These episodes are originals that were recorded in Japan, all in English just as they aired here.  The only difference is there are no commercials during the show, there are a few in between some shows and those are in Japanese but the show is in English. There is one episode (#41) that did air with Japanese audio rather than English.

John Callahan (Craig), Nancy Lee Grahn (Julia), Heather Mattson (Gina), Mason was played by the guy who played Adam Carrington on Dynasty, Eileen Davidson (Kelly), Jack Wagner (Warren), Timothy Gibbs (Dash),  A Martinez (no Marcy Walker as she has left the show), Teri Garber, Jed Allen (CC Capwell).

Episode Breakdown

Santa Barbara Dvd #1  December 23-30, 1991 [Episode Descriptions]

Santa Barbara Dvd #2  December 31, 1991- January 9, 1992 [Episode Descriptions]

Santa Barbara Dvd #3  January 10-17, 1992 [Episode Descriptions]

Santa Barbara Dvd #4  January 20-27, 1992 [Episode Descriptions]

Santa Barbara Dvd #5  January 28 - February 3, 1992 [Episode Descriptions]

Santa Barbara Dvd #6  February 4-11, 1992 [Episode Descriptions]

Santa Barbara Dvd #7  February 12-18, 1992 [Episode Descriptions]

Santa Barbara Dvd #8  February 19-24, 1992 [Episode Descriptions]

Santa Barbara Dvd #9  February 26 - March 3, 1992 [Episode Descriptions]

Santa Barbara Dvd #10  March 4-10, 1992 [Episode Descriptions]

Santa Barbara Dvd #11-28 [1992-1993]

Expanded Descriptions

Santa Barbara Dvd #1  December 23-30, 1991

Episode #1  12/23/91 - The time frame is the end of Warren's trial. Angela is certain that Craig is the killer. She tries to get away from him by making up all sorts of excuses, but he sticks to her like glue. He says that he needs to have a little talk with her. Angela manages to retreat to the witness where she scribbles "Craig has the bullets" on a piece of Kleenex. She slips the note into Cruz's pocket just before Craig drags her out the courthouse.
     Craig confronts Angela over her testimony in the trial re: Amado's death which brought in a "not guilty" verdict for Warren who was accused of the murder. Craig actually committed the murder and he pulls a gun on Angela. Gina shows up (she's worried about Craig's safety as she thinks Angela is the dangerous one). Craig assures Gina and gets her to leave. Craig forces Angela to write a suicide note. Cruz shows up and tells Craig that he has a warrant for Angela's arrest. Julia & Mason dress up like Mr. & Mrs. Claus and discuss their romantic past. He gives her a single pearl and suggests that next year it could be an entire strand.

Episode #2  12/24/91 - Warren calls everyone down to witness his last editorial before the verdict. He informs them that Angela's testimony was an act and that she was on their side all the time. Gina and Lily are driving home when she hears that the verdict will be out soon. She forces Lily to drive to Angela's house so that she can gloat. Craig has Angela at gunpoint. She pleads for her life and hears the radio announcement. She convinces Craig to hold off until after the verdict. Craig pulls out the gun on Angela, Cruz and Craig struggle. Warren comes in and helps subdue Craig who is then arrested.
     Gina is pregnant and she goes into labor. She thinks she has plenty of time. Her and Lily are taking the dog to the vet (he's been hurt). Gina comes in and tells the vet that the baby is coming. This a pretty funny sequence, the vet does NOT want her to have the baby there and he nervously tells them she can't do it there that he only works on animals. Lionel shows up. After the birth, Gina reveals in her new baby. CC has also arrived.
     Cruz & Suzanne exchange presents and he kisses her. Warren celebrates his freedom by popping open a bottle of champagne.  Angela comes downstairs in a red negligee with a big bow on herself. Warren sweeps her up in his arms and carries her upstairs. This leads off a music montage of all the couples at Christmas.

Episode #3  12/26/91 - The morning newspapers highlight the arrest of Craig Hunt for the shooting. Brandon tries to prevent Gina from seeing it. He tries to persuade his mother to call C.C., but Gina remains adamant about keeping the birth a secret. Santana thanks C.C. for giving her the best Christmas she has had in years. Ted comes in and interrupts them. He tells his father that he found out that it was C.C. who engineered the idea of stranding Ted and Katrina in the cabin on Christmas Eve.
     Katrina and Dash join Ted & CC for dinner. Gina has a dream of her as the Virgin Mary, the Wise Men are Mason, CC, and Ted.  Lionel plays Joseph. Cruz and Suzanne kiss, he tells her she made this a very special Christmas. Mason & Cassie talk about canceling their wedding. He thinks she is still in love with Warren. She tells him that he still loves Julia.

