A Steamy Love

A Steamy Love
By: Chloe Tse
Here's a steamy fanfic, by Chloe.
You'll really feel the heat, once you
read this hot fanfic! See how Chloe
works her magic and brings our
duo together!
E-mail Chloe at:

Disclaimer – I’m not associated with nbc, official passions people or james e reilly. Please don’t sue me.

Caution : This story is, er, really graphic. I’ve decided to try something different. I read one of mummy’s dirty books…ha ha, and read some of those dirty fanfics and I’ve decided I’d write one…because, well, I feel like it! Ha ha.

Dedicated : This is dedicated to Katy [who’s really kicking ass in the fanfiction award thing] and Christin, my very favourite internet friend! [love in the third degree] but christin no rove chloë anymore…she’s been to busy for chloë 

And so it began a once-upon-a-time…

“What?!” Sheridan shrieked. She glared at Ethan, not meaning to. She loved him but with this news – She was extremely ticked. “Grandpa Alistar stated that exactly. And I can’t bend the rules for you…aunt, I love you but…” Ethan began seeing the rage ignite in her eyes. “That’s the stupidest…” “It’s really not that stupid.” Ethan interupted. “Married? By my twenty-eighth birthday?! That’s only…what? Six months?! And I’m not allowed to divorce?! That’s so stupid!” Sheridan cried. “With the approval of Luis Lopez-Fitzgerald.” Ethan added carefully. “You’re joking?” Sheridan glarred, “Father wanted to keep me away from him, before, remember?”

He left in his will, “Sheridan shall be married to a man, whom she loves and will not divorce, if it is approved by Luis Lopez-Fitzgerald. If not by her twenty-eighth birthday, she shall lose all her inheritance.” Ethan paused, “I’m sure he meant the best in his will…” “I wish he hadn’t died so suddenly…” Sheridan sighed. “I still don’t understand why he’d want me to be approved my someone he loathed so much. And you’re lucky Ethan, either way you were the crane’s ‘heir’…and poor Julian…he got the same as me! That’s funny…and what was his ‘duty to claim’ again?”

“Oh…” Ethan chuckled, “To remarry my mother and declare eternal love for her on national television.” “See, he knew that’d kill Julian. He’ll look like such a fool next month.” Sheridan paused, “He knew Luis and I broke up before he died. We are just so not suited for eachother…” “I think…that…grandfather alistar knew that Luis loved you. That’s why he decided Luis would look out for the best…and…” “But that just doesn’t make sense!” Sheridan cried, “I haven’t even spoke to Luis in a month…and…if I tell him he has to choose a ‘suiter’ for me…then…” “Maybe…the suiter…you’re afraid that the suiter will turn out to BE Luis…”

“I don’t love…well…Ethan, you know I do love Luis…but you know, also, that we’d never be happy…which is why I left him at the alter in the first place. We’d never make it. I couldn’t believe it. Father WAS there then…”

Ethan hugged Sheridan, “Sheridan, you know…I think…Grandfather really did like Luis. He DID respect him…and in his last days I remember him telling me that he wanted you to find happiness and he really didn’t care about the reputation of the Crane empire anymore. He wanted his family to be happy. He also…” Ethan paused and looked Sheridan in the eye, “he said that Luis would bring you happiness. And I guess he meant it…and that’s why he left it in this will…”

“Damn.” Sheridan huffed. “You know I love Luis…” She pleaded to Ethan, “But I could never be with him. We fight more than we play…we hate more than we love…” “That’s how it is. Star-crossed lovers.” Ethan grinned. “He WAS a wonderful love…” Sheridan blushed, “You marrying Theresa was the best choice of your life, you say?” “Definitely. I love her so much…” Ethan drifted dreamily but stopped himself, “Sheridan…you have to get to Luis soon. And, we’re having a big party thing at the Seascape tonight. See you there…and bring Luis. You better get started on ‘hunting’.” Sheridan glared at Ethan but then smiled. She slid out of the room quietly and headed over to Luis.

“That’s funny.” Luis laughed, “I get to choose for you.” Sheridan glared at him. She held so much love in her heart for this man, but at the same time she hated him. She couldn’t bare to be with him. That’s why she left him at the alter once before. She knew that they couldn’t make it. They wouldn’t be able to. “Well, you have to give your approval…but I choose who I love.”

