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BA fanfic

Crossover Fanfic

Story Index

Aliens, demons and humans oh my:

Sequel to UntitledBA fic




Disclaimer in index.


Chapter 1

      "She's awake" she hears a voice say. Slowly she opens her eyes to find a blonde haired woman wearing a white doctors coat beside the bed.

      "Where am I?" she asks groggily

      The woman doctor begins to talk slow "You are in Liberation Headquarters. I am Dr. Park. Do you know your name?"

      She frowns thoughtfully then answers "No I can't remember my name"

      "Just what I thought." Dr Park muses she turns away from the bed. "She has amnesia" she says to some one

      "Is she going to be OK?" as man asks his voice filled with concern

      Slowly she sits up in the bed and looks around. Her eyes fall upon the man who had spoken. He's tall with brown hair streaked with blond. His eyes she notices are a beautiful blue grey. She is struck with a sense of familiarity "Have we met?" she asks curiously

      "No we haven't. My name is Liam Kincaid" he says walking closer to the bed

      "How did I get here?" she asks

      "I brought you here" Liam answers

      "Why?" she demands

      Liam pulls up a chair next to the bed "I found you outside my apartment building. You begged me not to take you to the hospital"

      "Did I say why?" she asks with a frown

      "No you didn't"

      "Oh" she remarks.

      Just then the door opens and in walks a tall blonde haired woman with blue eyes "Hello" she greets "I'm glad to your awake" she says "I'm Renee Palmer. I work with Liam."

      "Hi" she greets shyly

      "So what are we going to call you?" Renee asks

      "Dunno" she shrugs with a frown "Got any suggestions?" she asks

      "How about Laura" suggests Renee

      "Hmm?" she says thoughtfully then scrunches her nose in disgust "Nah too common"

      Liam's eyes brighten then he says "Katherine"

      "Katherine" she breathes thoughtfully. She then smiles "Kat"

      "Good then Kat it is" Renee says smiling. She looks at Liam "Can I talk to you for a moment?"

      Liam nods "We'll come back later" Liam says with a smile

      Kat smiles back "OK" she says

      Liam follows Renee out of the room "What?"

      "Liam who is she?" Renee asks

      "I don't know" Liam replies turning he looks through the glass partition at the woman sitting on the exam table "There's something about her" he says

      "What do you mean Liam?" asks Renee

      "I don't know" he shrugs "There is just something familiar about her" he answers

      "That's the reason you brought her here? Because she's familiar to you?" Renee demands.

      The door opens and Dr. Park joins them "I've looked over the tests." she tells them

      "What did you find?" asks Liam concerned

      Dr Park pulls up the tests on the computer "This is her EKG" she points to the first. "Her heart rate isn't beating normal" she traces the line

      "Her heart beats slower than normal normal" Liam finishes

      "Yes it is Liam."

      At that moment they hear a loud crash turning they look into the lab to find Kat on the ground holding her head. "Ahh" she screams painfully

      "Kat" Liam calls hurrying into the lab. Going to her side he asks "What's wrong?" touching her shoulder.

      "Pain" she whimpers clutching her head

      "Kat let me give you something for the pain" Dr Park says

      "NO" she groans "I'll be fine just give me a minute" she looks at Liam and smiles shyly "Thank you"

      He nods and helps her stand leading her to a chair he crouches before her "Are you OK?"

      "Yes I am."

      "What happened?" asks Dr. Park

      Kat tears her gaze from Liam and looks up at Dr. Park "I don't remember. My head just started pounding. I don't know why"

      "I've looked over the tests I ran." Dr Park begins "I found some strange results"

      "Like what?" Kat asks

      "Your heart isn't beating as normal" Dr Park answers

      Kat frowns "How so?"

      Dr. Park looks at the young woman her eyes concerned says amazed "also your heart seems to beat slower then the average human."

