

      "Liam no that won't kill them" Kat says her eyes going to the wooden bench she slams her foot down breaking the bench hearing the wood crack she picks up a piece of the bench. "So up for some fun?" she smirks

      "Bring it on breed" the tallest vampire snarls

      "Liam stake 'em" Kat says pounding on the vampire avoiding this blows best she can. Finally seeing the opportunity she slams the piece of wood into the vampires heart.

      Liam dodges the blows of the vampire he's fighting his anger getting out of control he feels his hands start to tingle. He looks down to see the light from his hands. He raises his hands sending the vampire flying in the air.

      Kat sees the act and frowns then quickly she slams the stake into the vampire attacking her. She goes over to Liam "You OK?"

      "Behind you" Liam says

      Kat turns grabbing the vampire by the neck "Who am I?" she demands her eyes flashing angrily

      "One of us. The child of the two most powerful beings on the planet." he sneers

      "Who are they? Where are they?"

      The vampire smiles "You don't know?"

      Kat shakes her head

      "She doesn't remember" Liam explains

      "She's the daughter of the Soulled One and the Slayer."

      "Who are they?" Kat asks her voice low

      "You look like him" the vampire chuckles

      Seeing the vampire isn't going to give her any answers Kat slams the stake into the vampires heart. Watching as his disappears in a flurry of dust.

      "Why did you do that?" Liam asks

      "He wouldn't tell us what we need." Kat shrugs looking at Liam "You OK?" she asks

      "I'm fine are you?"

      Kat nods "I think I understand more"


      "Who you are"


      "Like me you aren't fully human are you" Kat says softly lifting his hands she looks at his palms. She brings his hands up pressing a kiss to his palms.

      "No I'm not"

      "Why am I not surprised that the guy I fall for isn't human" she mutters. "So are you going to tell me what you are?"

      "Human. Kimera."

      "What's with your hands?" she asks curiously

      "I was born with them." he shrugs "there called shaquarava. There part of my Kimera heritage."

      Kat nods "So what else is there you want to tell me?"

      Liam smiles touching her face with his hand "How about we head home and I'll tell you all you need to know"

      "Alright" Kat agrees


After midnight

      Kat looks at Liam her chin propped on his chest "So now that we got that out of our system for a while are you going to tell me?"

      Liam smiles stroking her cheek "Its kind of a complicated story"

      Kat shrugs "I want to know about you. Maybe it'll jog my own memory to hear about you."

      "Alright. My mother was Siobahn Beckett, my father Ha'gel. Ha'gel's Kimera my mother human. And my surrogate father Sandoval"

      "How'd she die?"

      Liam winces "She remembered who I am and her CVI killed her."

      "I don't..."

      "Shh I'll explain."


An hour later

      Kat looks at him "Wow that's amazing"

      Liam nods "I know."

      "So technically your younger then me" Kat smirks

      "Technically yes. The birth certificate Augur got me says I'm thirty-two."

      "I wonder how old I am" Kat sighs

      "Dr Parker thinks your in your early twenties."

      "I don't feel it" Kat yawns

      Liam smiles "Get some sleep" he kisses her forehead

      "Wake me if you have to leave" she requests sleepily

      "I will" Liam promises


Chapter 5

2 Months later

      Liam smiles watching Kat chat with Augur at the Flat Plant Cafe.

      Renee sees the look on her friend's face "How's it going with Kat?" she asks

      Liam looks at the blond "Good."

      "And her memories?"

      Liam shrugs "Still a little blurry. She has nightmares every other night. She has moments were she's in pain but she's not... at least not physically."

      "Has she thought about hypnosis?"

      "She's not sure if she can handle it." Liam replies

      Renee sees the look "Liam are you in love with her?"

      Liam looks at his hands and nods "I am." he smiles looking at Renee "I'm in love with her. I think I've always been in love with her."

      "Have you told her?"

      Liam shakes his head "No."

