Title: I will be there for you (1/2) Author: Tanja E-mail address: voet@tanja-myrna.demon.nl or tanyavoet@hotmail.com Rating: PG Keywords: Mulder/Scully POV, MSR, fluff Summary: Mulder struggling to tell Scully he loves her, eventually he finds a way. By telling her through a song … Disclaimer: Dear Mr. Carter, I know Mulder and Scully aren't mine, I know you created them, I know you, 1013 and Fox Network own them. But even though you're getting closer and closer to what we shippers would like to see, you're not completely there yet. Therefore, this is just an innocent little fic to keep the shippers among us happy until that time has come ? But I know they aren't mine! Happy? Sincerely yours, A shipper fan P.s. I really like Doggett and you should definitely keep him on the show, but could you please make sure Mulder gets back soon? Oh and it would be nice if he turns out to be the father too ;) "I will be there for you" is a song by Jessica Andrews. Author's notes: Okay for the readers who haven't left the room yet, congratulations for making it through the disclaimer and I hope you enjoy reading. Oh and I put some words into Mulder's mouth that some people might recognize from another series. Another one of my favorites. All I will say is that it wasn't somebody from the X-files who said it ;) Feel free to guess and send me an e-mail to let me know who you think said this about the woman he is in love with. the things I do to get e- mail ;) Dedication: Jo, a wonderful friend. Thanks for all the fics you've written until now, they always put a smile on my face. Magic with words is how I would describe them ? Keep sending them this way, Jo ? I will be there for you (1/2) - Mulder - "Scully, I …" "Dana, I …" "Scully, I have to tell you something, I …" Shit, I'm a grown up man and I can't even tell the love of my life that I'm in love with her. Pathetic, huh? Especially when you know that I'm not even talking to her right now. I'm talking to the mirror, in the safety of my bedroom and I can't even say the words out loud! Lord knows what I'm going to say when I actually do stand in front of her. If I ever get to that point that is. Right now I'm not too hopeful. How on earth should I tell her that I love her? And not love as in "I love you as a friend or a sister", but as in "I'm in love with you." How do I tell her that in the course of 8 years she has grown into so much more than just my partner? She's my best friend. When I was ready to give up, she gave me new reasons to believe. When I was hurting, she was there to comfort me. When I am sad, she makes me smile. My love, my life, my everything. Eight years ago she walked into my office and without me even realizing it at first, step-by-step she found her way into my heart and without knowing it herself she took permanent residence there. Never to leave again. I think the first time I realized I loved her, was about six years ago, when she was missing. I think I can honestly say I have never felt more miserable than at that time. I wasn't even that miserable when Sam disappeared. Six years and I still haven't told her. Not because I don't want to, trust me, there's nothing more I would like to do. But I'm too scared. Too scared that she will reject me. Too scared that she will tell me she doesn't feel the same. What if she will request a transfer? What if … There are so many what if's and in my head I have come up with a dozen different scenarios of what could go wrong when I tell her. But despite all those things, I realize that there is only one thing that is important: I love her and I have to tell her. No matter what her reaction might be. A chance not taken is a chance lost and she has the right to know how I feel about her. If only I knew how to tell her … End of part 1 I will be there for you (2/2) - Scully - That's weird, I know I'm somewhat earlier than usual, but it's still odd that Mulder isn't here yet. No matter how early I am, usually he is always in the office before me. I look around for any signs that Mulder has already been here and had to leave for a minute. Nope, nothing. Oh no, wait, there is an envelope that says "Scully" lying on his desk. Let's see where he ran of to this time. Putting my purse on the desk I pick up the envelope and open it. A small note falls out. Curiously I turn it around to see why he is not here. Scully, There is a song I would like you to listen to. Track 6, the cd is in the cd player. I'll be back as soon as possible. Love, Mulder Huh? I have no idea what the hell is going on here, but something is definitely going on. Why on earth does he want me to listen to a song and since when did Mulder started signing his notes with "Love, Mulder"? Yep, something is definitely going on and since Mulder isn't here to tell me I might as well listen to the cd, see what it is and why he wants me to listen to it. I turn to the cd player and put track 6 on. It's not long before the soft voice of a woman starts singing. When I lost faith You believed in me When I stumbled You were right there For every act of love you've done I owe you one There were hard times I know I survived Just because you stayed by my side With all I have, with all I am I promise you all my life I'm so lost in the song that I don't even hear Mulder walking into our office. I don't even realize he is there, until I feel a pair of hands on my shoulders. I move to turn around, but he stops me with a "shhh, just listen." I nod, understanding that this is important to him. Understanding that he wants to tell me something with this song. Whenever the road is too long Whenever the wind is too strong Wherever the journey may lead to I will be there for you I will be there for you Oh my God … I never heard this song before, but I think I know where this is going and if … Oh my God, does he …? How did he know that I …? Ooh boy … I have to see him, have to look in his eyes. I have to know if he is really saying what I have been waiting to hear for so long or if I'm only dreaming. This time he does not stop me when I move and turn around. Through sorrow Or the darkest night When there's heartache Deep down inside Just like a prayer, you will be there And I promise you all my life A pair of hazel eyes stares at me. I see a mix of emotions flicker in his eyes. Fear, hope, love, they are all in there. "Mulder, I …" He stops me, by putting a finger over my lips. Whenever the road is too long Whenever the wind is too strong Wherever the journey may lead to I will be there for you I will be there for you I'll always be there. When the song is finished, I speak again "Mulder I …" I don't know what to say. I have dreamt of this for so long, have wanted this for so many years. I just never dared to hope that this day might actually come. Mulder silences me again, this time he starts to speak. "Scully, you have always been there for me. When I lost faith, you didn't give up. You believed in me and you were there. Every time I was hurting, you were there. No matter what happened, you stayed with me. I survived, because you were there. I have been wanting and trying to tell you something for a long time. I realized a long time ago that I cared for you, a lot more than I was supposed to. I was too scared to tell you, too afraid how you might react. But I have come to realize that I might even lose more if I never tell you. Scully … Before I say this, I want you to know that no matter what happens, … I will always be there for you. You were always there for me, please don't forget that I will always be there for you. Always." "Mulder, I …" "Scully …" "Yes …" I barely manage to whisper. "I love you, with all my heart and what I want to know …, need to know is if …" This time I stop him, by putting my fingers on his lips. "I love you too, Mulder. More than you will ever know." A smile spreads over his face and I know that the same smile is on my face. "God Scully, do you have any idea how long I have wanted to hear you say that?" "If it is as long as I have been waiting to hear you say it, a very long time." I grin and look up at him. He beams a beautiful smile at me and lowers his head to kiss me. Right before his lips close over mine, he whispers "Always, Scully. Never forget that." After that words aren't spoken for a long time. The end FEEDBACK!!!!