      "Oh" she remarks "I wish I knew why" Kat sighs

      "We'll find out" Liam promises

      Kat looks at him struck again by a sense of familiarity. "Thank you"

      "Your welcome" he smiles back. His global goes off "Excuse me" he stands

      "Lets work on your memory shall we" says Dr. Park

      "Sure" Kat agrees

      Liam returns "Renee Da'an wants us to come up to the mothership" he says

      "Oh OK" Renee agrees standing "Kat we'll see you later"

      "OK" she nods as her eyes lock with Liam's for a moment

      "See you later" Liam says with a smile

      Kat watches as they leave and then returns her attention to Dr Park and her questions. Finally it is determined that the missing memories are her personal memories and that she remembers events of the past ten years. That evening Liam returns and the two new friends spend time talking.

      "How is it I don't remember the past 10 years of my personal life yet I know what has happened the past 10 years?" she asks Liam

      "I'm not sure we'll find out"

      One day Liam takes her out to the work station "Kat this is our resident computer expert Augur. Augur this is Kat" Liam introduces her to a man with a shaved head and a small braid dressed in outlandish clothes.

      "Hi" Augur says distractedly

      "Hello" Kat states

      "Augur whats wrong?" Liam asks

      "I am trying to figure out if this weapon is real" he says frustrated

      "Can I have a look?" Kat asks shyly

      Augur looks at her surprised "Uh sure" he moves out of the way

      Kat takes his place at the computer looking over the picture on the screen. After a few minutes she looks at Augur "Its real. Its also at a pretty good price."

      Augur and Liam look at her surprised and then look at the computer screen. "How did you know that?" Liam asks

      Augur looks at the woman before her "How?"

      She shrugs "I don't know it just came to me." she smiles at Liam "Can you show me more of this place?" she asks

      Liam nods "Sure" he finishes giving her the tour. Every once in a while they would stop when Kat finds something she can do.

      They stop after a while and sit down on the couch "Liam?" she asks


      "Have you found out who I am yet?" Kat questions

      "We're still looking. You haven't been listed as a missing person in any database. We're still looking." Liam says

      "Oh" she says sadly

      "Hey don't worry we'll find out who you are" Liam says touching her shoulder "I promise"

      At his words she sniffles "Thank you" suddenly she whimpers in pain as she clutches her head. "Hurts" she cries painfully

      Liam wraps his arm around her shoulders "Its OK" he says rocking her

      "Stop" she whimpers at the pounding in her head at the unrecognizable pictures running around in her head.

      "Shh" he soothes

      Kat looks at him after the pounding stops "what is wrong with me?"

      "Don't know Kat" he says "But we'll find out"


Chapter 2

      At the end of the week it is decided that it is time for Kat to leave. "Where is she supposed to go?" asks Renee

      "We can't just let her out on her own" protests Dr Park "She can't go through her episodes by herself she needs someone there in case she remembers anything about herself"

      Liam and Kat's eyes meet and Liam offers "She can stay with me. I have an extra room."

      "Are you sure?" Kat asks uncertainly

      "I'm sure" Liam says

      "Thanks" she smiles

      "OK then I want to see you at the end of next week." Dr Park says "If you remember anything let me know"

      "OK" Kat says

      Liam stands "Come on lets go get your things together" the two stand and walk away together

      An hour later they reach Liam's apartment. "Home sweet home" he says holding the door open for her. Kat enters and takes a look around. She grins at the decorations the old 1950's style posters framed. The large T.V monitor.

      "Cool" she says

      "Thanks. I'll show you to your room" he tells her. Kat nods and follows him. He leads her up the loft stairs "That's my room" he says gesturing to the first door at the top of the stairs. "The bathroom connects to our rooms." he opens the third door "Here's your room" Kat looks around the room curiously she sees that the room is decorated like the downstairs. "If you want to change anything go ahead."

      "No I like it" she grins "Thanks for letting me stay here"

      "It's not a problem. Wanna know a secret?"

      "Sure" she says

      "I could use the company" he tells her with a smile. "Are you hungry?"

      "A little" Kat admits

      "Let's go down to the club and get some food. I'm rarely here so the fridge is practically empty." They head back downstairs and then to the main floor.

      "Hey Augur" Liam greets leading Kat to the bar. "We need food. Got stuff to make sandwiches?"