      "She needs to know Liam. Right now your all she has."

      Liam's Global beeps "I know" he flips the Global on to find Sandoval "Sandoval" he greets

      "Major Kincaid Da'an wants to see you"

      "I'll be right up" Liam says turning off the Global he stands grabbing his jacket he walks over to the bar. "Kat"

      Kat turns around smiling at her lover "Hmm?"

      "Da'an needs to see me"

      Kat sighs "Alright."

      "I'll see you later" he promises kissing Kat quickly

      Kat nods watching as her lover walks out of the club.

      "How about a dance" Augur smiles at Kat

      "Sure" Kat agrees following him out on the floor.


Later that night

      Liam enters the bedroom smiling at the sight of his girlfriend asleep in the bed. Sitting on the edge of the bed he removes his shoes

      "Liam?" Kat yawns

      "Hi" he smiles at the sleepy woman

      "Your back" she says happily

      "Sorry it took so long" he apologizes "Da'an and I got to talking"

      Kat shrugs "Its OK"

      Liam strips down to his boxers crawling in beside Kat.

      "Mmm your cold" she sighs

      "Sorry its freezing out" he kisses her shoulder

      "Its OK. Feels good" she snuggles close

      Liam smiles "You are one amazing woman" he chuckles

      "And your quite a guy" she laughs turning her head to kiss him passionately. With a whimper she shifts to face him her hands sliding up his arms around his shoulders her fingers tangling in the hair at the nape of his neck.


An hour later             

      "Kat?" Liam says softly his fingers running through her hair

      Kat looks up at him "Hmm?"

      "I uh..."

      Kat sees the look in his eyes "What?" she tilts her head slightly

      "I love you" he says his voice almost hesitant

      Kat kisses him sweetly looking into his eyes their lips inches apart she echoes "I love you" she kisses him again



      Angel feels a warm calm moment slide over him. He frowns 'What the...?' his book hits the table with a thud

      Spike looks at his sire curiously "Angelus?" when his sire looks at him Spike sees the despair and happiness yet confusion on the elder vampires face. "What?"

      Angel shakes his head "One of them is alive Spike." he stands going to the window looking out at the night sky "I've felt it over and over throughout the years but this time..." he looks at Spike "I felt something I've rarely felt since..."

      Spike nods going over to his sire he leans against the window frame facing Angel "What did you feel?" he asks

      Angel sighs closing his eyes "Katie." he opens his eyes to see Spike's skepticism he looks out the window "I know you don't believe this but I have felt her these last few months."

      "Yes but you've felt nothing all these years."

      Angel nods looking at Spike "Maybe its because William feels nothing. Think about it... how rare has it been that I've been angry? Spike I've felt nothing since Katie disappeared." he rubs his forehead "Lately I'm starting to feel something. I don't know how to explain it. If Katie's alive we have to find her before William does." he winces at the memories of his son "Who knows what would happen if William found her first."

      "Do you think he feels her?"

      "She felt him growing up. Maybe she still feels him but doesn't know what she's feeling." he runs his fingers through his hair "God knows what could happen if the others find her first."

      "If she's alive we'll find her." Spike assures

      "I have to find her Spike..." Angel inhales deeply "she and William are all I have left of Buffy" he pushes away from the wall heading into his room

      Spike watches as his sire walks out of the room. Shaking his head he looks out the window 'If your out there Kitten... we'll find you'


Washington D.C.: Liam's place      

      "Kat?" Liam shakes the obviously distraught woman "Kat wake up" he sees her open her eyes ignoring the amber gaze he looks straight at her "Honey you OK?"

      Kat growls low

      Liam starts surprised to hear that 'She's never done that' he sees the confusion "Kat its me" he lightly strokes the side of her face willing her to see him.

      Slowly Kat comes out of her daze "I know..."

      "You OK?"

      Kat sits up pulling her knees to her chest "I understand" she says softly

      "About what?"