Episode #4  12/27/91 - Lily brings Ted to the vet's office but finds that Gina is not there. Lily is worried about her mother's erratic behavior lately. C.C. receives the final divorce papers from Sophia's lawyer. Gina, with baby in tow, barges into Lionel's office claiming to be his new secretary. Minx is baffled as she watches Gina redecorate Lionel's office. C.C. lays into Cruz over his relationship with Suzanne.

Episode #5  12/30/91 - A reporter is interviewing Julia on her victory. Mason sees her and barges in. He has a long conversation with Julia over the trial and how it has changed him for the better. He says that he is happy that C.C's bad judge of character is finally out in the open. He asks Julia to start a new beginning with him. Gina runs out of the vet's office with the baby when she hears Lily, Ted, Brandon, Santana, Minx and Lionel enter.

Santa Barbara Dvd #2  December 31, 1991 - January 9, 1992

Episode #6  12/31/91 - It's New Year's Eve, Kelly visits Sophia. She tells Kelly that it is becoming easier for her to get through the lonely nights without her family. David drops by to hand her the first settlement payment. Suzanne is nervous about her date with Cruz because she knows that it will mark the beginning of a whole new relationship between them. Rafael has a date with Rosa and promises Cruz to keep the children away so that he can enjoy his romantic date with Suzanne.

Episode #7  1/2/92 - Lily walks in on Ted taking down the Christmas tree and offers her help. Gina, with baby Capwell, enters Lionel's office and sets off the alarm. Lionel, awakened by the alarm, grabs a golf club and heads inside to protect his property. He finds Gina cowering behind a screen. Lionel tells her that she needs to see a doctor because she is not acting rationally. Gina says that she cannot afford to see a shrink, so Lionel offers to pick up the bill.

Episode #8  1/3/92 - Suzanne is in a rotten mood in the morning. She confides in Katrina that she can't help but feel Eden's presence whenever she is with Cruz. Mason asks Cassie if she had contacted Warren after the trial. She snaps at him to stop throwing Warren's at her every time they have a conversation. Angela buys Warren's rival newspaper, The Santa Barbara Bulletin for him as a victory present. Warren is grateful, but is weary of the underlying commitment within. Lionel is horrified at his busted up security alarm, the handy work of Gina. Lily tells him that Gina has been seeing the doctor and he has prescribed some tranquilizers.

(missed 1/6?)

Episode #9  1/7/92 (episode ends at :27 minutes, missed last half) - David tells Kelly to stay out of his personal life. He tells her that he let Angela control all aspects of his life and does not intend to make the same mistake again. Cassie is drunk. She tells Mason that she wants to tell Warren the news herself. She adds that she will have to tell Julia what an evil and manipulative man he has been in hopes that Julia will leave him. She says that she will enjoy watching him suffer.

Episode #10  1/8/92 - Warren and Angela in the shower. Cassie contemplating telling Warren they aren't related. Suzanne and Katrina discuss Suzanne dating Cruz. Kelly, Ted and Sophia have breakfast together. Sophia talks to Kelly about her matching her up with David Raymond. Mason and Julia go out to breakfast as their first date in a long time. They run into Cassie, Warren and Angela. Mason talks to Cassie about Warren. Cassie is jealous of Warren and Angela. Mason tells Cassie Warren doesn't love Angela. Julia thinks Mason has done something to Cassie. Angela and Warren talk about her trying to run his life. Mason and Julia discuss Warren and Cassie. Warren and Cassie talk. He wishes her well. Mason cancels the breakfast date because of being called to work. Cassie confronts Julia. Julia tries to be nice and comfort her over the loss of Warren. Julia tells Cassie to give Mason a break that he genuinely cares for her. Mason brings dinner to Julia's house and apologizes for the breakfast fiasco. He suggests they go on another date.  Cassie puts an ad in Warren's paper to give Warren a clue he's not a Lockridge.
     Cassie agonizes over how she will break the news to Warren. Ted and Kelly join Sophia for breakfast. Kelly tells Ted about the embarrassing run in she had with David the night before. Mason shows up at Julia's to take her out for breakfast. Katrina questions Suzanne about her night with Cruz, but she evades the question and buries herself in work. Mason and Julia arrive at the Oasis. Mason goes over to talk to Cassie. She is still hostile towards him.

Episode #11  1/9/92 - CC takes Santana to the Polo Club. CC takes up for Santana when the club refuses to serve her. Rosa is against the CC-Santana relationship. Gina annouces the Channing's christening will be at the vet clinic that Channing was born in. Suzanne refuses to talk to Cruz. Cruz and Rafael discuss Suzanne. Channing's Christening. Suzanne breaks up with Cruz.
     C.C. invites Santana to a prestigious club for dinner, much to Rosa's strong objections. Lily tracks Lionel down to the club and asks him to talk Gina into taking her medication. Gina arrives shortly and invites them to Channing's christening. Both Lily and Lionel say that they will not accept unless she invites C.C. Rosa expresses her concern over C.C.'s invitation.