      Augur replies "Sure check the fridge"

      "Thanks" Liam says jumping the bar. "We have mayo, ham, mustard, chicken, and white or wheat bread."

      "I'll take white, ham, mayo and mustard" she answers after a moment. She looks around the club frowning as she senses something odd. Suddenly a hand touches her shoulder she jumps surprised she turns around to find a tall pale man dressed in slacks and t shirt.

      "Care to dance?" he asks leaning on the counter with a grin

      Kat senses something off about him. "No thanks." she says politely "I'm just sitting here" she turns her attention back to Liam

      "Oh come on." he says

      Kat looks at the mirrored shelves behind Liam and notices the guy has no reflection. Her senses go off screaming "Vampire" she turns back to him "Leave" she growls low so Liam can't hear

      "You gonna make me?" he smirks

      She smiles coldly "I don't think you want to challenge that. You see we have company" she looks around

      Liam notices the man beside Kat "Kat is he bothering you?" he asks putting the plate before her

      Kat looks at the man her eyes speaking volumes "No I think he's leaving"

      "Later then" he says walking away

      Kat turns back to Liam "Thanks for making me this sandwich." she takes a bite out of it.

      "You're welcome" Liam grins back

      "Hey you two" Renee says joining them "Having fun?" she asks

      "Kat's all ready been hit on" Augur tells Renee

      "Oh really was he cute?" Renee inquires

      Kat shrugs "He wasn't my type"

      "And what is your type?" asks Augur

      Kat frowns then she says softly "A guy like my Dad... I think"

      "Do you remember your Dad?" Liam asks

      Kat shakes her head "I remember feelings. I don't remember him." she looks at them thoughtfully "I remember how much he loved me"

      Liam looks at her then asks "Do you remember your mom?"

      Kat shrugs "No. I wish I could remember more"

      "I have posted some queries on line. Someone should know who you are" Augur tells her.

      She smiles "Thank you" she finishes her sandwich listening to the others talking around her. Every so often she catches Liam's eye.

      After about an hour Liam notices she looks tired. "Kat you look tired why don't you go on up to bed"

      She nods " 'kay. Night" she says

      Liam, Renee and Augur watch as she leaves. "She is very interesting" says Augur

      "Seems like Liam thinks so too" Renee remarks

      Liam his eyes still on the door nods "She intrigues me" he admits

      She reaches the apartment leaning against the door she sighs wearily. "Who am I?" she whispers "What am I?" Pushing away from the door she trudges to her room. She strips down to her panties and shirt then crawls into the bed. She quickly falls asleep.

      After about an hour Liam heads upstairs to bed. As he is walking to his room he hears the sound of whimpering coming from Kat's room. Concerned he stands there momentarily as he listens to her quiet down then heads into his room. He strips down to his boxers and crawls into bed.

      Kat tosses and turns her mind churning with memories both good and bad.

      ("Daddy" she calls excitedly running towards the tall dark haired man.

      "Hey little one" he greets picking her up he hugs and kisses her. "How's my girl?" he asks

      "Fine Daddy. Mommy's in the kitchen making hot chocolate for us" she grins

      Suddenly the dream turns to a nightmare. She awakens screaming "Mommy. No Mommy"

      The bedroom door opens and her father hurries in. "Shh little one" he says his voice broken. "Da's here" he pulls her onto his lap. He rocks her as she sobs. "Its OK baby"

      "Want Mommy" she cries clinging to him "Want Mommy"

      "She's gone baby" he says "Mommy's gone" he sobs

      "Not gone Daddy." she protests. "Not gone" she whimpers insistently)

      Liam awakens to hear Kat calling out "Daddy! Mommy!" in her sleep. He jumps out of bed and rushes into the room. "Kat" he calls sitting on the edge of the bed. "Kat wake up it's a dream" he says softly

      Kat sits up crying "Daddy! Mommy!"

      "Kat" Liam says touching her shoulder "It was a dream"

      She looks at him her eyes wide with tears "Liam?"