      "What they said... about me not being human"

      "You are" Liam insists

      Kat shakes her head "I'm only part human." she looks away from his questioning gaze "I'm part vampire"

      Liam stares at her "Kat you can't be part vampire"

      "You heard what they said Liam. I'm one of them, at least part of me is."

      "You don't know that"

      Kat nods "I do." she whispers

      "How? Your dreams?"

      "Liam you saw how they reacted when they saw me... what they said." she blinks back tears "What am I? Where are my parents?"

      Liam sits up pulling Kat into his arms resting his head on her chin "Hey it'll be OK"

      "What if I'm something bad Liam?"

      "You aren't." he assures pressing his lips to her hair

      "Then what am I?" Kat sobs clinging to him. "What am I?"

      Liam rocks her holding as she sobs. After a few minutes her sobs taper off. Liam lays her back down

      "Liam" she whimpers clinging to him

      "Shh I'm here" he whispers laying beside her he pulls her into his arms "I'm not going anywhere." he assures


Next Morning     

      "Hi" Kat greets finding Liam watching her

      "Morning" he smiles touching her cheek "Feel better?"

      Kat shrugs "Still processing"


      Kat sighs "You want to know how I know"

      Liam nods

      Kat shrugs "I just do. I think my dreams are getting clearer"

      "Do you remember who you are? Who your parents are?"

      Kat shakes her head "No that's still fuzzy" she sits up suddenly "though I do remember what he said."

      "Who?" Liam asks sitting up

      "The vampire at the park." she frowns "He said something about me being the daughter of the Soulled One and the Slayer"

      "What's that mean?"

      Kat shrugs "I don't know" she says frustrated

      "Hey we'll figure this out." Liam promises "I promise"

      Kat smiles slightly "I know" she looks at the clock "Hey you need to get going"

      "I know" he kisses her then gets out of bed heading into the bathroom.

      Kat snuggles under the covers about to drift off to sleep when Liam's Global goes off. She sighs "Liam" she calls. She grabs the Global standing she goes into the bathroom "Liam"

      Hearing her he turns off the water "Yeah?" he sticks his head out

      Kat holds up his Global "Thought you might want to answer it" she watches as he steps out of the shower wrapping a towel around his waist.

      "Thanks" he says taking the Global. "Kincaid" he says flipping on his Global. "Sandoval" he all but growls

      Hearing her lover mention Sandoval Kat walks out of the bathroom leaving him alone to talk.

      "Major I need you to bring Da'an up to the mothership"

      "Sure" Liam says hanging up he enters the bedroom to find Kat curled up under the covers "I have to go" he says regretfully pulling on his clothes "Lunch?"

      Kat nods "Sure if you have time"

      Liam leans over kissing her "I'll make the time. I'll pick you up at 1." he straightens up




      "Bye" he says walking out the door

      Kat stares after him "Bye" she says softly


An hour later    

      Kat hears the beep indicating that someone is calling. She presses the onscreen button "Hello" she greets picking up a mug of tea

      "Your up" Renee says "good"

      "Hi Renee" Kat greets

      "Liam just called me. He tried to get a hold of you but you weren't answering"

      "Must have been asleep. What's up?" she questions sitting down

      "Liam wanted me to tell you that he's going to be out of town for a few days."

      Hearing that Kat frowns "Where's he going?"

      "I'm not exactly sure. Something to do with Resistance work"

      Kat nods "Thanks for letting me know"

      "He would have told you himself but he didn't want to leave a message"

      Kat smiles weakly "Thanks"

      Renee sees the look on her friends face "Kat are you OK?"

      Kat nods "I'm fine just a little tired"

      "I got a call from Da'an."

      "What about?"

      "He wants to meet you."

      "Why?" Kat asks warily

      "I'm not sure" Renee shrugs "There's an embassy get-together when Liam gets back."

