~After All This Time~


Joe had returned after all this time to claim the love that was once his... And she would be his once more, of that he was certain. Maggie must have been devastatingly lonely in his absense. He could only imagine she in her loyalty waiting up nights in eternal optimism of his return. How unconditional love was sometimes...
As he watched the Evans home with hesitation he nearly trembled. She was the love of his life and now he would be able to see her, to sweep her up into his arms and then make her his wife. Oh, how shocked and surprising it would be to see him, her eternal wish on her doorstep after two and a half years... And then Joe could hesitate no longer... He walked up the path to the door and knocked rapidly, awaiting Maggie. Though he wanted to scream, wanted to shout out in pure elated joy he satisfied himself with just a smile etched upon his face that was unremovable. That's when the door swung open and his heart nearly stopped.
It was her. After two and a half years of living so far away, not being able to touch her, she was finally within reach.
Maggie, herself was stunned. What right did he have returning after all this time?
Mistaking her look of confusion for shock (which partly it was) he contemplated actually kneeling before her at that moment and asking for her hand. Maybe, though, it would serve him well to wait. They did, after all, have a lifetime to share in the love and happiness.
"Hello, Maggie." he said, finally.
Maggie looked unsure of what to do. FInally she said in reply,
"Um... Joe, what are you doing here?"
It took his all not to reach out and pull her into his embrace.
"I've come to see you, of course." he revealed.
Maggie was still stunned. How could he think to do this to her?
And now that feeling was clearly conveyed to Joe... As he glanced at the inside of the house he saw a child just awakening on the couch. He immediately stepped inside. No wonder she had been so upset with him. He had left her alone oblivious to the fact that she had been carrying his child. How could he have done such a thing? Joe immediately stepped inside.
"Well, who's this?" he said calmly, indicated the child.
She seemed to trust him enough, unknowing that he assumed the child was his. Maggie moved over to the couch to tend to her baby, then smiled as she picked it up.
"This little one is my daughter Dierdre."
Joe was slighgtly confused for a moment. Never in history (or in my story at least:) did a child in their line have blonde hair. It was dark and slightly wavy, but even it was still blonde. Regardless, he would love her as she was. She was, after all, his. He seemed in a daze.
"Well, let me hold her." he said reaching out.
Maggie seemed to see no harm in that. She was boasting with pride over her beautiful daughter and enjoyed showing her off. Just as Joe accepted the child into his arms he heard a voice coming from Maggie's room.
"Maggie, ya know I was thinkin' and-"
Willie entered upon the scene holding another child. This child was obviously a boy and bared resemblance to Dierdre. Only instead of brown eyes as Maggie had, the boy's eyes were crystal blue... Allowing themt o capture the light and hold the color to transform in a chameleon-like fashion.
Willie was seething with ire from Joe's very presence. He lowered his voice and said darkly,
"What's he doing here?"
Not since Willie worked for Barnabas had Maggie heard him speak in such tones.
"Joe's just come here for a visit." Maggie proclaimed.
But the two men in her life, of past and present, did not seem to hear a word she said. Regardless of Maggie now, Willie and Joe looked upon eachother threateningly.
"Get out!" Willie pointed toward the door with his free hand.
"You don't have that authority!" Joe shot back, "Now beat it or else I'll have to call the police!"
He did not notice Maggie's utterly confused expression at his words. Joe added,
"And I'll thank you to unhand my son."
There was silence until Willie broke out into soft laughter.
"What's so funny?"
Willie continued to snicker, "Is that what this is all about?"
And now it was Joe's turn to be locked in a state of confusion. Maggie somehow felt ashamed, refusing to face him.
"What's so funny?" Joe repeated, but this time to Maggie.
"Nothing." she replied shooting Willie an look that implored him to stop.
Joe looked down and saw finally a weddign band around Maggie's ring finger.
"You're married..." he stated sadly, "But- but.. What about.." he stammered, indicating Dierdre and the boy.
Willie was silent. It was Maggie's reply that cut the silence.
"Shane and Dierdre are mine and Willie's... I'm sorry I hadn't mentioned it before..."
Willie shut his eyes momentarily then set his gaze upon Sam's canvas which held a painting sadly doomed never to be finished as it's artist had been laid to rest for a few years now...
He couldn't help but feel just an iota of pity for Joe. After all he did lose the most wonderful woman in the world. The very woman who he'd taken for his own and made her Mrs. Willie Loomis. He hadn't a thread of an idea why he would feel guilty now...
Joe hesitated before gently handing Dierdre back into Maggie's arms. Her face was a mixture of pity as well as regret. Though she still loved him, she was with Willie now.
"I see how it is..." his voice conveyed that of deep sadness and loss.
Maggie arose, there were tears in her eyes.
"Joe!" she called after him.
Joe left with haste, shutting the door behind him.
Maggie could not take her eyes away from the door of which Joe made his abrupt exit through. And unashamed of her actions she unleashed her emotions before her husband.
By far she couldn't say it had been her fault the relationship with Joe had crumbled. He had, after all, been the one who left. For what ever reason that was, Maggie was totally mystified. All she knew was that her and Joe were no more. She was married to Willie now... But in marrying him had she gone down the correct path?
Maggie glanced toward Willie who had been watching her for what seemed like forever. She need not say a thing. Her face expressed volumes...
Finally he spoke up and when he did so it was with a calm air about him.
"I'm, uh, going to put Dierdre and Shane down for a nap."
Maggie nodded meekly.
As Willie took the child from her arms suddenly their eyes met. He could not bear to look upon the woman who held his heart... Because he knew now that he did not have hers truly. With that he made his way to the nursery with a child in each arm, then shut the door behind him.
Maggie bit her lip in contemplation of what had just happened. She loved Willie. Of course she was sure of that. But if that love ran so deep... then why did Joe's sudden arrival bring back such an overwhelming sense of the adoration she once held for him? Slowly she slid down on the couch in a flood of emotion.
Willie watched at the door silently. He could sense how hard Maggie's heart beat for Joe. It was apparent just from the sight of her emotion-filled cries... She loved hima nd there was nothing Willie could do about it. He shut the door so as not to be seen by her then let the pain and sadness encompass him. He had lost her.....
