Inside The Mind Of Willie Loomis


Upon arriving at the office of Dr. Dana Deschanel he took a seat before her desk and awaited her attention. Dr. Deschanel was beautiful with her sparkling green eyes and long flowing waves of auburn hair. His heart never failed to beat faster by the very presence of her. The way she spoke, the way she walked was devastatingly pleasing to the eye. And now as she conversed over the phone with a colleague, her long, shapely legs were set upon her desk in a comfortable fashion. She wore nylons of the nude variety giving her silken legs an even silkier appearance. Willie set his wandering teal gaze upon them lasciviously but then brushed the thought away at once. She was, after all, his psychiatrist, his confidant to whom he revealed his darkest secrets and desires. Already she knew him for what he was and would probably flat out refuse even the idea of a date with him. So that musing was tossed aside immediately.

He had averted his gaze but too late, unfortunately, as the doctor had found the object of his attention to be her silky limbs placed upon the table. Of course Willie was more than a little embarrassed but met her gaze once more. Instead of fury, he saw in her eyes a look of amusement. But it was only for a moment that she had regarded him, then turned her attention back to the call not missing a beat.

When the conversation had ended she hung up the receiver and slipped her legs off the desk.

"Damn!" Willie thought to himself, "Guess the show's over."

Dana smiled, regardless of his lude gaze upon a certain part of her body beforehand.

"Oh, I'm so terribly sorry." she apologized profusely, "That was just a call in desperate need of my attention. I assure you that you weren't on the clock during the duration of it... Shall we begin?"

Willie nodded.

"Sure." he said.

Dana slid out a drawer in her large oak desk and began to look through her neatly placed files. They were all compiled in alphabetical order within the drawer which made them less of a hassle to rummage through. In the "L" section she found his file tucked with the rest under "Loomis".

"Ah, here it is." she announced.

She skimmed through it as she fiddled with a ball point pen in her right hand, occasionally slapping it lightly on the desk.

These actions Willie was completely unaware of. He more fancied eyeing her well-rounded breasts than anything else.

Dana's attention was fully devoted to the file before her.

"When we last met you were explaining your dreams." she looked up at her patient, "Willie?" No answer. Willie was in a daze apparently gawking at a certain attribute of hers. "Willie!" she said more forcefully.

"I wasn't doin' nothin'!" he said quickly.

Dana bit her lip as she regarded him. Truly this man's attention span was well below zero on the charts. She hoped he didn't have an IQ to match. He seemed just like the rest with his lustful attentions on certain parts of her. But she was his doctor and had delved into his mind before. But not completely, yet. There was still this dream to get to.

"Mr. Loomis," she said ignoring what he'd said, "I want you to tell me more about the dream we discussed in last weeks session."

Although now she had his full attention, he seemed hesitant to speak of the subject at hand.

"W-well, um... I don't know if I can..." he revealed nervously.

"And why's that?" she asked him.

"Because I'm scared, that's why."

"Mr. Loomis, fear is an emotion sculpted by the mind to paralyze one in certain situations. It's not a good thing but it's there and can persist... If you give into it...."

She didn't seem to be getting through to him. With that, she continued.

"Fear of illusion, as in dreams, is illogical. Of course there are many others who share in your weariness of such horrifying images and there have even been reported cases of-"

She halted her sentence knowing that her next words could very well stir a panic in the man sitting before her.

"-But I don't want to drone on. In short, let me assure you that in telling, you will have nothing to fear..." She saw the doubt in his eyes, "Alright?" she added when no reply was given.

Willie looked down at the blue carpeted floor for a breif moment seeming to think over what she had just said. He looked up once more.

"Alright. I'll tell ya the dream."

Dana smiled. She had succeeded in getting the man to open up. What an accomplishment! She should receive a metal given the fact that Willie Loomis was a hard character to get through to. Dana leaned back in her black leather chair, expecting his words.

He seemed to gaze off into a distant world only visible to himself as he began to relate the dream.

"It was horrible," he told her, "It all started when I got up from a chair and was lead through a door by Carolyn Stoddard..."


To Be Continued