      "I need something to wear"

      "We'll go shopping tomorrow afternoon"

      "I don't know" Kat hedges

      "Kat think of it this way you might meet someone who knows about you." Renee says

      Kat sighs "Alright"

      "Good. I'll pick you up tomorrow afternoon"

      "Sure" Kat nods

      "Good. Kat Liam will be fine" Renee assures

      "I know" Kat nods "I'll talk to you later" she watches as Renee disappears from the screen. Kat sighs running her fingers through her hair after a moment Kat dials Augur's number.

      "Talk to me" Augur says in greeting

      "Augur its Kat."

      Augur turns around "Oh hello Kat what can I do for you?"

      "I need to do some deep research I was wondering if I could use your computers"

      "What are you researching?"


      "Vampires? Why?"

      "Its a long story. I'll explain it later"

      "Sure come on over. I'll be around"

      "Thanks. I'll be right over."


An hour later    

      "Augur" Kat calls entering the computer experts work area

      "Kat good to see you" Augur says entering the work area "so what's this about vampires?"

      "Augur I need another favor" Kat says sitting down

      "What kind?"

      "Do you know anyone who could check out a sample of my blood"

      "For what?"

      "I'm not sure. For anything unusual I guess"

      "I'll call Doctor Park and see if she can look into it."

      "Thanks" Kat says relieved

      "Well you going to explain the vampire thing?"

      "Augur I'm part vampire"


      "I know its hard to believe but Liam's part alien"

      Augur sighs "Alright then lets get to work"

      "I need to find out all I can about Soulled One and the Slayer"


      "I think they're my parents"

      Augur nods "Alright lets see what we can find"


Few hours later 

      "Damn it" Kat says angrily

      "Kat calm down we just need to look in other areas."

      "Where?" Kat demands jumping to her feet she paces her body feeling rage directed at anyone "I need to get out of here" she mutters

      Augur watches as his obviously enraged friend gets onto the elevator.

      Kat heads out going towards the bad side of town.


After midnight   

      Kat stumbles into the apartment her body burning in pain. "Damn" she mutters falling onto the couch. "Phone Augur" she calls.

      "Augur is not able to come to the phone" replies Augur's automated hologram

      "Dial Renee" Kat groans

      "This is Renee" comes the greeting

      Kat looks over at the screen "Renee I need your help" Kat manages to get out

      "Kat what's wrong?" Renee asks worried

      "I got into a situation"

      "What kind?"

      "I'll explain when you get here"

      "I'll be right there" Renee says

      "Thank you" Kat says


Half an hour later 

      "Kat" Renee calls

      "Living room" Kat manages to get out

      Renee enters the livingroom to find the young woman laying on the couch obviously in pain. "My God what happened?" Renee demands

      "Fight" Kat groans struggling to sit up

      "Here" Renee helps her up "Who?"



      "I needed answers." she looks at Renee "Did Liam tell you?"

      "Some not much"

      Kat nods

      "I should take you to the hospital" Renee states

      Kat shakes her head "I can't. I don't know what I am. Going to the hospital might cause trouble"

      Renee nods "Alright lets just get you patched up" she helps Kat stand she leads her into the bathroom. "Sit" she says putting the toilet seat down.


Hour later 

      "Liam" Renee says relieved to see her friend on the screen

      "Renee what's wrong?" Liam questions

      "Liam something is going on with Kat"


      "Liam she called me a few hours ago. When I got to your place she looked like she had been beaten"


      "She's bruised and bloody but she's already started to heal." Renee assures "she said its from what her parents are."

      "I'll be there as soon as possible"


      "And Renee"


      "Thank you for calling me"

      Renee nods


Few hours later 

      Liam enters the apartment to find Renee sitting on the couch reading a magazine "Renee how is she?" he demands worried

      "Asleep" Renee answers

      Liam nods heading back to the bedroom he finds Kat sprawled asleep on her stomach. After a moment he returns to the livingroom. "Did she say anything?"

