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Jean-Luc Lebeau
Jean-Luc LeBeau

Jean-Luc LeBeau was a father to Gambit. In fact he was his foster father. He is the reason that Remy went through all of this. In my book I think that Remy would not like him to much. But being that it's his father, and he took him when no one else did he loves him. Jean-Luc taught Remy all their is to know about stealing. And it wasn't too hard. Remy was a quick learner and he has unhuman abilities and can blow crap up it was easy for Remy to make it as a Guild thief. When Jean was signing a piece treaty with their long time rivals, The Assasin's Guild, Gambit married Belladonna. Thats was a set up for the treaty. But that is another story.