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World's Oldest Woman

World's Oldest Woman

Voiced by: Tress MacNeille

The world's first human being (pay no attention to that whole Adam and Eve story), the World's Oldest Woman pre-dates the elements...and tries to date everything else. She's been married an incredible number of times, usually to the famous, and, if coaxed with a pretty face or a gift of candy, will tell you all about it. She's the star of one of Histeria's best sketch series, in which Bill Straitman interviews her about her memories, all while trying to maintain a professional demeanor despite her rather creepy come-ons and bizarre sense of humor.

World's Oldest Woman plays a large number of historical characters, her most notable being Cleopatra, a role also occasionally assumed by Pepper Mills or some fat man in drag. She's moody--extremely sarcastic and ill-tempered one moment, in another completely disoriented, and quick- witted the next. One of her frequent roles, however, seems to be co-narrator to the sketches. Sitting on her rocking chair, bringing us pearls of wisdom and her own sarcastic take on history, World's Oldest Woman is kind of like Father Time, but with editorials.