Santa Barbara Dvd #3  January 10-17, 1992

Episode #12  1/10/92 - Mason goes to Julia's office and tries to get her to go out with him. She tells him she's busy working. He has a frog with him named "Lyle". A guard brings Craig in. Julia gets rid of Mason. She and Craig talk. Craig threatens her.
     Cassie goes to Warren's office under the pretense of looking for Lionel. Warren is very formal towards her. She asks if there was any tension between him and Lionel, and when she receives a negative answer, she realizes that her message was not as effective as she had hoped. Angela's arrival interrupts them. C.C. makes a huge scene at the club regarding their treatment of Santana. He storms out, vowing to close the club down. David, Lionel and Sophia have witnessed C.C.'s whole tirade. Sophia's expression shows signs of hurt feelings, but tries to hide it by being proud of C.C.

Episode #13  1/13/92 - Julia is kidnapped and taken to a stable. She is scared because of Craig's threats. When she sees Lyle she knows Mason had her kidnapped. She threatens Mason with a pitchfork. He opens a box and puts a ring on the tine of the pitchfork. He asks Julia to marry him. Julia plays hard to get. They chase each other ariound the stable. Julia won't give an answer. They kiss and Julia says time to go. Then runs out. Mason says time to go and leaves. Julia runs back and gets the ring. They go to Cruz's party.
     A black tie benefit is being thrown in Cruz's honor at the Oasis and Suzanne is all upset because she has to cover the event and interview Cruz. Julia plays hard to get with Mason at the event. Katrina offers to trade places, but Suzanne declines siting that it would compromise her professionalism. Rafael asks Cruz about his problem with Suzanne. He tells his son not to give up on her so easily. Ted and Kelly head over to invite Gina to the party, but Lily tells them that Gina is spending quality time with Channing.

Episode #14  1/14/92 - Mason gives Sophia a bracelet as a peace offering. Warren confronts Lionel about his parentage. They both separately confront Mason about the ads. Mason dreams Cassie is trying to ruin his romance with Julia. Lily gets beat up by an aquaintance from Vegas who she refused to help.
     Gina, her normal self again, shows Channing off to Sophia at the benefit. At her table, Sophia receives a bottle of champagne and a gift from an anonymous person. Warren ponders over the birth certificate. He tells Angela that he wants to go to the party to find Lionel. Ted asks Lily why she is staying in town. He also asks her to tell him the truth about Frankie. Lily says that she only met Frankie a few times. Frankie tells Lily that his target is Lionel.

Episode #15  1/15/92 - Mason's guilt over hurting Cassie manifests itself as nightmares. In it, Cassie's proclamations of gloom and doom over his relationship with Julia hit just the right mark. Kelly, Ted and Cruz unwind after the party. Cassie comes over, drunk, and oozes venom about Mason to them. Lily is at Dash's office, severely beat up. When Dash questions her about it, she maintains that she fell down a flight of stairs. Dash manages to wear her down and she admits that she messed up somebody's deal and paid the price for it.

Episode #16  1/17/92 - Craig has commandeered the transport and its passengers. He ties the guards up and leaves them in the middle of nowhere as he heads back to Santa Barbara. Gina catches Lily eavesdropping on Ted's conversation with Dash. She confronts Lily about it and Lily tells her to stay out of her personal life.
Craig  takes Kelly hostage at gunpoint. Cassie is anxiously waiting for Warren at the Oasis with a romantic dinner. He doesn't show. Mason goes over to her and asks if she told Warren yet, she is not the mood and she tells him to leave. Julia comes and he takes Julia to his office. He tells her about Warren and Cassie. She is angry. They leave his office and find out Craig has escaped. He tries to explain to Julia she plays hard to get.

Santa Barbara Dvd #4  January 20-27, 1992

Episode #17  1/20/92 - Craig listens in to Cruz, Mason, Cassie and CC talking about Eden shooting Sophia. Craig feels orced to kidnap Kelly after realizing that there's nothing else he can do. Sophia, Mason and Cruz are worried about Kelly. Warren is shocked to find out that Lionel isn't his biological father. He is crushed by the fact that Lionel never said anything, and he questions him about who is his father, but Lionel doesn't know because Augusta never told him. Craig takes Kelly to Sophia's.

Episode #18  1/21/92 - C.C. is shocked to learn that Craig took Kelly as a hostage. Kelly shoots Craig and escapes. She runs to the Lockridge house and Gina tries to help her. Craig comes and takes Gina and the baby hostage as well. Mason blames C.C. for the entire situation because C.C. always encouraged Craig. Rosa is skeptical over Santana. Rafael tells C.C. that he expects him to marry Santana. Julia gets a call that Kelly has been kidnapped. They tell Sophia. They go to the Capwell house.

