Barnabas & Maggie


Ooh! This would have been a scary union. In the beginning, Barnabas had a huge fixation with the Collinsport born waitress. But it wasn't truly she who he was after heart and soul. It was her physical appearancethat beguiled him to fancy her. Especially given the fact that she bore a striking resemblance to his late lady love Josette DuPrés. She was to be his second chance. A godsend, if you will. Through all the hellish agony he'd faced he was finally reunited with the one he so adored. Unfortunately, this one by far was not the one he really seeked. Rumor had it, as told by David Collins, that Josette's spirit still roamed freely and within the vicinity of the old house. So, if Josette's essence was without a body and visible to some, then how could she have been reincarnated in that present day? Barnabas saw Maggie and immediately assumed because of her resemblance that she was his long lost love. But that couldn't be possible! With these dillusions he forced an innocent girl to undergo an horrific ordeal all for his selfish needs. He was evil and sent her to hell and back.

On the scale, I give them a: