Buffy/Sentinel Crossover Page

My first Buffy/Sentinel Crossover

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Cascade, WA

"Come on Jim tell me more about this lady" Blair begs

Jim looks at his best friend "She's an old friend. We were involved about 19, 20 years."

"Need more info" Blair demands watching as Jim packs

Jim stops and smiles at his memories "Sandburg her name is Joyce. We met in college. She was studying for a degree in Art History. She was dating a friend of mine named Hank Summers. I think you'll get along with her."

"So when was the last time you saw her?" Blair asks

Jim sighs "The last time we spoke was on their 10th Anniversary. We've managed to keep in touch sending cards on Christmas and such."

Blair frowns "So is she still married?"

Jim shakes his head "No. They divorced a long time ago. Joyce and her daughter moved to Sunnydale after Buffy was expelled from her high school."

Blair grins "Buffy?!" he laughs "I'm sorry but that is a bad name"

Jim nods "I know. God Buffy is 18 or 19 now." Jim grabs his duffle bag "Ready Chief? Our flight leaves in an hour"

Blair nods "Ready as I'll ever be." The two friends walk out of the loft locking the door behind them. "You know the name Sunnydale sounds familiar" Blair muses

Jim groans "Chief this is a vacation trip not a work trip" He opens the truck door

Blair opens the passenger door turning to Jim he continues talking "I know but Jim I've heard the name Sunnydale somewhere"

"Sandburg" Jim warns starting the engine

"OK. OK" Blair says in surrender

"Good thinking Chief" Jim chuckles pulling the truck into traffic

Sunnydale, CA- Summer's House

Mid afternoon Joyce knocks on the basement door opening it she calls down "Spike"

"Yeah mum?" a British voice calls back

"Don't forget we're having guests for a week or so"

"Sure mum" Spike calls

"Spike Jim is a cop. I want you on your best behavior. Remember Buffy is coming over for dinner along with Giles, Riley, and Willow. I don't want any bickering at the dinner table"

"Fish Boy is coming" Spike whines

"Yes Riley is coming"

"At least Poof and Scrappy aren't coming." Spike sighs "Though if Scrappy came the Ex demon would too. She always makes an evening interesting"

Joyce shakes her head "Spike just be good. No bickering with Buffy."

"I promise on the Poof's head that I will not bicker with the Slayer."

"Nice try Spike but you hate Angel" Joyce chuckles

"Even so I promise"

"Thank you Spike. If your good I'll make you some hot chocolate" Joyce bribes

"Best behavior mum." Spike promises. Joyce turns to walk up the stairs "Uh mum can you make sure the Slayer doesn't try to stake me and I won't annoy her"

Joyce nods "I'll talk with Buffy when she gets here" she promises going upstairs to the kitchen

Sunnydale University- Buffy's dorm

"I can't believe this" Buffy groans flopping on her bed beside Riley

Riley watches his girlfriend as she rants "Buffy it won't be that bad"

"Bad?!" Buffy exclaims "Riley it'll be terrible. It would be OK if Spike wasn't there but..."

"Why does Spike even live there?" Riley demands "Why do you let him stay there alone with your mother?"

Buffy sits up "My Mom likes him. I think its the whole unlike most the guys in my life friends or enemies Spike is the only one who tells her the truth." she shrugs "Sometimes I think my Mom sees Spike as the son she doesn't have"

"So your Mom likes your mortal enemy because he hasn't lied to her"

"Yup." she takes his hand "The other reason I hate this idea is that I haven't seen this friend of her's since I was little. He's a cop and ex military. He's bringing his friend."

"Maybe it'll turn out OK" Riley says kissing her

"God I hope so. At least you guys will be there. If I had to sit through this with Spike I'd probably jump out a window."

Sunnydale City Limits- 6 PM

"So this is Sunnydale" Blair muses

"Yep." Jim mutters looking around. He feels the hairs on the back of his neck rise. "Chief something about this place is off"

"Oh come on Jim. Its a new place. Your probably just nervous about seeing your friend"

"Maybe" Jim says unconvinced. "We're here Chief" Jim announces pulling into the driveway "Come on" he says turning off the engine. He opens the drivers side door reaching over the back seat he grabs his duffle bag

Blair follows suite walking up to the porch. "So you ready" he asks Jim

"Ready as ever" Jim answers ringing the doorbell. He hears heeled shoes walking towards the door. The door opens and Jim smiles at the sight before him "Hello Joyce"