      Renee shakes her head "But I got a call from Augur this afternoon. He said Kat visited him"


      "He said that when she left she was angry... very angry"

      "Did he say why?"

      "She was doing some research on vampires."

      "Her parents"

      Renee nods "They found nothing"

      Suddenly they hear a loud cry Liam jumps to his feet rushing into the bedroom to find Kat thrashing in the bed "Kat wake up"

      Kat opens her eyes with a low growl she shoves Liam away from her. Watching as he tries to talk to her.

      "Kat calm down" Liam says softly sensing her primal need to fight "Kat its OK its only me."

      "Liam what...?" Renee trails off seeing the look on Kat's face

      Kat growls low stuck in her vampire instincts

      Liam waves Renee back his eyes on Kat. He holds out his hands palms up "Kat I won't hurt you. Neither will Renee. We're your friends"

      Tentatively Kat moves closer putting her hands in his.

      Liam watches as her eyes change "Kat?"

      "I'm sorry" she whispers

      "Its OK" he assures pulling her close.

      Renee sees the action and backs out of the room. Quietly she walks out of the apartment

      Kat sighs "What's going on with me?"

      "What happened?"

      "Its like I was still in the dream." she whispers

      "You looked it"

      "Liam its like something inside me is waking up." she looks at him "I'm scared... what is inside me?"

      Liam hugs her tight "It'll be OK"

      "Don't leave me"

      "I won't" he promises

      Kat presses her lips against his desperation seeping throught her. "Liam" she sighs

      "Kat your injured" he protests

      Kat tugs at his shirt "I'm almost healed" she kisses his neck "please" she pleads. 


Next Morning     

      Kat awakens to find Liam watching her amazed "Morning"

      Liam smiles "How do you feel?"

      "Fine" she yawns "I'm sorry for cutting your trip short"

      "Its OK. I'm glad that Renee called me" he touches her face "You've pretty much healed"

      Kat nods "Not surprised"

      "I'm going to have to go see Da'an. I wish I could take you to the party but..."

      "You have to work"

      "Yeah" he smiles slightly

      "Its OK. I'm kind of curious about your work life."

      "Its not interesting"

      Kat shrugs "Maybe" she curls closer to Liam drifting back to sleep                                 

"Love you Liam" she mumbles

      "Love you too" after a few moments Liam kisses Kat's forehead and silently gets out of bed to get ready for work.



      Kat walks into the kitchen dressed in one of Liam's dress shirts as she makes herself a cup of tea. When she hears the computer phone ring "Yes?"

      "Kat its good to see your up"

      Kat turns around to see Renee "Hey Renee thanks for last night"

      "No problem how are you feeling?"

      "I'm all healed."

      "Still up for shopping this afternoon?"

      Kat nods "Sure sounds like fun"

      "I'll pick you up in an hour."

      "Alright" Kat agrees


An hour later    

      Kat opens the door to find Renee standing there "Hi"

      "You ready?"

      Kat nods grabbing her jacket off the chair "Ready"   


Twenty minutes later   

      The two women find themselves at a dress shop. "So how dressy is this thing?" Kat asks

      "Dinner dressy."

      Kat nods "Casual and stylish"


      "Ahh hello Ms Palmer" a man greets

      "Tomas this is Kat. Kat this is Tomas."

      He nods at Kat "Nice to meet you"


      "So what can I do for you lovely ladies?"

      "A dinner get-together at the Taelon embassy." Renee informs him

      "Ah yes so what are you looking for?"

      Kat shrugs "I'm not sure"

      Tomas nods "You looks like someone who likes simple"

      "Yes she is."

      "Simple yet sexy" Tomas muses

      "Something I can move in" Kat nods

      "Your name suites you" Tomas states moving around Kat thoughtfully "You move like a predator. You need something that shows it yet keeps some hidden"

      Renee smiles at Tomas's look "So you have an idea"

      "Oh yes I do"

      "Oh boy" Kat sighs


Renee's apartment: mid afternoon   

      "Thanks for taking me shopping" Kat says as they sit in Renee's livingroom

      "Hey it was fun. Liam is going to love that dress"

      Kat smiles slightly "You think?"

