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Allan Francis Doyle was one of the most unique characters on television that Becky and I have ever seen. [He also happens to be Becky's favorite.] Doyle shares a similarity with Angel in that he is written so his past is shown in flashbacks, and as for that past, a lot of questions were left unanswered. We first met Doyle in the premiere of ANGEL, the spinoff of Buffy: The Vampire Slayer. He was half-human, half-demon, sent by TPTB to lead Angel to save lives and protect the endangered souls of L.A.

His attraction to Cordelia Chase was not something he kept a secret - accept, of course, around Cordy - and something that many ANGEL fans latched onto as an important part of the show. It wasn't until Doyle sacrificed himself in the episode Hero to save a group of half-human, half-demons that Cordy found out about his "other half." In their first and only kiss, Doyle passed on his gift of future sight to Cordelia. Shortly after his death, Wesley Wyndham Price, the "rogue demon hunter" arrived on the scene, and a lot of fans felt that the writers of ANGEL were trying to replace Doyle with Wesley. Rather, in a way, having Wesley there only emphasized the loss of Doyle.

Whatever the case, Doyle left us much to quickly. While Glenn Quinn, the extremely talented Irish actor who brings Doyle to life, has moved on with other projects, his role as Doyle will be greatly missed. Yet, as with any sci-fi-adventure series, anything is possible, and anyone can come back, no matter what the odds - just ask fans of Hercules: The Legendary Journeys about Herc's best friend Iolaus - they could tell you a thing or two! Characters can change, stay the same, come back, or never return at all - but no characters ever truly die. As long as there are people who write, whether for television or for fan fiction, all those who met an ill fate are truly made immortal.

"It's all about money. What about friendships and family and all those things that are priceless like they say in the credit card commercial?" - Doyle

"We need someone who's average, run of the mill,'re perfect!" - Cordy

"Good fight, yeah? You never know until you've been tested. I get that now." - Doyle