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1. stránka

Vyplňte vlastní údaje podle vzoru. Ve spodní části (Referrer:) napište hodas (pokud tam není) a stiskněte Click Here to sign up and earn huge cash


Your password will be sent to the email address you enter below. We ask you to enter it twice to make sure you typed it correctly.
E-Mail Address:  
Verify E-Mail Address:  
Other State:  
Zip/Postal Code:  
Gender: Muž Žena
Income: Můj roční příjem je:
Year of birth:
example: 1994





2. stránka

Staci zadat Vás Login a Heslo a kliknout na Click here to Login!

Registrace byla uspesna........ Po prihlaseni do systemu si muzete stahnout CashBar navigator a zacit vydelavat penize. .......

Pro první přihlášení použijte heslo které Vám dojde na E-mail, který jste zadli v registraci.(viz nahore). Melo by to byt 10-ti mistne cislo.

Pozdeji si muzete heslo zmenit.


Click here if you forgot your login or password.

Note: Everyones personal points have been doubled. We also increased the number of points from five to ten per banner view. This will benefit the individual surfer by allowing them to earn more money. This will also benefit the referral system because now there will be more incentive to surf yourself therfore benefiting everyone all around. This will change the downline percentage from 100% to 40%. However the number of points coming in from the downline should increase because of the higher incentive for individual surfing.


Posledni stránka

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