      Renee smiles "So how is it going with Liam?"

      "Good" she says leaning back "though..."

      "What?" Renee questions

      Kat sighs "I still wish I knew who I am... what I am. I mean I know I'm part human part vampire but I need to know how dangerous I am to others. I don't know what I am."

      "And that scares you" Renee says

      Kat nods "Yeah" she runs her fingers through her hair "Something tells me that what I am will cause some trouble"

      "Hey we'll figure it out." Renee assures

      Kat sighs smiling weakly "I hope so"

      "We should start getting ready." Renee says "You can use the guest room and bathroom to get ready"

      "Thanks" Kat smiles


Chapter 6

Two Hours Later

      The two woman enter the large ballroom in the embassy Kat looks around the room noting all of the higher ups in society.

      Renee smiles in greeting at some people "Liam should be here soon." she assures Kat

      Kat nods

      "Come on I'll introduce you to some people" Renee says

      Kat follows her towards a group of people her spine tingling as she senses someone near. 'What the...?' she looks around trying to locate the feeling.

      "Kat?" Renee asks worried

      "Uh I'm fine" Kat says absently turning her attention to Renee. Ten minutes later her attention is drawn to the announcement of Da'an's appearance. A moment later Da'an and Liam both appear through the ID portal. Her eyes catch Liam's briefly smiling slightly at her boyfriend. Her attention shifts to Da'an sensing his calm presence.

      Renee sees the look on Kat's face "You OK?"

      Kat nods turning to Renee she takes a sip of her wine. "Yes"

      Liam spies his lover beside Renee.

      "Liam why don't you introduce me to your friend" Da'an suggests

      Liam nods leading Da'an through the crowd stopping everyonce in a while so the Taelon can greet his associates. Finally they reach Kat and Renee. Liam looks Kat over smiling at the dark blue long cleavage baring spaghetti strapped dress with a thigh length slit up the side. "You look great" he says softly

      "So do you" Kat smiles taking in his blue silk shirt, black slacks and black sports coat.

      "Da'an this is Kat. Kat Da'an" Liam finally introduces

      Kat smiles tilting her head in greeting "Good to meet you"

      "Likewise. Liam has told me of your amnesia situation. I hope you'll be able to find your memories"

      "Thank you" slowly her smile fades

      Liam sees the look pass over her face "Kat?"

      "Somethings off" Kat mutters

      "What?" Renee asks

      Kat looks around almost smelling danger "Like the ones from the park." the doors open with a loud thud. "A lot of them." she feels the familiar tingle as a tall dark haired vampire enters.

      "Kat?" Liam asks concerned when he sees the look on her face

      "Halt" the security guards yell pulling out their weapons

      "No" Kat says knowing what's going to happen. She watches as the security guards are killed quickly. The room erupts in panic.

      Liam sensing the danger to the Taelon he looks at Kat and Renee "I'm going to get Da'an out of here will you two be OK?"

      "You won't make it." Kat says her eyes on the vampires "they won't let you." she watches as the dark haired vampire moves closer

      "Kat he..." Renee trails off

      Kat nods her eyes drawn to his "I think..." she pauses tearing her eyes away from him to look at Liam "I remember."

      "Remember what?" Liam asks

      Kat looks at the vampire nearing them "He's my... brother... my twin" she finishes

      The vampire stops before the dark haired woman

      Kat shivers sensing the darkness inside him "You look like Daddy"

      "I look like him but I'm not... am I?"

      Kat shakes her head "You're like him... Angelus..." she tilts her head "yet not."

