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Join the Webring!

Sites in the ring  Join the ring  Webring HTML Code

If you have a Third Watch site that you would like to include into my webring, please fill out the small form below. You will be sent an e-mail with your site id. This e-mail will also include other important information, so please remember to keep it. I will look at your site and make sure that the html code is correct. Only then will your site be added to the webring. Fan sites for the actors of the show may also apply. 

Thanks :0)

Sites in the ring:

Third Watch Guide: Home site for the Third Watch Webring. Cast information, links, message board, pictures and more.

Third Watch Episode Guide: Episode Guide for Third Watch.

Third Watch Fanfiction: Fanfiction for Third Watch. Includes adult content.

Third Watch Message Board: Post your thoughts on the show and it's actors here.

Join the webring

Your page's URL:

Your page's Title:

(NOTE: This must be the page which contains your WebRing HTML.)
Owner's name:

Your e-mail address:

(The password allows you to later make changes. Do not forget it! If you have any problems, email

Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.

Description: Enter a short description of your site.

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