Episode #19  1/22/92 - Craig calls CC and CC hears a baby crying in the background. He realizes Craig has Gina and the baby. Cruz goes to where Craig has Kelly and Gina.  Kelly manages to free herself from Craig and rushes to Gina. Craig is starting to lose his mind by threatening both women. Lily isn't satisfied with her life with Ted. Angela questions Warren about his feelings for Cassandra.

Episode #20  1/23/92 - Cruz talks Craig into releasing Gina and the baby and offers himself in exchange for Kelly and Gina's security. Craig takes Cruz hostage. He accepts the offer and takes Cruz hostage, and lets Gina and the baby go but he refuses to release Kelly. Craig ties up Cruz and  Kelly. Mason and CC work together to try and find Kelly. Mason is a decoy to the police while CC escapes with the money to give to Craig. CC finds them and Craig knocks him out. He puts explosives to blow them all up.  Mason and Julia question their love life, but Julia remains trying not to get too much involved.

Missed 1/24/92?

Episode #21  1/27/92 - Cruz gets free and dismantles the explosives. He goes after Craig. Mason and the police arrived. Cruz and Craig shooting at each other Cassie comes and gets Craig to surrender.  CC, Mason and Kelly come with the police. Mason talks to Cassie. He wants to know if she plans to tell Warren. She says she is tired of the lies and plans to tell him everything. Cruz and Kelly talked. She is mad at her family for keeping her in the dark about Eden shooting Sophia.
     Cruz manages to free them and then goes on a hunt after Craig. They start shooting, and Craig provokes Cruz by mentioning Eden. Cruz accidentally fires a shot at the pilot of the plane. Cassandra appears suddenly and manages to convince Craig to surrender. Katrina learns about Dash's job offer and then she persuades him to take it.

Santa Barbara Dvd #5  January 28 - February 3, 1992

Episode #22  1/28/92 - Kelly goes to Julia's office to make a statement about Craig. Mason calls trying to get her to accept his proposal and Julia playing hard to get hangs up on him. Julia and Kelly talk. Kelly leaves. Mason sends flowers and balloons to Julia's office. He comes and she busts one of the balloons. He brings a mechanical monkey that is playing cymbols. It has a sign on it that says "Marry Mason". Julia isn't amused. Mason tells her that she's not just wonderful Julia but part Mason. He dips her over her desk and kisses her.  Although she expresses her love for him, she doesn't want to get married. Cassandra and Warren talk about their love and the possibility of being together now that Warren knows the truth about his paternity. Kelly has to face the flashbacks of being kidnapped by Craig. Katrina is having hard time dealing with Dash's departure. Ted offers her support from the entire Capwell family.

Episode #23  1/29/82 - Dash gets a job offer and breaks up with Katrina. He goes to St. Louis and takes the job offer. Warren tells Lionel he wants nothing to do with him. Kelly confronts CC and Sophia about Eden. Lily and Ted have a talk and come to a conclusion that they should be only friends. Angela is keen on opening a gallery with Warren's photos. Warren is determined to find out who knew about his paternity before him. Cassandra decides to fight for their love, so she admits to Warren that she has known the truth for a few days. He wants her to tell him who told her but she refuses, and they end up fighting. C.C. wants to see his son, but Gina refuses to let him see Brandon, and C.C. is convinced that Lionel told Gina to act that way, so he confronts Lionel about it.

Episode #24  1/30/82 [glitch in middle of episode, not sure if complete] - C.C. asks Katrina to move back into the Capwell mansion and she agrees, but he has to promise not to meddle in her life anymore. Cruz has an important talk with Suzanne. Sophia explains to Kelly why she didn't tell her about the fact that Eden was the one who shot her. Cruz advises Cassandra to tell Warren about Mason.
     Cruz and Gina visit Craig in jail. Cassie talks to Cruz about Mason and Warren. He tells her to tell Warren the the truth about his parentage.  David poses for Suzanne's painting. They talk about Cruz. Cruz teaches self defense to some kids. Cruz and Kelly become closer. Katrina and Suzanne talk and Katrina tells her she is moving out. CC tells Kelly to take the day off and relax after her ordeal with Craig. CC tries to make amends with Cassie but she rejects his attempt at mending fences. Ted suggests Kelly take a vacation. 

