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Homer's Couch

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Welcome, this page is under TONS of construction! HEY my page is up and running. Almost everything works now! Please explore every page. I will finish it completley in about a month. (it takes a while ya know!). E-mail me if you have any ideas for me. This page was started 12/29/99. There isn't much yet but there's tons to come. - Justin Libra, the creator of Homer's Couch.

  • I love the simpsons. They are my favorite show. The Simpsons are on there 11th season, the longest succesful running cartoon. They have almost 300 great episodes too! The show is so funny! The Simpson's are the most loved family in the US. It's about the true American family. And if you don't watch the show, why are you here?E-mail me if you have any questions or comments.
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    Homer J. Simpson
    Occupation: Safety Inspector at the Nuclear Powerplant(he makes it less safe though...)
    Salary: $382.19 a week
    Address: 742 Evergreen Terrace, Springfield, NT 49007
    Weight: a lot! (fat)
    Hobbies: Eat, gettin drunk(Duff Beer),T.V., sleep,bowling, and lay on couch
    Favorite Sayings: D'oh, Mmmmmm....., Why you little...!!!

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