      "Yeah it's me" he answers. She throws her arms around his neck. Surprised Liam wraps his arms around her. "shh it's OK" he whispers rocking her. He strokes her back soothingly "It was a dream" Kat hugs him tighter burrowing closer to him. "Tell me about it" he requests

      "No" she whimpers

      "Please?" Liam asks

      She shakes her head no "Liam just hold me" she cries

      Liam kisses her temple lightly "I will" He moves closer on the bed holding her close he pulls the blankets up. "Its OK" he whispers

      Kat loosens her grip on his neck her cries calming. After a while Liam moves to get off the bed. "No" she whimpers grabbing his hand. She looks up at him her eyes fearful "Stay with me Liam" she begs

      Liam looks at her uncertainly "I don't know"

      "Please Liam?" she begs.

      After a second Liam nods and gets under the covers. He pulls Kat to his side with her head on his chest while she grips his hand. "Go to sleep"

      "Thank you Liam" she whispers. The two fall asleep moments apart.


Somewhere in CA

      "KATIE" a man calls as he awakens. He sits up in the bed holding his head. Slowly he gets out of bed and walks out to the living room to the kitchen

      "I thought you had stopped having those dreams Angel" a voice says from the couch.

      Angel looks over at the couch to see his long time friend Spike watching him concerned. "I had. This is the first one I've had in a long time."

      Spike stares at him "Katie's dead Angelus"

      "I don't believe that" Angel says "I won't"

      "Soulboy Spike's right. Katie's been missing for 10 years" a voice enters the conversation. They look over to see a tall dark haired woman exit one of the bedrooms.

      "She isn't Faith" Angel retorts

      Faith shakes her head. She joins Spike on the couch taking his hand. "She is Angel."

      "No she isn't" Angel says he goes to the window and looks out into the night "I can feel her" he glances back at the two "I know she's alive. I just have to find her." He picks up a picture of a blonde haired teen smiling as she holds a baby with dark hair and eyes on her lap. The baby is laughing as she opens presents. He smiles sadly as he looks at it "She's alive." He tells them his voice filled with certainty.


Chapter 3

Back in DC

      The next morning Liam awakens to find Kat curled up at his side. He smiles and carefully gets off the bed. Quickly he showers and writes her a note then leaves the apartment.

      Kat awakens a few hours later to find Liam gone. Shrugging she heads to the kitchen where she finds his note

      //"Kat, I'll be back mid afternoon. We'll go get food then. Here's some money. There is a cafe just across the street go eat some breakfast. ~Liam"//

      She puts the note down then goes and takes a shower. After dressing she heads out to breakfast.


Taelon Mothership

      Liam enters Da'an's chambers his thoughts still on Kat and what he felt as he held her the night before. "hello Da'an" he greets

      "Major Kincaid it is good to see you" Da'an says from his seat

"What can I do for you Da'an?" Liam asks

      Da'an looks at Liam concerned "Is something bothering you Major?" he asks

      Liam paces the room "Da'an there's this woman I met. She has amnesia. I want to help her discover who she is but a part of me doesn't want to for I fear I might lose her."                                                   "Why do you fear that?" Da'an asks

      Liam shrugs "I don't really know"

      "What do you feel for her?" Da'an asks

      Liam sighs "I'm not really sure."

      "You care for her" Da'an states

      Liam nods "I do. There's something different about her."

      "She interests you"

      "That she does"


That afternoon

      Kat finds Liam, Renee and Augur waiting for her at the restuarant across the street from the apartment. "Hi" she smiles sitting beside Liam

      "Hi" Liam says

      "So what have you been up to?" Augur asks Kat

      "Oh doing some research mostly" Kat replies

      "On what?" Renee questions

      Kat shrugs "I wanted to see if my memories of events were accurate"

      "And?" Augur inquires

      Kat sighs "It seems that somehow I know things that have happened yet I have no memory of where I've been and who I am."