“You think you’re going to find someone to love in such a short notice?” Luis grinned. “Well…” Sheridan sighed, “It doesn’t look like I have that much of a choice, does it?” “You know…Sheridan, I’d marry you right away if you’d let me.” He breathed quickly, “I know you still love me…” He paused and turned away from her, “How can you marry another man when you know you love me.” “Luis.” Sheridan pleaded, “You know we couldn’t have made it. You know that…we hate eachother too much…when we hate…we HATE…”

“And when we love, we love…” He turned to face her again. “I love you, and you know that. I don’t’ know if I could give you away to anyone…but if they make you happy…then…” He paused, “I guess anyone can make you happy but me.” Sheridan shrugged off that comment and continued on with her story, “You have to come with me tonight…to find someone to…well, marry.”

“I don’t understand why you…” He sighed as he took her hand. She quickly pulled her hand away from him, “Stop.” She stuttered out, “I can’t love you…I shouldn’t…you know…I’ll always hold a place for you in my heart. I just can’t love you…I can love you, I mean…” She paused, “I just can’t BE with you…” “Why are you in such denial. I don’t understand it, Sheridan!” Luis cocked his head away from her. “Luis, please.” She pleaded for him not to go on. She knew if he had she could collapse in his arms again, like she had before. “I have to go. I will meet you at the Seascape.” She turned away and couldn’t look back. “We’ll be together…I know it.” Luis declared.

Sheridan entered the Seascape checking out all the men. All of them were dogs compared to Luis. But she knew she couldn’t be with him. She knew it. There was one man, however, she had seen him at the Country Club…he seemed nice. Sheridan eased her way over, relieved that Luis was late. The man approached her, and like a perfect gentleman kissed her hand. “Sheridan.” He smiled, “It’s nice to see you again.”

“Yes.” She took her hand back and smiled, “Dennis Bermest, right?” He seemed very sweet, and great looking…but could she imagine? Sheridan Bermest? No thank you. But she needed a suiter, for if she didn’t find one, she’d be poor. Without anything. Sheridan and Dennis flirted for a good hour when he asked her to go horse back riding with him. She agreed knowing this was the closest thing to ‘put up with’ marterial she knew at the momment. All through their flirting she couldn’t help but stop and think about Luis. She then left dennis when he was to speak with a business friend. She decided to go upstairs of the seascape.

No one went up there but the people running the party. There were footmen at the steps leading upwards. Luis caught Sheridan trying to leave and quietly followed. The footmen knew about the arrangement and allowed him to follow. Sheridan saw there was a neat ‘retiring room’ where no one was at. She went inside and gazed out the window. She looked upon the lightly lit town and sighed. That’s when she felt the hands on her shoulder. She gasped at the touch. She knew who it was, it was impossible to be mistaken, the touch gave her the tingle effect that only one man could give her…Luis Lopez-Fitzgerald.

She didn’t turn around and reveal she knew it was him. She looked into a far mirror that reflected the door of the room was securely locked. She leaned against the wall as Luis kissed her neck lightly. She was overcome with lust and love that she couldn’t speak or ruin the momment. His hands rubbed on her torso, his fingers messaged her thighs. They roamed upwards and lingered near her breasts. She didn’t stop him or say anything, physically or verbally. She allowed him to touch her in such a way. She then decided it was time just to give in to her lust. She couldn’t take it anymore, she took his hands and kissed them. She turned around so her eyes met his gaze. His eyes were full of Passion. Finally words were spoken, “I need to have you.” He smiled as he rubbed her face.

“Then take me.” She whispered back as his lips met hers for a brutal kiss. He lay her down on the couch, slowly. They began kissing passionately, which intensified so much more than words can explain. He then pulled her up to meet him, standing her up again. He reached behind her and unzipped her dress, allowing it to fall to the floor. He undid her strapless bra. And admired her curves, which he hadn’t seen for quite a while. “I almost forgot how beautiful they were…but I could never forget.” He murmered in her ear. He kissed her ear, moving downwards.

He kissed in between the collar bone and then moved down. He sat her down again, on the couch. She spread her legs so he had more access to stimulate her. He touched each of her breasts, holding them and feeling the weight. He brought them up to his mouth and kissed them each in turn, his teeth grazing the nipples. He licked small circles around them causing them to rise and harden. She leaned back and threw her head back in pure pleasure. He then pulled her panties off and admired the beautiful womanly valley. He kissed her belly button, in which he knew was her favourite place to be kissed. He slowly licked his way down to her ‘special place’.

