Title: Caught in the act (or: Mulder, Scully and the Looney Tunes)(1/1) Author: Tanja E-mail address: tanyavoet@hotmail.com or xfshippers@writeme.com Website: http:/www.angelfire.com/oh/xfshippers/index.html Rating: PG, maybe a little R Keywords: MSR, humor Spoilers: none I can think of, unless you've never been in a Warner Bros store before *g* Summary: Mulder walks into Scully's room one night and discovers a whole new side of his partner. Needless to say one thing leads to another. Disclaimer: Mulder, Scully and WB figures don't belong to me. I'm just using them in this story for fun. Please don't sue me for having some fun! Author's notes: Sometimes inspiration for a new story seems to come at the weirdest times! Don't laugh, but this idea came when I was in one of the Warner Bros stores with my friend Traci, during my holiday in America. This story is for Traci, the idea was actually hers. Thanks for the idea, Traci and thanks for showing me around Washington, Philadelphia and New York, I had a wonderful time! It was great to finally meet you! Joey thanks for beta reading!!!!!! Caught in the act (or: Mulder, Scully and the Looney Tunes) (1/1) It had been a long day for both of them. Actually, the whole week had been long and demanding. Skinner had sent them on a case in the middle of god knew where and to the dismay of both Mulder and Scully, it had taken a lot more time than they had expected (and hoped for) to solve the case. In the end they had managed to catch the bad guy and as soon as they were back at the hotel, Scully had called the airport to book the next flight home. It must not have been her lucky day, because for some reason all flights to Washington were fully booked and they wouldn't be able to take a flight back home before tomorrow evening. Actually, she perfectly knew why they couldn't, after all who wouldn't want to get out of here? With a sigh Scully hung up the phone and debated what she was going to do next. She decided that a nice warm bath might help to lighten her mood, after the week they had had a little relaxation wouldn't hurt! She walked to her suitcase, took out the towel/robe that she had once gotten from one of her friends, it had actually been meant as a joke. She had no idea why she had even brought it with her when she packed for the case, but it had ended up in her suitcase, so she might just as well use it now. She grabbed the matching slippers and made her way to the bathroom. She already started to feel better the moment she stepped into the bath tub. Satisfied she lied down in the water, turned on her portable cd player and forgot about the rest of the world for a while. At the same time Mulder was bored out of his mind in the room next to Scully's. He too was glad that the case was over, but at least it had given them something to do. He wondered if Scully had managed to book them on the next flight home, maybe he should check with her. Brightening with the idea of having an excuse to go to his partner's room, he got up from the bed and walked to the door that separated their rooms and opened it. "Hey, Scully?" He called, before he walked into her room. He didn't get any reaction. "Scully?" He looked around, but didn't see her, he already started to panic when the door of the bathroom opened and his partner came out. She didn't immediately realize he was in the room, until she looked up. Her mouth opened and closed and went open again. She gaped at him in shock, she was sure she had locked the door before she took a bath, hadn't she? Mulder didn't say a word, he just stood there staring at her, his mouth wide open in shock. This had to be a joke, normally Scully was so …, well normal was the word he guessed. But he had never expected to see this side of her. So different, so … He couldn't seem to find the right word for it. It was just too weird. Suddenly realizing the absurdity of the whole situation he did in Scully's eyes the most inexcusable thing, he started to laugh. And once he started laughing, he didn't seem to be able to stop anymore either. Looking at her partner, who obviously thought this was very funny, Scully came out of her shock. "Mulder!" She cried outraged. But the same Mulder was still laughing too hard to be capable of saying anything right now. "Mulder, this isn't funny, get out!" Scully tried, without success. Mulder only laughed harder. She gave up and sank down on her bed, hoping that he would just stop laughing and go away. After a few minutes he finally stopped laughing, or at least tried. He almost started again when he saw her staring at him indignantly. She didn't seem to think that this was funny, but he couldn't help it, it was very funny to see his normally so straight and perfectly dressed partner coming out of the shower, wearing nothing more than a Tweety towel/robe, matching Sylvester slippers on her small feet. He could have imagined her wearing a lot of things, but just not this. "I …, Scully, I … " He gasped, still laughing. "Mulder, I don't know why you think this is so funny, but …" She said angry. "I'm sorry, Scully. I didn't mean to laugh at you. It's just that this is …" He waved his hands in the air, trying to explain to her what he thought was so funny about all this. "Is what?" She asked impatiently. "A little