Episode #25  1/31/92 - Lily brings pictures of Channing to the Capwells. She is jealous of Ted & Katrina. Mason makes a pest of himself romancing Julia. She plays hard to get. Warren talks to Cassie about who told her they weren't related. She refused to tell him. Lily upset over Ted & Katrina talks to Gina. CC comes to visit Channing Gina isn't pleased but Lily talks her into letting CC hold the baby. Mason tries to get Cassie not to tell Warren he knew about them not being related. He is afraid Warren will ruin his chances with Julia. CC thanks Gina and Lily for letting him hold the baby. Gina tries to get Lily to stop scheming to get Ted. Mason tries to explain to Julia why he kept Cassie and Warren apart. Cassie almost tells Warren the truth but Mason stops her. Cassie refuses to tell Warren after Mason asks for more time. CC talks to Julia about her reuniting with Mason. He tries to get her to take Mason back. Angela displays Warren's photos in her art gallery. Ted talks to Cassie. She talks to him about telling Warren the truth. She is worried about Warren's reaction concerning Mason. Gina and Lily talk about her trying to get Ted to notice her.
     Katrina moves back into the Capwell mansion, and Lily isn't glad to see her there, so she tries to draw Ted's attention. Julia agrees to try to be with Mason again, but only if he proves that he's a changed man. Cassandra is about to confess to Warren about Mason, but Mason interrupts her in the nick of time. He convinces Cassie not to say anything because Warren might say something to Julia and their relationship might fail again. Angela works on opening the gallery with Warren's photos. Lily invites C.C. to see his son, much to Gina's annoyance.

Episode #26  2/3/92 - Gina snoops on Lionel's computer and finds out about Warren's parentage. Cruz and Suzanne talk about their relationship and decide to go to the gallery opening as friends. Kelly and David talk about Craig. David asks her to go with him to the gallery opening. Gina tries to get info on Warren and Lionel from Mason. Mason didn't tell her anything juicy. Lionel sets Gina up on a computer date so he can get her out of his hair. The Gallery opening. Mason confronts Warren and tells him that he has told Cassie that she is not related to Warren and that Mason has known the truth for a long time.
     Mason asks Cassandra not to say anything to Warren, but she is reluctant to accept his plea, and she gives him limited time to clear his name. Mason finally gets to tell the truth to Warren, who is crushed by his words. Lionel tries to find a husband for Gina with the help of a partnership agency. Warren's photos are a huge success in the opening of the gallery.

Santa Barbara Dvd #6  February 4-11, 1992

Episode #27  2/4/92 - Mason and Warren's confrtontation continues. Julia is worried they will hurt each other. CC offers Ted a job so he will stay in Santa Barbara. Santana is jealous of CC and Sophia. Her and CC argue. Julia and Warren talk about Mason. He thinks she is making a mistake trusting Mason again.  CC and Santana make up. Ted becomes suspicious of Lily. Eden sends letters to Cruz, CC and Suzanne. She sends Cruz divorce papers. Ted finds out Lily is going to Vegas with Ray.
     Warren refuses to let Mason's confession hurt him, and he's keen on redirecting all his energy on finding his biological father. Mason is troubled by Warren's behavior and he dreams of Warren killing him. Julia wonders if she wants to marry Mason or not. Santana wants to leave Santa Barbara when C.C. doesn't seem to support their relationship, but he tries to convince her otherwise. Lily receives a mysterious letter.

Episode #28  2/5/92 - Warren is angry with Cassie for not telling him the truth. Cruz dreams about Eden. Cassie goes to Cruz to get him to help her get Warren back. Warren goes to Cruz to talk about his feelings for Cassie and Angela. Cassie is mad at Mason for telling Warren she wanted to tell him herself. Katrina makes dinner for Ted but he has other plans. Ted is jealous of Lily and Ray. Warren and Lionel argue and Warren tells him he wants nothing to do with him.
     Cassandra wants to start a new life with Warren, but he needs time to think about their future and the consequence of Mason's confession. Ted learns that Lily asked Mason for a few free days so she'd be able to visit Las Vegas. Ted follows her to the train, where Lily meets with Ray, an old friend. Warren asks Cruz to help him find his biological father. Cruz receives a letter from Eden.

Episode #29  2/6/92 - Cruz is shocked to find divorce papers. He goes to David to see if they are legal. Julia makes Mason jealous with a guy named "Shelly" who she claims is a law school chum. Mason is kidnapped and taken to a tacky hotel room in Vegas. This woman claims to be Mason's wife from when he was "Sonny Sprockett". Julia arranged it.
     C.C., Cruz and Sophia receive letters from Eden. She claims that she's finally getting better and that she needs to move on with her life, but she refuses to return to Santa Barbara. She suggests C.C. and Sophia should try to be friends again, and she encourages Cruz's relationship with Suzanne. She also sends divorce papers for Cruz to sign. Suzanne wants Kelly to take care of Cruz, Chip and Adriana. Julia still hasn't decided if she wants to be with Mason or not.

Episode #30  2/7/92 - Julia finally accepts his proposal. They celebrate their engagement by making love. Lily and Ted are in the room next to them but they don't know it. Lily is threatened by Ray on the train and Ted comes to her rescue. She accepts his offer to help her, but then she suddenly disappears. Ted locates her and finds out that she's working as a stripper in a night club. Cruz has a long discussion with Kelly and he finally signs the divorce papers. He then informs his children that their mother will never return home. Mason is confronted by a woman from his past.