      "So you remember things like the Taelons coming yet you don't remember what you were doing at the time" Renee says

      "Yeah. I don't get it." Kat mutters "I mean how can I not now what I've been doing all these years yet I can remember what's been going on around me?" she looks up as a waiter walks over to them. She frowns

      "What?" Liam asks seeing the look on her face

      "I remember darkness" Kat says softly

      "Darkness how?" Renee asks

      "I'm not sure. I mostly remember being more comfortable at night." she sighs "That's it."


An hour later

      "Thanks for lunch" Kat says as she and Liam return to the apartment

      Liam nods sitting beside her on the couch. "Kat what do you remember about your nightmares?"

      "Nothing really." Kat shrugs "Mostly my father holding me saying everything would be fine."

      "You don't remember what he looked like?"

      "No" she leans against the cushions "What about your family?"

      "Nothing much to say" Liam shrugs

      "Where are they?"

      "Uh my mother's dead. My father he's another story. My mother's parents are still alive. They live in Ireland."

      Hearing him say that Kat smiles at the memory "My father was born in Ireland"

      "You remember?"

      Kat nods "When I was scared he'd say 'Don't worry little miracle Da's here' when he'd say it he'd have a slight accent" she sighs looking at him thoughtfully "Something tells me your different" Kat says

      Liam starts "How so?"

      "I'm not sure I just feel it." she raises her hand touching his face lightly "I see it in your eyes" she pulls back quickly as though her hand is burned "Who are you Liam Kincaid?" she says softly

      "Just Liam Kincaid" he replies with a small smile

      "I wish I knew who I am" Kat sighs a tear falling down her cheek

      Liam wipes the tear away "We'll find out who you are. I promise"

      Kat looks at him wiping away her tears on her sleeve she gives him a faint smile then hugs him "Thank you" she says softly resting her cheek on his shoulder

      Liam presses his lips lightly to her hair "Your welcome."

      Kat pulls back their faces inches apart. "Liam" she whispers

      "Kat" he echoes. Slowly the two move closer when they are startled out of the moment by Liam's global going off. "I better get this" he says

      Kat nods "Yeah" she starts walking into the kitchen

      Liam shakes his head "Kincaid" he says flipping on his Global

      "We need you on the mothership Major Kincaid." the man states

      "I'll be right up Sandoval" Liam answers turning off his Global he heads into the kitchen where he finds Kat having a drink of water "I've got to go. They need me up on the mothership"

      Kat nods her back to him. When she hears him start to walk out of the kitchen she says "Liam?"

      "Yeah?" Liam replies

      Kat turns around walking over to him she presses her lips to his. She pulls back chewing on her lower lip "You better go don't want to be late"

      Liam nods silently "I'll see you later" he walks out of the apartment

      Kat lifts her fingers to her lips 'That was incredible' she smiles faintly. Shaking off her thoughts she heads back into her bedroom.


Later that Afternoon

      Liam enters the apartment to find Kat sitting at the computer "Hey"

      "Hi" Kat greets glancing up

      "What are you doing?"

      "I'm not sure really." she says frustrated "I know I'm looking for something but..."

      "You don't know what" Liam finishes

      Kat nods "Its like I know but I can't grasp it"

      "I understand. I feel the same way about things"

      "Like what?"

      Liam shrugs "Different things"

      Kat shakes her head "You are a strange man Liam Kincade"

      "I'm just a guy" he smiles

      "Something about you tells me you aren't just a guy" Kat chuckles then suddenly she doubles over gasping for breath

      "Kat?" Liam asks going to her side



      "Bloody hell Angelus its a good thing you aren't human" Spike says wincing at the sight of wound on his sires side.

      "Damn Angel he nailed you good" Faith whistles looking up from patching up her friend

      Angel shrugs "Just finish it"


DC: Liam's place

      "Kat you OK?"

      Kat nods "I'm fine."

      "What was that?" Liam asks

      "I'm not sure" Kat sighs "pain but not mine"


      Kat shrugs "Something is wrong Liam. Something big"

      "How so?"

      "I don't know."

