Title: Looking Back. Author: Joey R. Rating: PG Catergory: Short, set in the future/alternate universe, MSmarried. Dark humour? I don't know! Spoilers: Various episodes from Season 1 - present. Disclaimer: Mulder and Scully belong to my good friend, Chris Carter. He agreed to let me lend them for a little while coz I promised to return them with no memory of what happens. Isn't he a great guy? (: Oh, goody, the man with the white coat is here with some more of those blue pills..... Archive Stuff: Like anyone would want to..Tell me if you want to and I'll send you a Mulder-clone covered in chocolate.... Summary: Scully POV. A look back through the years, though not a serious look... Mainly high-lighting the moments where Fowley got what she deserved.... Notes/Feedback: I'm going through a stressful time at the moment with exams and real life so I'm cheering myself up. If you don't like this, please don't bother telling me. If you do like this or if it made you smile just a lickle bit, please tell me and I'll be your best friend forever and ever. I can be reached at Joey@Ram32.freeserve.co.uk. This is so different from anything else I've written so if it sucks, don't yell, just tell me nicely so I know not to do it again. On with the story-type thing................. ------------------------- Looking Back By Joey R. ============= The clock on our bedside table tells me it's two o'clock in the morning. That means I've been asleep less than an hour. I sit up, carefully so I don't wake my husband and watch him sleeping. He looks so peaceful, so innocent. Who would have thought this is the same man who's devoted most of his life to uncovering conspiracies and fighting creatures that don't even exist in our son's darkest nightmares? I lean in and kiss his forehead softly before carefully getting out of bed. I give him one last look over my shoulder before I leave the room and start my usual routine of checking on our brood. It's funny. There was a time I never thought I'd have children, let alone with Fox Mulder, and now we have four and another one on the way. I check on our son's first. There's Samuel, our oldest son. The resembalnce he bares to my husband is still quite shocking. Sam's just as stubborn, too. I remember when he came to the office for the first time, he was so excited to see where Mommy and Daddy worked. I remember how he cried when Diana Fowley picked him up and then started pulling at her hair when she started talking baby-talk. He hated her instantly, much to my glee and Mulder's amusement. He pulled out a good handful of her hair. She stayed away form us after that, unless she was sure Mulder and I were alone and then she'd slime down to our office and try to flirt with him. I smile to myself, remembering hearing him tell her that she had no chance with a full head of hair and had even less of a chance with a handful of it gone. Back to the present and our second son. Daniel is our third child. He's less stubborn and more discreet with his feelings than Sam. He just spat up on Agent Fowley, poor dear. She reeked of it for days. Oh well, I guess the Mulder children must be born with some second sense about who they can trust and who they can't trust. I sigh happily and leave the room, heading to where my daughter's sleep. On my way, I pass a photograph of our wedding. I smile at it. Mulder and I were standing on the steps outside the church and I was laughing at something he'd just said to me. I remember the words clearly, even though it was over three years ago: " Darling, why is Diana wearing an upside down fruit-bowl on her head? Isn't that a parrot sitting on top of it?" I laugh quietly to myself and walk down the hall and into the other room. I see Melissa first, our oldest daughter. She dotes on her younger brother and sister but rarely gets along with Sam. She also disliked Agent Fowley. She was two, I think, when she met her for the first time. Yes, I was pregnant with Daniel. She walked straight up to her and kicked her in the shins for no apparent reason. I asked her about it later and she said it was because Sam had told Diana was a witch trying to steal their father. All of my children have believed that at one stage or another. Mulder and I always have to out then at ease by telling them a story. I wonder if our next child will share the same instant dislike of Diana as the others. There's no doubt in my mind his or her siblings will tell her stories about Diana and Mommy saving Daddy from the evil witches clutches. I stifle a sigh and turn to the abay of the family, for the time being. That's Abigail. She's adorable but she hasn't met Diana, she's jsut heard the stories. I kiss their foreheads and leave the room, going to the nursery and sitting down in the rocking chair. I wonder where Diana is. Neither Mulder nor I have heard or seen her since Daniel met her for the first time. The last time I heard anything about her was when she was assigned by Skinner to go to assist a Detcetive Angela White in Comity. I wonder, maybe Mulder and I should have warned her not annoy Oh, well. Never mind. What's done is done. I have nothing to be sorry about, my life has been perfect since Mulder and I went on our first date and has been made so much sweeter by our brigade of Fowley-haters and her apparent disappearance. I feel movement behind me and am aware of my husbands presence in the room. He places calming hands on my shoulders and kisses the crown of my head softly as I close my eyes and sigh happily. " Dana, Sweetheart? Is everythng okay?" He asks me, his lips close to my ear. I stand and he pulls me as close as my swollen abdomen will allow. " I woke up and I was alone." " I was checking on the little one's," I tell him honestly. " And I was wondering what ever happened to Diana." " Diana?" He looks puzzled for a moment as he searches his memory for Diana. " Oh, didn't I tell you? Skinner called. Whilst she was in Comity, there was a fire in her hotel room." " You didn't mention it," I reply softly. " Is she okay?" " She vanished. Apparently the fire was so ho, she melted. They're still investigating whether she melted because of all the plastic enhancements she's had over the years or whether it was Angela throwing thewater over her," Mulder shrugged and led me back to our bedroom. " I thought I'd told you, it must have slipped my mind. I only remember to tell you the important things in life, my love." That made me laugh. " So telling me you love at least five times a day is more important than telling me someone's missing?" " Telling you I love you is very important!" He protested. " Besides, we've always suspected she was a witch. You didn't need it confirming, did you?" " No, darling. Our children do that regularly enough!" I reassure him with a smile. He grins back at me and closes our bedroom door behind us. He falls asleep first and I can tell by the expression on his face that he's dreaming of our newest arrival. I feel myself drifting off to sleep as he murmurs something in my ear. " I love you, Mrs. Dana Mulder." I smile contentedly and snuggle closer. Whoever said fairytales weren't based on reality obviously never met my Prince Charming, our angels and the wicked witch of DC................ The End.