~Enter The Zone~

Must Read

Before viewing the site, you must read, understand, and agree to the following terms:
I, the freaky, lonely, and sad internet user, agree to enter the site if I am of the human race. This site is 100% legal, and all infomation is legal. I understand that Mario, nor this web server that hosts this site is responsible for what I do with the information that I get from this site. Mario is also not responsible, or liable, for injuries, damages, or any liability as the result of, or resulting from, the intentional acts of any person including, but not limited to persons using the website. Further, Mario is not responsible, or liable, for injuries, damages, or any liability as the result of, or resulting from, the negligence of any person, including, but not limited to, the users, and the viewers of the website. Mario is also not in any way, shape or form liable for anything you may see, hear, feel, taste, smell, or get poked by on the website in question. I am NOT accessing this material to use against the site operator or any person whatsoever in any conceivable manner. I am not a law enforcement officer, nor a postal inspector, nor operating under an assumed name or in cooperation with any criminal investigation; nor am I seeking out evidence which may serve as the basis for any charge of violating federal, rovincial, or local obscenity laws. I understand and state that I am retrieving material from a location where it does not violate any federal, provincial, or local obscenity law or community standard, and agree to bear the full, complete, and sole responsibility for bringing such material into whatever community I choose to do so. Furtheron, I agree to review the material before retrieving it and assure the operators that any material which I retrieve will not violate the federal, provincial, or local obscenity laws or community standards for the community into which I choose to bring the material. I will only use the files for informational purposes, not to harm anyone. I will not download any files unless I live in a country that allows me to legally use them. Nor will I testify to what I saw on this page. I understand, due to the content of this site, it should not be viewed by anyone. Everything you find on this page is for educational and entertainment purposes! Nothing on this page is illegal the way it is. You're the one that makes it illegal. What you choose to do with this infomation is your own responsibility. Finally, i will not, for any reason, bitch at the sites creator, or whine, or complain, or engage in any sort of legal recourse because of this website, and its many "issues". I will also enjoy my stay here to the fullest of my "special" abilities, and i do acknowledge that Mario does indeed rule. No doubt on that.

......and so if you do decide to "do this shit" and end up dead, maimed, jailed, or inconvenienced in any way, SCREW YOU, I TOLD YA SO!! lol, j/k

a computer
a monitor
~ Hi ~ there! ~
YOU are the

person to see this page
since June 23, 2000
~ Hi ~ there! ~