(missed 2/10/92)

Episode #31  2/11/92 - Sophia wants to be with C.C. again. Lionel tries to change her mind about it, but she won't listen to what either Lionel or Gina have to say to her. The only problem now is the fact that C.C. is with Santana. Mason is happy because of his engagement. Ted and Lily run into Mason and Julia in Las Vegas.

Santa Barbara Dvd #7  February 12-18, 1992

Episode #32  2/12/92 - Sophia and C.C. are about to become closer again, but Santana plots to break them up. Lionel wants David to help him find Warren and to prove to him that he has always loved him as his son even though he's not his biological father. Gina thinks that her anonymous date is Lionel, but she's disappointed to learn that it's a completely different person. Cruz signs the divorce papers and and Kelly helps him pack up Edens things.

Episode #33  2/13/92 - Valentine's Day Preparation. Cruz & Kelly continue packing up Edens things and talk about her departure. Mason tries to get Julia to set a wedding date. Julia tells Ted about the engagement. He then tells Katrina who congradulates Julia. Cruz gives Eden's things away to a charity. Gina is on her date with Dr. who delivered Channing. It turns out to be a disaster and Gina finds out Lionel set her up. Kelly and Cruz decorate the sports hall for the Valentine's party and they get locked in the gym all night, tension between arises. Lily takes a call meant for Ted and she heads over to the Windsurfer to interrupt his date with Katrina. Cassie quizzes Mason as to if Julia knows Warren's whereabouts. She tries to get Mason to give her the file on Angela's sister. Julia gives Lily advice about Ted and tells her to honest with him. Mason won't give Cassie the file. Julia talks about Cassie and Warren to Mason, who quickly changes the subject feeling guilty about keeping them apart. Mason has the bedroom decorated whie Julia slept. He gives her lingerie and a fortune cookie for Valentines. Sophia is lonely and thinking about CC. David asks her to the Valentine's party. CC buys Santana an expensive ring. Santana decorates Angela's house. They bond. Cassie breaks in trying to find evidence of Angela's sister.  Angela wants to have the information that Mason collected on the death of her sister. Gina learns that Lionel arranged her a date with Moose.

Episode #34  2/14/92 - Valentine's Day. Mason and Julia find Cruz and Kelly locked in the gym. Cruz and Kelly explain they were locked in. Mason overhears Cruz and David discussing Warren's whereabouts. Mason is worried and wants Julia to elope. She refuses to thinking he's up to something. she won't set a date and Mason secretly makes wedding plans. Sophia recalls past Valentine's with CC. David encourages her to fight for CC. So she makes CC a card and takes it over to the house. Sophia is sad to learn about C.C. and Santana's growing relationship and she watches as C.C. decides to buy an expensive present for Santana. Later, seeing Santana an expensive ring, brokenhearted she leaves. Julia is suspicious of Mason and he tells her he is planning a memorial for his Uncle Grant. One of the kids at the party smokes and leaves a lit cigarette in the trashcan and tstarts a fire. Cruz  is shocked to learn that his children are missing. He rushes back into the burning place to save them. Mason reveals his plan to Sophia. Cassie finds out Warren is returning home and plans a romantic reunion. Angela shows up and her and Cassie have a food fight, Warren walks in on this.

Episode #35  2/17/92 - Warren interrupts a fight between Angela and Cassandra and finally makes it clear to Cassie that their affair has ended. Warren gets a phone call about the fire.Ted listens to Lily and Ray's conversation, but at the end of the day, he manages to win Lily over. Santana is keen on fighting for C.C. Cruz manages to rescue all the children from the burning gym, but he gets hit by a beam, and is then rescued by Warren.

Episode #36  2/18/92 - Ray blackmails Lily. Lily tries to make Ted jealous with Ray. Ted is on to Lily. Sophia daydreams that she gets back with CC. Warren chooses Angela over Cassie. Cassie finds Warren vows revenge against Angela. Ted tries to get Lily to level with him. CC and Sophia are talking and the find out about the fire and rush over to the gym. Mason warns Angela to watch out for Cassie. Kelly and Suzannne discuss Cruz, and Suzanne hides her jealousy of Kelly. Lily tries to get extra work from Mason. He told her he wasn't hiring overtime. Ted questions Mason on what he and Lily were talking about and Mason tells him she was looking for extra work.  Lionel goes to see Julia to talk her out of marrying Mason. Julia tells him that she loves Mason and is miserable without him. Lionel finally accepts her decision. Cassie tells Mason if he doesn't give her the file on Angela's sister she will destroy him. Mason still won't give in to her demands. Mason and Julia go out to dinner. Mason tells Julia he is worried that Cassie will do something to ruin the wedding. Cassie watches Warren and Angela make love. She then goes to Mason's office and trashes it. Ted checks out Ray's background.
     Kelly and the others are worried for Cruz's health, but the doctor informs them that Cruz will be fine. Cassandra refuses to believe that Warren hates her and she thinks that Angela is guilty for Warren's sudden betrayal. She decides to collect evidence on Angela's sister and use it against her. She gets mad when Mason refuses to give her the info. Lily tries to find a second job so she'd be able to pay off her debt to Ray.

