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hello and welcome to my site. This site was made for someone I love so much about words can not even discribe.She's my soul mate and my love forever and I know she knows this for I know that my love burns so deeply for her that I could never want to be with out.My heart is one with her heart. My eyes now seen her's she is the one she is my love..

For my love burns as bright and strong as the flame you see dont get to close or you will be burned but know that the fire will never go way.This love I feel its true love!

I love this girl with all my heart and she is a true friend i love you babe kisssis over and over and over again :)


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take my hand and dont let go for baby you know that I love you.see my eyes and take my soul for Emily my love you have me.touching everywhere feeling good is the thing I know when im with you..I love you babe forever and I want the whole world to know this!

I would like to thank you for coming to my page and seeing my love for my sexy Emily.

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