      Liam leans close "Hey it'll be OK"

      Kat sighs running her fingers through her hair. "I hope so"

      "Hey it will be" Liam assures taking her face between his hands

      Kat smiles slightly "Thank you" unconciously she nuzzles his hand with her cheek then turns into his hand pressing her lips to his palm. "Your different from the others." she closes her eyes

      Liam feels his heart pick up at her nearness. "Your also different." he whispers

      Kat opens her eyes "Liam" she says softly

      He leans forward his lips meeting hers in a gentle kiss. He pulls back his eyes drawn to hers. "Wow" he says with a smile

      Kat looks at him "Yeah" she agrees. After a moment their lips meet again. Kat slides her arms around his neck deepening the kiss

      Liam pulls back the two stare at each other dazed. Liam caresses her cheek with his forefinger.



      "Kiss me" she says shyly

      "Works for me" he grins leaning closer.

      Kat sighs at the feeling of his lips on hers. Her arms wrapping his neck.

      Liam pulls her closer groaning at the feeling of her tongue caressing his. He breaks the kiss allowing them both to breath.

      Kat shifts so she's straddling his thighs "Liam" she says softly as she leans down her lips meeting his.

      Liam grasps her waist with one hand the other tangling in her hair holding her close. He feels Kat pull back

      Kat looks at Liam sensing his arousal she slowly unbuttons his shirt.


      Kat leans down her lips inches from his "Please" she presses her lips against his her hands sliding his shirt off his arms. "We both want it. You want me. I want you."

      Liam stands with Kat in his arms her legs around his waist. He walks back towards his bedroom with Kat kissing him passionately. The two fall on the bed a tangle of limbs as they kiss furiously. Hands fly as they strip off each others clothes. Once they are both naked Liam pauses "Kat?"

      Brown eyes meet grey as Kat smiles rubbing her thumb across his lower lip. "I want you"



      Liam frowns hearing a purring sound coming from Kat. He chuckles lifting his head he smiles at Kat. 'She's purring' he realizes

      After a few moments Kat looks at Liam and smiles moving closer she kisses him lightly.

      "You were purring like a cat" he tells her with a faint laugh

      Kat looks at him "I was?"

      Liam nods

      Kat looks away feeling sheepish "I must have a reason." she rests her head beside his

      "I like it" he states smoothing her hair out of her face "its cute" he brushes his lips across hers. A moment later he groans hearing his Global beep. "Great what now?" he rolls over grabbing his Global off the nightstand. "Kincaid" he says in greeting seeing Augur he groans "Augur I'm busy here"

      Augur smiles slightly seeing his friend in bed without a shirt "I can see that" he notices Kat behind Liam

      "Shut up Augur" Kat says annoyed "just tell Liam what you want then go away"

      "Sorry to disturb your afternoon of fun but Liam I have something you might want to see."

      Liam sighs "I'll be right there." he hangs up before his friend can make another comment.

      "Do you have to go?" Kat grumbles looking annoyed

      Liam nods "I'll try and be back as soon as possible." he kisses her and stands quickly getting dressed "How about we go out to dinner" Liam suggests sitting on the bed pulling on his shoes

      "Sure" Kat nods

      Seeing the uncertain look on Kat's face Liam kisses her again leaving her breathless "We have a lot to talk about"

      Kat nods "You better go before we get carried away" she smiles lightly pushing him away.

      Liam smiles "I'll see you later" he promises heading out of the apartment

      Kat sighs curling up under the covers inhaling his scent she smiles drifting off to sleep. 


Augur's Place

      "Augur this better be good" Liam says annoyed entering the underground apartment.

      "Sorry to disturb you" Augur grins

      "Just tell me what you need. I told Kat we'd go out to dinner"

      "Dinner?" Renee asks entering the work area

      "Yes. Now what's going on?"

      "Liam have you told her?" Augur asks curiously

      Liam looks at his hands shaking his head "I'm going to... tonight"

      "Wait your going to tell Kat... a stranger that you aren't exactly human?" Renee demands

      Liam nods "I trust her."

      "Liam just be careful we don't know enough about her" Renee warns

      "Renee its none of your business if I tell her. Lets get to work." he says annoyed

