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Xander Harris is, for us, the most realistically written male character of BTVS and the Angel series. We've even known a few guys who remind us of Xander throughout our highschool years. He suffers from a severe jealousy complex for much of the first three seasons of BTVS, hence his crush on Buffy and his very vocal hatred of Angel, a.k.a. "deadboy." But from the beginning of the series it is clear that Xander wants Buffy to be happy.

It was difficult for Xander to understand that Angel and Angelus are two different beings entirely after the murder of computer science teacher Jenny Calendar, a member of the gypsy clan that had originally cursed Angel. Although he was obviously extremely jealous of Angel when he was with Buffy, we believe his decision not to tell her during Becoming about Willow trying the curse again was out of character. Xander has always wanted Buffy to be happy, even if it meant restoring Angel's soul. The writers redeemed the character when he decided to help Angel in one of our favorite episodes, Amends.

When Angel returned to Sunnydale to secretly help Buffy in Pangs, Xander found himself helping out the vampire yet once again. Seeing them together is absolutely hysterical, and we hope to catch more of this in future episodes. Even in early BTVS episodes, we've seen that Xander will work with Angel to save someone if he has to. We should all be so fortunate to know a few "Xanders" in our lifetime.

In recent seasons of BTVS, he has become involved with an ex-wish demon, Anya, a character that we both love, and now with season five, the two are engaged! Let's just hope Xan doesn't do the snoopy dance at their wedding...

""I laugh in the face of danger, and then I hide until it goes away.." - Xander

"Me? Jealous of Xander? He's just a kid." - Angel

"Angel's our friend...except I don't like him." - Xander