      "Your twin?" Renee says stunned

      He nods "William Kieran Summers eldest child of Buffy Summers and Angelus." he smiles darkly at his sister "She's the good one. Katherine Angela Summers." he starts to move closer to Renee when Kat steps between them "Protecting her?" he chuckles

      "She's my friend" she watches as her brother's eyes change and he growls in response. Sensing the threat Kat's eyes change also as she growls low in warning.

      William chuckles then calls out "Lets go we have what we need" he turns on his heel moving through the crowd. He sighs seeing a few bodies on the floor "I told you no eating"

      A vampire joins William "They made us mad" the vampires stride out of the room. A moment later the room relaxes.

      "I'm going to take Da'an back to the mothership" Liam says putting his hand on Kat's shoulder "will you be OK?"

      Kat nods

      "We'll stay here" Renee assures

      "Kat?" Liam asks concerned

      Kat looks at him "We'll be here"



      "Hey guys" Faith says rushing into the apartment "I just heard that there was a vamp attack at an embassy in DC."

      Angel sighs "William?"

      "It sounds like it." Faith sits down beside Spike changing to the news. "What would he be doing at an emba..." she trails off "Oh my god. Angel look"

      Angel sighs "What?" he turns around gasping at the sight. "Katie?"          



      Liam returns to the Embassy finding Kat outside sitting on a bench beside Renee. "Kat?"

      Seeing him Kat stands wrapping her arms around his neck unaware of a camera on them.



      "Hey he's hot" Faith says

      Angel growls in response

      "Angel she's an adult now" Faith reminds

      Spike frowns "Isn't he one of the guys who protects a Taelon"

      "You know I think he is." Faith remarks

      "Faith why don't you take the ID portal to DC and see if you can find out where Katie is. Don't tell her who you are unless she remembers."

      Faith nods "You driving there?"

      Angel sighs "Faith we have to you know the portals go on DNA."

      "And ours isn't exactly what we want known"

      "Alright. I'm outta here" she kisses Spike "I'll let you know where I am and when I find Katie."

      "Spike why don't you go pick up some blood to last us a few days and gas up the car."

      "Right" Spike nods "I'll drop you off at the ID station"

      Faith nods following her boyfriend out of the livingroom


The Lair

      Augur returns to the room with a serving tray of tea "I checked what I could. The records show that Buffy Summers gave birth to twins September 10, 1998. William Kieran Summers was stillborn"

      Kat shakes her head "He was alive. The Council took him and told Mom and Dad he was dead. They tried finding him but..."

      "They couldn't"

      "They came close a few times but they always moved him. I knew he was alive. I could feel him."

      "What happened?" Liam asks

      Kat blinks back tears "I was born Katherine Angela Summers named after my aunt and my father. William was after our brother Spike and Dad."

      "No mention of a brother" Augur says

      "Dad sired Spike a long time ago back in the mid 1800s." she sighs "Spike was in all terms my brother. He helped raise me." she looks at her hands. "Mom and Dad were close... more than most people could ever imagine. Dad was cursed with a soul before the 1900s, by the time they met he had had his soul for a hundred years."

      "His soul?" Augur questions

      Kat nods "When a vampire turns someone they drain them of blood then force them to drink their own causing the demon to inhabit their body. Dad killed someone he shouldn't have and was cursed with a soul. So Angelus the Scourage of Europe became Angel the Soulled One."

      "And your Mom?" Renee asks

      "Mom was sixteen when they met. She was the Slayer. Slayers hunt vampires and other demons."

      "Talk about hard romance" Augur says

      Kat nods "When I was 10 Dad sat me down and explained it to me. They had slept together on Mom's 17th birthday and not only did Dad lose his soul but Mom ended up pregnant."

      "He lost his soul?" Renee says stunned

      Kat nods "There was a clause in the curse on moment of happiness and sweet Angel returns to pshyco Angelus. For a while he terrorized Mom and her friends."

      "They managed to recurse him though" Augur says

      "Yes luckily in enough time. Angelus was feeding off Mom." she swallows nervously "After few weeks after they recursed him Dad left town."