"Good to see you Jim" Joyce greets gesturing for them to enter. She closes the door behind them "It is so good to see you" she smiles hugging Jim

"Same. Its been a while." They end the hug and Jim introduces Blair. "Joyce this is Blair Sandburg he's an Anthropology Professor. Blair Joyce Summers Art Historian"

"Nice to meet you." Blair says shaking her hand

"Same" Joyce acknowledges. "Come on in. Do you guys want a cup of coffee or anything?" Joyce asks showing them into the living room

"Uh no thanks" Blair declines

"I'm fine." Jim states looking around the room he notices the framed pictures on the mantle. Going over he takes a picture of Buffy dressed for Prom off the mantle. "So this is Buffy." He grins at Joyce "She's grown"

"Yes she has" Joyce nods joining him. "That was taken last year at her Prom."

"She's beautiful" Jim says looking at the picture then at Joyce

"Yes she is" Joyce smiles

Blair looks around at the art work "Joyce this is some nice stuff" he states appreciatively

"Thank you. So tell me what do you work on?" She asks

Blair and Jim glance at each other before Blair speaks "Ancient South American legends mostly"

"Interesting. You might have a good conversation with Mr. Giles. He studies that sort of thing." Joyce says

"Spike you dumbass" Buffy yells stomping into the house

"Oh poor Buffy" Spike snickers following

Buffy stomps into the living room. Joyce stands up seeing her daughter covered in dirt she demands "What happened?"

Buffy glares at the blonde vampire "That blood sucker is going down" she yells about to launch herself at Spike

"Mum" Spike protests as he watches Riley restrain the Slayer from killing him "Mum she's gone nuts"

"Oh you'd know you stupid peroxide British va..." Buffy yells struggling against Riley's arms

"Buffy" Joyce yells bringing the Slayer back to the present

Buffy blinks at the sight of the newcomers ending her sentence "vandal." she glares calming down "I hate you Spike"

"Feelings mutual pet" Spike growls

"Buffy Spike what did I say?" Joyce demands

"No bickering" they say simultaneously

"Good. Now I'd like you guys to meet Jim Ellison and Blair Sandburg." Joyce gestures to the two men beside her "Jim, Blair this is my daughter Buffy. Riley Finn and Spike."

"Nice to meet you" Buffy says shaking Jim's hand she gets this weird feeling passing between them.

"Uh same" Jim replies trying to mentally shake off the feeling coursing through his body as he releases Buffy's hand

"Nice to meet ya mates" Spike states from the other side of the room. He senses something off from the two newcomers

"So Spike where are you from?" Blair asks sitting down

"Everywhere" Spike answers "I like ta travel"

They chat for a while when the doorbell rings. "I'll get it" Buffy says getting up she opens the door to find Willow and Giles "Hi guys come in" they enter and go into the living room joining the others

Joyce stands up and introduces Jim and Blair to Giles and Willow. "Buffy why don't you help me put dinner on the table" Joyce suggests. Buffy grudgingly agrees with one final glare at Spike she follows her mother into the kitchen.

Jim is in the living room listening to the conversation around him when he extends his hearing to the kitchen. He hears Buffy demand "Why the hell is Spike here?"

"I know you two hate each other Buffy but please behave" Joyce begs

"Fine" Buffy answers "Don't forget I have to patrol later"

Jim turns his attention back to the conversation in the living room. "So Chief are you learning anything?" Jim asks with a grin

"Oh yeah Jim. Mr. Giles was telling me about his research. He has a bunch of books on ancient tribes"

"Great" Jim groans "You've created a monster" he jokes. The others look at him surprised but smile after a moment. "So tell me about Sunnydale"

"Uh Sunnydale is an interesting place" Giles stammers

"Oh yeah the blokes here are great fun" Spike smirks.

Jim catches the glares sent towards the blond man. "It seems like..." he stops as Joyce enters the room

"Dinner's ready" she announces leading them into the dining room. Once everyone is seated they pass the food around the table. "Blair Jim tells me that your a professor"

"Yes. I'm working on my doctorate right now."

"You are young to be a professor" Joyce observes

"That's what Naomi, my mom, says. She wants me to be a free spirit, a hippie, like her"

"Your mom's a hippie?" Willow asks surprised "Cool"

"She would be happier if I gave up the normal life and lived for the moment. She hates structure"

"Sounds like fun though" Willow remarks

"It is for a while but when you grow up with it you want to avoid it." Blair replies

"Kinda like have an unwanted destiny" Buffy muses sadly

"Yeah kind of" Blair agrees. The rest of dinner is spent talking. Finally around 8 Buffy and the others make their excuses to leave.