different from what you normally wear?" He tried, cocking his head a little, a huge grin on his face. "So? It's my own choice what I wear when I'm alone, isn't it? It's not my fault you walked in here unannounced!" She looked at him triumphantly, then realized that she had no idea why he had come to her room anyway. "What are you doing here anyway?" "I erm …" In all the consternation Mulder had totally forgotten what he had come for in the first place. He looked at her and suddenly realized something completely different. The towel that Scully was wearing, was not only very funny, it was also very short. He tried his best not to stare, but he couldn't help it, the robe was really kind of short and therefore showing a large part of her legs. "Mulder?" Scully was still waiting for his answer, her cheeks turned crimson when she realized that instead of laughing, he was now staring at her appreciatively. "Mulder!" Oops, caught in the act. Mulder turned away guiltily, trying to focus on the question she had asked. "Oh I erm came here to ask you when we're leaving? Did you manage to get us on a flight for tomorrow morning?" "No, I didn't. All flights were booked for tomorrow morning. We are leaving with the evening flight. Guess there are more people who want to get out of this place and I have to say I can't blame them." Suddenly she realized how comic the whole situation was. Poor Mulder, he had only come here to ask her when they were leaving. How was he supposed to know she would be walking around dressed like this? She started to laugh. Mulder looked at her confused. "Scully?" "Yes, Mulder?" She said, grinning. "Why are you laughing?" "Because I just realized that this is kind of funny. I'm sorry, Mulder, you didn't do anything wrong. I guess I should have locked the door before I took a bath." He grinned "Yeah, but then I wouldn't have known my partner turns into one of the Looney Tunes characters at night. Where did you get it anyway?" She shrugged "Birthday joke from a friend, sometimes she has weird ideas of jokes." "I think you, I erm mean it looks kind of cute." The comment left his mouth before he could stop himself. "Cute?" She echoed, shocked because that was the last thing she had expected him to say. Though she had to admit, she did not dislike the idea that he thought she looked cute. "Erm … yeah, you know what Scully? I think it's time to go back to my own room now." He thought it better to leave, before he was going to say or do something he would really regret the next morning. "No, wait!" Her small hand on his arm stopped him in the mid of his tracks. "Scully?" He turned around, wondering what she wanted. When he looked at her, he knew. From being very funny the situation had changed into something completely different. Something of which he wasn't sure if they should stop it right here and now or go on with and see where they would end up. They were balancing on a very thin line, had been for a long time actually, without either of them ever realizing it until now. He wondered what would happen if they would stop balancing, which way would they go? Scully didn't seem to know either, but it also looked like she didn't want or couldn't stop herself. "You think I'm cute?" She whispered. She told herself she shouldn't be asking this. She would regret asking the next morning, once she had found back her sanity. This was her partner for Christ sake! But she couldn't help it, she had to ask. For a minute he didn't seem to know what to do next, then he decided he might as well be honest now. He had no idea where this was going, but until now he liked the way it was turning out. "Yes." He answered, his voice low, almost in a whisper. "Oh." She paused for a moment, then. "Why?" He shrugged "because you are, that's why." "Cute enough to …?" She paused, not finishing what she really wanted to say. If she would, there would really be no way back. Mulder leaned down on purpose, moving his face until he was only inches away from hers. "For what …?" He whispered teasingly. Scully gave up, she was in over her head now anyway. She might as well go for all the way. "To do this." She said, before she moved in and kissed him. Her arms found their way around his neck and he deepened the kiss, in the mean time pulling her closer to him. When they let go, he grinned and said. "Oh yeah, definitely. Hey Scully?" "Yes?" She smiled, leaning against him. "You think you could wear this outfit to work too?" He laughed. "Shut up Mulder, just kiss me." That was the last thing that was said for a long time. THE END Epilogue She awoke because of the sun shining brightly outside. It took her a moment to realize where she was, then she sighed contented and a smile spread over her face. She looked down at Mulder, who was sleeping peacefully next to her. He suddenly seemed to notice she was looking, because he started to move and his eyes opened slowly, blinking against the bright sun. "Hey beautiful." He whispered. "Hi." She smiled back, then got distracted when the day light revealed something she hadn't seen last night. "Mulder?" "Yes?" "I didn't know you were a Marvin the Martian fan?" "Huh?" He asked, still half asleep. Not immediately realizing what she was talking about. Scully just grinned and whispered "Nice boxers, Mulder."