Maggie & Willie

Awww! What can I say about the greatest would be couple that ever graced Dark Shadows? I can write about how wonderful they were... I can say just about 10,000 reasons why they should have been together. But I won't because A.) That could take centuries, and B.) It's never gonna happen, because the show is over. Too bad...

From the day he first laid eyes on her, Willie was smitten with Maggie Evans. But it wasn't at the Blue Whale during his ex-con days that he fell utterly in love with her. In Willie's own words, the moment she walked down the stairs into the drawing room, she made him feel like he'd never felt before. She'd won his heart entirely. As time went on, Maggie was sent down one dangerous path after another, but Willie was there for her. If he thought for an instant she wasn't safe, he'd rush to her rescue. you see! That's what strikes my fancy about Willie! He put his life at stake for her time and again careless of the dangers he'd face in order to save her. He ruled!

However, Maggie never seemed to show any interest in him, despite his gallantry. She forever shunned him for others who ultimately lead her down destructive roads. And again, most of the time Willie would be there for her ready and all too willing to be her savior. Despite all this, Maggie yearned for others such as Joe, Nicholas Blair, and in alternate reality even Quentin. It's too bad love is blind. They would have made a wonderful couple...



This last pic I obtained from Dee Kearney's site. She has wonderful photos of the Dark Shadows cast on her site. When I saw this one I couldn't believe my eyes. Anyone who hasn't seen the site it's from is really missing out. I'll include a link to it really soon. It's great!