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Welcome to the BTVS Players

The Purpose of this site is to share information on the game and the players of this specific E-mail RPG.

If you are interested in joining the game, please e-mail the List Mummy. Last Updated 6/23/01

Characters currently taken:

  • Spike--Played By Randii
  • Willow--Played by Sarah
  • Xander--Played by Kiera temporarily
  • Anya--Played by Elisha
  • Cordelia--Played by Ducky Elisha
  • Faith--AVAILABLE
  • Oz--Played by Sarah
  • Tara--Played by Kiera--Temporarily
  • Dru--Played by Randii
  • Angel--Played by Josh(?)
  • Giles--played by Kiera TEMPORARILY
  • Buffy--Played by Sarah (ironic, huh!?)
  • Doyle--Played by Kiera
  • Dawn--played by Randii
  • Gunn--played by Kiera
  • Wesley--Played by Kiera--TEMPORARILY--PLEASE TAKE HIM!!!!!!
  • Harmony--played by Kiera
  • Jonathan--played by Kiera--Extra
  • Riley--AVAILABLE
  • Ethan--AVAILABLE
  • Forrest--AVAILABLE
  • Joyce--AVAILABLE
  • Darla--AVAILABLE
  • Lindsey--AVAILABLE
  • Lilah--AVAILABLE


    Starting on June 1st, we are instituting a points system for players in order to attain awards. I have spiffy little graphics to use which represent something about the character(s) you play. Below are the current tallys.

    Ways to get points