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Hockey Stuff

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Improper skate size and fit , Knees not bended , Dull blades - Those are the main 3 reasons why people dont skate right . Here I explain what to do to correct it and be a better player. IMPROPER SKATE SIZE AND FIT-The skates don't fit right.Skates have to fit kinda tight or your skating skills will not reach the full potential.When you fit skates kick your heel all the way back , and lace the skate.your toes should barely touch the cap.For younger players some room should be left , when your toes are all the way to the front , about 0.5 - 1cm should be open at the back. KNEE BEND-You have to bend your knees! when skating knee bend is very important or you'll compromise both speed and agility.When skating backwards it is most important to bend the knees , then the backward crossover will be much more easy.You should bend your knees alot , so that it nearly feels uncomfortable , but not that much so that you'll fall over ! DULL BLADES-It is of the uttermost importance to have your skates sharpened or you'll be faced with stops resulting in falls , or agility becoming something very opposite.Skates should be sharpened more than you think , about every 4 - 7 hours of skating.If you don't know if your edges are dull , ask someone with lots of experience or your coach.If blades are not sharpened regularly the blades could sustain damage and could rust , so get 'em sharpened and you'll feel the difference. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BUYING NEW SKATES-When buying new skates its not like buying new shoes because the skates should sit alot tighter.Skate sizes and shoe sizes are different , try skates with a lower number than your shoes.Also remember that Bauer skates are for people with narrower feet and CCM skates are for people with broader feet.When trying them on lace up the skates and walk around with them for a while.Remember that they should fit tight but not uncomfortably tight so that there are places that are red and hurt.When you are a defensive player you should try skates with a hollow like 3/8 for more sharp turns and and more agility to check the other players.If you are a wing or a center you should try a 1/2 hollow to get more speed and glide.Make the right choice because you cant play without your skates. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BREAKING IN SKATES-You should always break in your skates or you'll feel uncomfortable when skating.A good way to break in your skates is to put them on laced all the way up and to walk around with them , remember to put on the skate guards or both the blades and carpets will damage.if you feel the leather is too stiff around the ankles try to stand still and bend forth , backwards and sideways.Remember to bend your ankles in that directions and not your body.Put your skates on as much as possible , when doing homework or watching TV and you'll break in your skates alot faster.So break your skates in and be a better player ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO DO A HOCKEY STOP-A hockey stop is something essential for all players and it is important to do it right from the start.The first thing you have to do is not to be scared of falling. First you turn both your skate in whichever direction you fancy , but still push yourself forward som that you glide on the ice.When you glide long lines would be visible behind you on the ice.Now when you are gliding suddenly dig your blades into the ice , when you do that the ice will spray off your blades , just dont spray a bbigger guy or you'll wind up looking like a snowman. So thats how to do a hockey stop , but there are numerous techniques. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for visiting my website and be sure to look often because I update this site alot.This site was created in the most Southern country in Africa.

Check out these links to other pages

Hockeyplayer magazine-Tips and stuff
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Search their neighbourhoods and you'll find lots of hockey stuff
CCM website
BAUER website
EASTON website
If you're in need of pics
Lots of links-Very good
All the goalie masks from the NHL
ITECH website