Carolyn & Joe

Why did they break these two up? They were a marvelous couple! Well, in my opinion anyway. I started watching Dark Shadows with the misconception that those two had always been boring... Until my mom popped on a tape from the earlier years of the series. I was shocked to see that Joe hadn't always been by Maggie's side but by Carolyn's as well. He was originally her boyfriend and that kind of shocked me. I love the chemistry they had together. You wouldn't know from watching the episodes featuring Barnabas that these two were once actually interesting to watch. Viewing the episodes featuring these two is like watching The Real World. They're just simply excellent together and never seemed to be acting. It's in my opinion that they were emmy worthy material as a couple. Too bad the writers flung them far apart from eachother and beyond reach. They were greatly matched.

On the scale, they get an: