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"Acceptance" series


Title: Acceptance of betrayal
Rating: PG-13
Summary: What happens when you can’t take it anymore.



Title: Accepting the past (and moving on)
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Basically, the aftermath of betrayal.



"After" series


Title: The morning after
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The morning after the night before. Mulder and Scully wake up in each other’s arms. Their thoughts and feelings about that.



Title: After the beginning
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Sequel to "The morning after".



Title: After the miracle
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Third story in "After" series. New arrivals ...



Title: After the arrival
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Fourth in ‘After’ series. Sequel to After The Miracle. 



Title: After the retreat
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Fifth in ‘After’ series. Sequel to After The Arrival. 



Title: After the return
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Sixth in ‘After’ series. Follows on from After The Retreat.



Title: After the truth
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Seventh and last in ‘After’ series. Follows After The Return. 



"Playing House" series


Title: Playing House 1 - The beginning
Rating: PG
Summary: Mulder’s thought and feelings one night and the beginning of a change.....



Title: Playing House 2 - Realization 
Rating: PG
Summary:  Scully makes a realization but doesn't know what to do about it....



Title: Playing House 3 - Confrontation
Rating: PG
Summary: Mulder confronts Scully about her behavior and Scully confronts Mulder about his dream...



"Past Pretending" series


Title: Past Pretending
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Major Alternate Universe. Mulder and Scully meet TWICE before being assigned to The X-Files



Title: Past Pretending: Candlelight and Christmas
Rating: PG
Summary: Set after PP, Mulder, Scully and Alicia share their first Christmas together as a family. Fluff!!!



Title: Slumber Watching 1 - Dana
Rating: PG
Summary: Mulder POV. Short interlude for the Past Pretending universe. His thoughts as he watches one of his girls sleep.



Title: Slumber Watching 2 - Alicia
Rating: PG
Summary: Mulder POV. Interlude 2 in the PP universe. Mulder’s thoughts as he watches his other girl sleeping.



"Wedding Shower" series


Title: Weddings and wishes
Rating: PG
Summary: A wedding and a surprise.



Title: Showers, Dreams and Baby Elephants
Rating: PG
Summary: Mulder, Scully and their first pregnancy.