His tongue slipped between the lips causing Sheridan to shake lightly. She hadn’t felt the stimulation in a while. He decided he wanted to see her and raised, his arm around her, groping one breast while the other played with her, he kissed her as he did this multitask. She lightly bit his lip in appreciation and moaned lightly. Her eyes were shut and her mouth was slightly opened, he had never seen such beauty. Finally she took charge and lay him down and straddled him.

She ripped his shirt off and threw it behind her, not caring where it landed. She kissed his chest and licked of the sweat that was now forming. She beant down and pulled off his pants and his undergarments untill he was stripped down to nothing. She touched his erect friend. And moved in to kiss him more. She felt him hard against her stomach. She finally opened up and placed herself on it. He thrust inside her, trying to achieve further than before and deeper. He entered her slowly as she moaned and cried.

She hadn’t made love to him in a while. She kissed his lips to ease the pain and tightness. “You…” She couldn’t finish, and all of a sudden they collapsed in ecstacey. She fell on him, after feeling the explosion beneath them. He quick pulled out and the found a paper cup to let out in. She kissed him one last time before she held on to him for dear life.

As Luis finished dressing himself, Sheridan finished up. She sat down with her hands in her hair. He sat next to her and kissed her again, “What’s the matter?” “This.” Luis saw the tears forming in her eyes. “You didn’t like it?” “that’s the whole problem, Luis! I did like it…” She cried, “The point is…with you I don’t trust myself…I have into lust…and you know I lust for you…you know I love you. But you know I know we can’t be together.” “We can, though…Sheridan…you don’t understand that.” He took her face in his hands and kissed her warmly, “I love you…and you love me. We can work from there.” He sighed. “I have a date…” She began, “With Dennis Bermest.” “So?” Luis asked.

“I’m trying to find a suiter.” She paused, “Luis I want to be with you…I just can’t.” “I want you to be my wife. I want no other woman…to love or to make love to.” “But that’s the whole thing, Luis! You HAVE to find another woman! We can’t be together…” Luis kissed her tears. “What happened tonight…that’s proof we can be together. I’ll never stop loving you. I know you want to be with me, Sheridan. You can’t admit it yet, but you want to. You have to love me. I’ll die without you.” “you won’t die without me.” Sheridan laughed, “You may be limp without me…” She joked.

“I need you, we need you. The three Luis’s. My heart, me and my friend…” “If I love you…will you promise, can you promise we won’t fight?” “I can promise you that we won’t fight over big things…” “you’re such a liar. A terrible one, at that.” “Just because we fight doesn’t mean we can’t be in love.” “You’re too stubborn for me.” “I’m stubborn enough for you.” “Luis! Stop.” She sighed, “I do love you. I do want to be with you. I do lust for you. But you KNOW I CAN’T.” “You know that if we really try, we can, Sheridan! Dammit, you know how much I love you, I’m not going to be able to stand here my whole life declaring love to you while you don’t listen to me.” “then don’t waste your heart on me.”

“I can’t do that! Don’t you get that?! I want you, I need you…I breathe because of you. We made love tonight…you want to know why?” “I know why! We gave in to lust…” “And love. You know we need eachother, we’re perfect for eachother, we are MADE for eachother. I need you to be my wife. That’s the only thing that matters to me. You.” “I just…” Luis ignored her and pulled her so close to him that her feet lifted away from the ground. He kissed her hard and lovingly. “Okay.” “What?” Luis questioned her true intentions. “Okay, I’ll marry you.” She paused, “But we can’t fight.” “I can’t promise you we won’t fight at all.”

“I just don’t want to marry a war ground. I want to marry you.” “I want you to be my wife, but I know that we will fight…but I promise I’ll try not to pick one.” Sheridan grinned, “deal.” She kissed him warmly. To Sheridan’s surprise, Luis reached behind him and out of his jacket he pulled out a beautiful black box. He bent down on one knee and took her hand, “Sheridan Crane, I believe and know in my heart that I would be the perfect ‘suiter’ for you…I totally approve of you marrying me, and I love you more than life itself.

Even though you are the most stubborn pig-headed person I know, I know it’s because we’re so alike and so in love. We care so much about eachother and we deserve to be blessed with a union of love and bliss. I believe that we shall be married, and we belong together. I love and and would love for you to love me forever and marry me.” Sheridan nodded as he slipped the ring on her finger. She pulled his head up to meet hers, the tears were spilling out as they began kissing. “I love you, so much.” She sighed and fell into his arms.