      "He came back though" Liam says

      "He returned to visit once when Mom was pregnant. He had sent Spike to keep an eye on Mom."

      "What happened to your Mom?" Renee asks

      Kat winces "She disappeared one night when she was patrolling."

      "Dead?" Augur asks

      Kat shakes her head "No she just disappeared." she breathes deeply "I was five. Spike had taken me and Dawn to stay with Dad in LA for the weekend. Dawn always went with me so someone could take care of me during the day. My parents and I were close. We knew when each other was hurt. We could feel each other." she pulls her knees up to her chest "The night Mom disappeared I could feel it... so could Dad." she wipes away a tear "Not long after Mom disappeared Grandma became ill. Dad returned to Sunnydale to help Spike take care of the three of us. A few months later Grandma died. Dawn was in college but Dad decided to stay in Sunnydale he didn't want Dawn to be alone." she closes her eyes "But he was different. Without Mom it was like he was... lost. He was still there but I knew different. He started drinking which always resulted in him and Spike getting into fights. He never hurt me or Dawn he just took his anger out on Spike." she opens her eyes "When I was seven my Grandfather tried to sue for custody. God Dad was so angry. He knew that he couldn't fight my grandfather in court considering he was legally dead."

      "What did he do?" Liam asks

      "He had promised Mom that my grandfather would never get custody of me. He had promised my grandmother and Mom that he'd always take care of me and Dawn. So we packed up and left the country."

      "Where'd you go?" Liam asks

      "Europe. Dad wanted to return to Ireland. We stayed there for a while and then traveled all around Europe."

      "The three of you?" Renee asks

      "Me, Dawn, Dad, Spike, and Faith... Spike's girlfriend and the other Slayer."

      "What happened to you?" Augur asks

      "That I still don't remember." Kat says

      "How can we find your father?" Liam asks

      Kat sighs "I guess I should try the demon population they should know where to find Dad... or Spike"

      "Do you want me to send out a post?" Augur asks

      "I guess" Kat sighs

      Liam sees the tired look "We should head home" he strokes her hair soothingly

      Kat nods "Sure"


The apartment    

      //Kat frowns looking around a room she's never been in. 'Where am I?' she hears a small cry. She enters the room to find a nursery. She goes over to the crib to find a baby laying there crying. She gasps at the sight of the baby. 'It can't be'//

      Kat awakens with a start she looks at Liam fast asleep beside her the unconciously she rests her hand on her belly imagining it swelling outward. She shakes her head 'It was a dream.' she lays back down pulling Liam's arms around her. She falls back to sleep her last image of a small baby with blue-grey eyes.  



      Angel tosses his duffle bag into the back seat "Let's go"

      "Sure" Spike peels out of the parking lot "Faith called she's in DC she's going to ask around"

      Angel nods "Good. I wonder if Katie will recognize her."

      "Its possible... I mean Faith hasn't aged in 10 years."

      "Ah yes the fun of being Immortal"

      "Hey at least she isn't a vampire"

      "I know" Angel sighs

      "She made the decision herself. If Summers..."

      "Don't Spike" Angel growls

      "Angel you need to deal with it"

      "I have. Just drop it Spike"


DC: Next day     

      "I found her" Faith says

      "Where?" Angel asks

      "She's living with the Taelon protector. His names Major Liam Kincaid. She works at a place called the Flat Planet Cafe. Mostly she stays in. I asked some vamps they say that William has been seen around DC. He's staying hidden only to appear when he wants to cause trouble."

      "If he knows Katie's alive he'll show up more often." Angel sighs

      "I suppose so" Faith agrees "how long will it take you to get here?" she asks

      "With Spike driving?" Angel snorts

      "You'll be here by the end of the week" Faith snickers "just get here in one piece you two"

      "Sure just stay out of trouble." Angel says

"Same" Faith replies