Santa Barbara Dvd #8  February 19-24, 1992

Episode #37  2/19/92 - This one aired in Japanese, pretty funny to watch NLG speaking Japanese. Cruz comes home from the hospital. He tells Kelly and Rafael he is going to the memorial for Grant. CC calls Sophia and asks her to ride to the service with him. Warren tries to find out when the wedding will take place. The kid who started the fire comes to confess to Cruz. Warren finds out Mason ordered a wedding cake. Mason and Julia find his office trashed and he suspects Cassie. Julia wants Mason to tell Warren about the wedding. He tells her he lost her ring and she gets it out of her purse and show it to him. He puts it on her finger. Santana decides not to go to the memorial service because of Sophia and the family. Rosa disapproves of Santana and CC. Gina tries to get David to represent her in her lawsuit against CC. David refuses because he is CC's lawyer. Warren thinks about Cassie. Mason comes and tells him about the wedding. Warren thinks Julia is making a big mistake and won't give Mason his blessing. Mason goes and tells Julia warren will never accept the wedding. Julia goes to Warren but he won't give her his blessing. She tells him she won't let anyone stop her from marrying Mason.
     The Capwell family is preparing for the commemoration of Grant Capwell. Julia wants Mason to tell Warren about their marriage plans, but Mason is having second doubts. Warren has no intention to forgive Mason for what he did, and he doesn't support their marriage. Mike confesses that he was the one who burned down the gym. Rosa warns Santana that C.C. is only using her to play with Sophia, and that Sophia is his one and only true love.

Episode #38  2/20/92 - Mason and Julia travel in a helicopter to the site of the memorial service. a beautiful old mansion. Lily tries to by time with Ray. Ted goes to see Ray and threaten him. The memorial is the weddding. Mason tricked everyone into thinking it was his uncle's memorial. He didn't want Warren to find out and stop the wedding. Julia is suspicious of Mason. Lily gambles to pay back Lionel and pay off Ray. Mason tells Julia that this is their wedding day. Julia isn't pleased he planned the wedding himself. Julia leaves and locks Mason in the room. WThen the limo driver refuses to take her back to Santa Barbara she kicks the tires and tries to walk back to SB. Cruz catches up with Julia.
     Julia wonders why is Mason making a huge deal about the commemoration of his uncle. Kelly persuades Art Paxton to work with her. Sophia wants Cruz to come to the commemoration with her. Julia learns that the commemoration is only a surprise arranged by Mason, and it's actually their wedding. Julia then disappears.

Episode #39  2/21/92 - Mason & Julia's Wedding Begins - Lily breaks into Lionel's bank account on his computer and transfers $10,000 to her account to pay off Ray but she eventually changes her mind and decides to gamble by betting all her money on a horse.. Julia tells him that Mason tricked her into thinking she was attending a memorial and she won't be happy until somebody is dead! He talks her into marrying Mason. Warren informs Angela that the commemoration is actually Mason and Julia's wedding. Mason and Julia have a meaningful talk in which Mason promises to become a better person, and Julia forgives him.Julia prepares for the wedding and Warren shows up. The wedding march music begins and Mason stands waiting at the altar expecting to see his bride come down the stairs. Instead, Warren comes downstairs and Mason and the guests all have looks of concern as the episode ends.

Episode #40  Mason & Julia's Wedding 2/24/92 - Mason is concerned until he sees Kelly, Samantha and then Julia come downstairs. Warren gives Julia away to Mason. Cruz and Julia talk and she wishes he'd find someone to love.  C.C. is satisfied and he decides to give Mason the position of the president of Capwell Enterprises. Mason and Julia leave on a honeymoon to a lonely island. Lily loses the money at the horse race. Cassandra tells Angela about how much Warren hurt her. Santana makes a scene for C.C. when she learns that he made an appointment with Sophia.
     Angela puts cream on Warren's face, but the moment is ruined when the cream causes a skin reaction. She realizes that Cassandra might have put something in the cream to get revenge. Cruz receives an invitation to meet his old classmates and Kelly convinces him to meet with them. C.C. has a nice dinner with Sophia. Katrina convinces Santana to stay at the mansion and she advises her to have a serious talk with C.C. Santana tells C.C. that she is pregnant.
     Mason and Julia parachute to the wrong island for the honeymoon.Cassie starts to stalk Angela and threatens her. Cruz and Kelly talk about his old high school days and his old mustang convertible. Also the talk about his friend Reese. Santana wants a commitment from CCCassie makes plans to "gaslight" Angela. She puts something in Angela's face cream and warren gets burned. Angela accuses Cassie and Warren confronts her. She talks her way out of it. Cruz and Kelly dance on the highway to prepare for his reunion. Cruz asks her to go with him to his reunion. CC goes to see Sophia. They have dinner and talk about the kids. She asks him if he is Warrens father. He tells her no. She tells him she wants to make a clean start.  