After Buffy, Riley, Spike, Giles and Wilow leave Joyce begins to clear the table. "Joyce let us help" Blair says standing

"Oh no just go rest in the living room. I'll put some coffee on." She says heading into the kitchen with the dishes

"Blair there is something off here" Jim states running his hands through his hair

"Like what?" Blair asks

Jim sighs "I heard Buffy say something about patrolling later."


"How many people use that word?" Jim questions

"I don't know but that doesn't mean that somethings up"

"I know. But Sandburg when Buffy and I shook hands it was like a power surge went through our bodies"

"That is a little suspicious" Blair agrees

"And Spike he was a little different. Did you realize he ate very little?"

"Yeah maybe he wasn't hungry" Blair answers

"Maybe but there is something odd about these people" Jim finishes just moments before Joyce enters with the mugs


Spike and Buffy are patrolling together without Riley or Willow. "You OK Slayer?" Spike asks

"Why? Are you concerned?" Buffy demands

"Hey just asking" Spike says defensively

"Sorry Spike. Its just tonight was a little disconcerting" she sighs

"Slayer you scared of those men?" Spike smirks

Buffy snorts in disgust "No." she sits down on the tombstone "I got this weird feeling about them. Didn't you?"

"Yeah pet I did" Spike agrees

"Spike my Spidey senses went nuts when we shook hands"

"He's not a demon pet"

"Duh. But something is weird about them especially Jim. Spike keep an eye out for my mom"

"I will Slayer." Spike promises

"Thank you" Buffy says as they continue to patrol

Initiative Headquarters

Riley is at the computer running a background check on Jim Ellison and Blair Sandburg. "OK at least your telling the truth" he mutters

"Who's telling the truth?" Forest asks sitting beside his friend

"Oh just some people I met." Riley answers

Forest looks at the screen "Oh hey I remember that guy" he says nodding at Jim's picture. "He's the guy who spent a year in Peru after his team was killed."

Riley frowns "I kinda remember that. It says after that he became a cop."

"Who's the hippie?"

"His name is Blair Sandburg. He's an Anthropology major working on his doctorate."

Forest whistles in amazement "He's a freakin' genius. I mean he finished high school at 15. College at 18. He took some time off then went to graduate school at 21."

"Check out his thesis 'The Modern Sentinel.' According to this the Sentinel is a person who has extreme senses. His doctorate is based on this theory."

"Take to Walsh see what she has to say" Forest suggests

Riley nods "Maybe I will" he says softly

Buffy's dorm

Buffy is dreaming about a panther running through the jungle. At the sight of the panther she feels a since of security rather than fear. Suddenly the panther changes to Jim. "What are you?" Buffy demands

Her dream switches to watching Jim as he uses his senses. "Smell. Taste. Touch. Hear. See" A voice says at each scene

"I don't understand" Buffy stammers "What is going on?" she demands

She begins feel what Jim felt as he first discovered his abilities. Her whole body feels it causing the Slayer to wake up her heart pounding. "What the hell was that?" she mutters running her hands through her hair

Summer's Home

Jim dreams of the things in Buffy's life. He watches as she meets Merrick and fights her first vampire. "She is the Slayer."

"What's the Slayer?" his dreamself demands

"Fights the evils of the world" the voice answers as the scene changes to more of Buffy fighting. Jim feels her uncertainity as she fights it feels so real to him he wakes up startled "What the?" he demands

The two on opposite sides of town both feel the after effects of their dreams.

Part 2

**** Next Afternoon ****

Buffy struggles through her classes her mind on the dream from the night before. Finally the Slayer annoyed with the lack of understanding from the dream heads to Giles' apartment. "Hey Giles I had a wiggen..." she trails off as she sees that her Watcher has company in the form of Jim and Blair. "Oh Hi" she greets

"Ahh Buffy." Giles stammers removing his glasses "Good to see you"

"Uh yeah" she says "What's going on?" she asks

"Giles and Sandburg are having a book party" Jim grins

Buffy grins back "At least he has someone to talk to about these musty old books."

"I know the feeling. Blair drives me nuts at times because of the information he gets."

Buffy nods "There is nothing worse than Giles rambling on about his books."

