Title: All I want for Christmas (1/1) Author: Tanja E-mail address: voet@tanja-myrna.demon.nl, tanyavoet@hotmail.com or xfshippers@writeme.com Rating: PG-13 Keywords: Scully Angst, MSR, post-Requiem, very short Summary: She doesn't want a whole lot for Christmas, there's just one thing she needs. Archive: Gossamer always, other archives please, but it would be nice if you could send me an e-mail to let me know ? Disclaimer: I know they are not mine; Mulder and Scully belong to Chris Carter, 1013 and Fox Network. I know they are theirs, but since I do not have a life of my own, I like to play with them a little bit in my stories. Don't sue me for trying to have fun! Author's notes: Another Christmas story! I don't know what it is with me this month, the second Christmas story in a row. Though this is kind of a different sort than the last one. By the way, today it is November 21st, would you believe that I already heard the first Christmas song on the radio this morning? Dedication: To Cindy, my friend, whom I promised to write a story for! Sorry, it's not the crossover I promised you Cindy, but I hope you will like it anyway and I promise the crossover will be written (eventually …) Okay I've babbled enough, on with the show … All I want for Christmas (1/1) I don't want a lot for Christmas There is just one thing I need I don't care about presents Underneath the Christmas tree I just want you for my own More than you can ever know Make my wish come true... All I want for Christmas Is you... She had never been somebody to ask a whole lot, she had always been unpretentious and she always said that it was better to get than to give. This year it was the first time that there was something she really wanted for Christmas. One thing only. Because the one thing she wanted, would also give her everything else she needed. The thing that would make her feel loved, make her feel save and secure. The one that made her smile when she was sad and the only one who could be what she couldn't be for their baby. A father. They had only gotten together a few months before. After 7 years, both had simply been tired of fighting their feelings for one another. Tired of fighting it and of being alone, they had finally given in and the last months they had been living in their own world, a world of happiness and love. One nobody but them knew about. One that was brutally disturbed, when he was taken away from her. He left, but he left behind something important, something that kept her going, the proof of their love. Their baby. She tried to be strong, pretended that she was alright. Only the ones close to her knew she wasn't alright. If you asked her how she was doing, she would answer, "I'm fine." And you could see she was lying. She tried to hide the pain of losing him, with a smile on her face. But the smile didn't reach her eyes anymore, like it always used to, it failed to hide that she was hurting. She would keep going during the day, but when the daylight disappeared, replaced by the darkness of the night, when she found herself alone in her apartment, she would cry herself asleep. Scared that she would never find him. Asking herself if it had all been worth it. But no matter how much it hurt, she knew the answer to that question, it had been worth every second of the last 7 years they had been together. Their friends, her family, they were all worried, but they didn't know what to do. They knew that there was one thing that could make things better, but they didn't know how to give it to her. All they could do was pray and hope that eventually Mulder would come back. Back to where he belonged. Home, with his family … The End Wow, I believe my introduction and disclaimer are actually longer than the story . Leave it to me to write the shortest story in history people. Sorry, I was just in the mood to write something short and angsty, didn't know it would turn out this short. However, if you want a sequel, send me feedback, it might help ?