Episode #41  2/25/92 - Angela puts cream on Warren's face, but the moment is ruined when the cream causes a skin reaction. She realizes that Cassandra might have put something in the cream to get revenge. Cruz receives an invitation to meet his old classmates and Kelly convinces him to meet with them. C.C. has a nice dinner with Sophia. Katrina convinces Santana to stay at the mansion and she advises her to have a serious talk with C.C. Santana tells C.C. that she is pregnant.

Santa Barbara Dvd #9  February 26 - March 3, 1992

Episode #42  2/26/1992 - Lily is desperate when Ray continues to blackmail her to return the money. She goes to Gina's for help, but even she can't help her. She realizes that there's nothing more to do, so she goes to Ted's and finally tells him the entire truth.  When CC tries to explain to Santana the bond he will always have with Sopia as she is the mother of his children, Santana tells him she is pregnant! C.C. feels betrayed after learning about Santana's pregnancy. Mason and Julia enjoy their honeymoon.

Episode #43  2/27/1992 - Lionel learns that someone stole a large sum of money from his bank account and he thinks it's Gina. He goes to her salon and makes a huge scene about it. Lily persuades Ted to lend her the money to pay off Ray and return the money to Lionel. Lionel is shocked to learn that Lily stole the money, but he forgives her. Cassandra is still keen on fighting for Warren.

Episode #44  2/28/1992 - Julia isn't happy to learn that Mason wants to work for C.C. again. Angela is convinced that Cassandra poisoned the cream. Warren calls the cosmetics company to learn more about it, and they admit that there were chemicals in the creme. Cruz, Kelly and the children prepare for C.C.'s birthday. Sophia arrives at the party, but her presence makes Santana irritated. She doesn't know if she'll carry C.C.'s child or have an abortion. She is surprised to see C.C.'s comment on her dilemma.

Episode #45  3/2/1992 - Lily realizes that she's falling in love with Ted, but it seems like Ted is only interested in Katrina. Santana thinks about having an abortion, and C.C. doesn't want to have anything to do with her decision, which only insults her. Mason buys Julia a house and everything goes great until Julia meets the staff.

Episode #46  3/3/1992 - Minx tries to get Lionel and Warren close together. Cassandra continues her revenge against Angela by messing with more cosmetic products. She mixes a few drops of color into Angela's tinge, and her hair color ends up violet. Lily first day in college turns out to be a disaster. C.C. is shocked to hear Gina's demands.

Santa Barbara Dvd #10  March 4-10, 1992

Episode #47  3/4/1992 - Gina learns that Santana is pregnant, and she's worried that this baby might come in way for her little Channing. Angela is keen on getting revenge against Cassandra after her hair turned into violet. Mason offers Kelly a job. Warren dreams that C.C. is his biological father.

Episode #48  3/5/1992 - Minx asks Angela to come and visit her. They talk about trying to get Lionel and Warren to talk to each other again. Minx warns Angela that Warren might break her heart one day. Gina learns that Sophia still loves C.C. Lily continues having problems in college, caused by her professor.

Episode #49  3/6/1992 - Mason and Julia continue having problems with their house staff. Santana lies to C.C. about wanting to take a job in Los Angeles, but she actually wants to have an abortion. Rosa is shocked to hear about Santana's plan and she manages to convince her to rethink. Angela invites Minx and Lionel to dinner, and then manages to convince Warren to come too. Cassandra poisons Angela's soup. Lionel ends up taking the soup and he collapses to the floor.

Episode #50  3/9/1992 - Lionel is brought to the hospital after drinking the poisoned soup. Minx instantly realizes that Cassandra poisoned the soup and she confronts her about it. C.C. and Sophia admit their love for each other, but Sophia judges C.C. for the way he's treating Santana's pregnancy.

Episode #51  3/10/1992 (:40 mins missed last couple of mins) - Lionel and Warren become closer again after the events from Angela's party. Warren refuses to leave the hospital. Minx and Lionel have a talk with Cassandra, trying to persuade her to leave Warren at peace, and Lionel even threatens her with a lawsuit. Kelly is happy to learn about Cruz's upcoming promotion. Julia is freaked out by the possibility that something freaky might be going on around the house.

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