"At least they can talk to each other and not drive us nuts" Jim laughs

"Blair are you sure you don't want to move here to spare me from the ramblings of Giles." Buffy pleads

"Huh?" Blair asks distractedly looking up from the book

"So where's Mom?" Buffy asks Jim

"At the gallery. She had some work to do. Blair wanted to check out Giles books and so here we are." Jim answers

"Buffy aren't you supposed to be at class?" Giles asks

Buffy shrugs "I skipped"

"Buffy" he groans in annoyance

"Giles I'm 19. I can skip class if I want" Buffy reminds

"You are going to be the death of me" Giles mutters

Buffy spends the afternoon at Giles place soon it is nightfall "Mom is getting dinner ready we should head out" Buffy suggests

"Oh man look at the time" Jim groans "Come on Chief" he prods

"All right I'm coming." Blair mutters "Giles can I borrow this book? I'll have it back to you tomorrow"

"Sure Blair it is not a problem" Giles answers

"Thanks Giles" Blair says as he joins Buffy and Jim at the door.

"Buffy do you want to be dropped off at the dorm?" Jim asks

Buffy shakes her head "Uh no. I told Mom I'd be at dinner tonight" she says getting into the car. Jim starts the car pulling out of the parking lot.

**** LA ****

Angel is in his office reading a book that Wesley had discovered. "Wes" he calls

"Yes Angel?" Wesley Wyndham Price answers sticking his head in the doorway

"What do you know of the Sentinel?" Angel asks

Wesley frowns thoughtfully than answers "Uh yes. If I remember correctly the Sentinel is a race of Warriors that are known for their senses. Most Sentinels lived in South American tribes they guarded the villages."

"Do Sentinel's still exist?" Angel asks

"It is said that some people have a few of the extreme senses but I haven't heard of anyone with all senses. Why?"

Angel leans back watching the ex Watcher thoughtfully. "Wesley this book mentions a Sentinel"

"In what way?"

"It says that the child of the Sentinel is one of great power and strength. It says that the panther will join with the warriors to fight on the Hellmouth."

"What are you thinking?" Wesley asks

"The warriors Wesley. The Powers the Be refer to Buffy, me and the rest of the gang as the Warriors. What if one of them is the child of the Sentinel?"

"Who?" Wesley asks

"I don't know. It could be any of them" Angel sighs "I need to research more about this"

"Need any help?" Wesley asks

"Uh yeah. Um check your books for mention of Sentinels." Angel asks

"Sure" Wesley answers leaving the room

**** Sunnydale- Summer's house ****

As Jim pulls into the driveway Buffy's Spider senses go off, as does Jim's. Getting out of the car Buffy says to Jim and Blair "Get inside"

"Why?" Blair demands

"Just go" Buffy orders taking her stake out she turns her attention to the vampires coming towards her. "Hello boys"

"Slayer" the leader growls

Jim's senses go haywire causing him to zone out. He hears his name being called by Blair. "Jim snap out of it"

"SPIKE" Buffy yells fighting the vampires off. The front door slams open and a vamped out Spike runs outside. He immediately takes out one of the vampires.

"Hello gents" he greets getting into the fray

"Blair Jim get inside" Joyce calls frantically

Jim snaps out of the zone out and he yells "Sandburg inside" he rushes towards Buffy grabbing the vampire off her

"Stake him" Buffy says tossing Jim a stake

Jim catches the stake ramming it into the vampires chest he watches as it disentigrates. He has a thought "Buffy spin him" he calls

"Why?" Buffy asks ducking the vampires fist.

"Do it" Jim orders

Buffy nods spinning the vampire away from her she watches as Jim tosses the stake at the vampires chest. "Next" Buffy says tossing another

Within minutes the three take the vampires out. Jim sees that Spike is a vampire yet says "I take it your good"

"Spike has a behavior modification chip in his head. He can't hurt anyone" Buffy explains

"I can hurt demons" Spike reminds

Jim's head starts to pound his vision goes blurry and he starts to sneeze. He starts to sway "Sandburg" he calls

Sandburg hurries outside to his friends side "Jim you OK?" he demands "Help me get him inside" he requests

"Spike bring him inside" Joyce calls

Spike picks Jim up taking him inside he puts him on the couch. "So what are ya mate?" he asks Jim

"He's a Sentinel" Blair answers for Jim

"What's wrong with him?" Joyce demands worriedly

"I'm not sure" Blair replies "It could be an allergic reaction."

"I'll call Giles" Buffy says "He can help" she hurries to the phone

Tell me what you think