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Blurred Existance
In Somnia
Frozen Tears
Indecision (True Heart)
Understood Confusion
Just Listen
A Voice in the Void

Blurred Existance
Divided is all.
No one really understands anyone.
There is always a darkness shielding truth.
Thieves and liers permeate our very grounds.
When everything is whirling around me,
I can hardly find room to breathe.
Take away my everything,
And my essence goes cold.
I know now what I'm without -
And I cant go back to sleep.
Impulse turns obsolete.
Addiction takes ahold.

I can feel you in me -
My crimson life force -
Flowing, yearning to liberate yourself.
But why would you run when Ive kept you so right?
When pain is your only release, I wont let you go.
The blade will never find my skin,
Or your poison, my heart.
Ashes of what once was blanket my mind,
And shroud the light of day.

Dazed and walking towards foretold plight,
I cannot stop.
Expose a star and you'll never see its light again.
Embrace that same star,
And in the end it's familiar light will only blind you.
Dont be fooled,
Its warming halo isnt what it seems.
Fading in and fading out,
Flickering a glimpse of an alternate glory.
This collection of energy and dust will burn out in time.

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In Somnia
Im tired of giving
And never recieving
Im tired of telling
You never believing
I always call
Youre never there
It makes me wonder
Exactly where
You could be
When im needing
Always you
Forever pleading
Noones there
Leave the phone
Spend more time
In my corner alone
I wake up
To the beeping
Off the hook
I wasnt sleeping
I lay awake
Waiting to meet -
Meet my fate
Say to myself
Wait till next time
Crawl in bed
Id survive
I call again
Youre not home
Wipe the tear
Hang up the phone

You smile there in your sleep
I cry here without sleep
You smile there in your sleep
I lie here without sleep

I go home
To my parents
Say im sorry
Beg forgiveness
Go to my room
Home again
I stay there
Wait till 10
I sneak out
Meet my friends
Do our drugs
Climb the fence
To the place
We hear the bands
Stare at the stars
Steady our hands
They fall asleep
Im restless again
So i walk home
Climb back in bed
Major hangover
Cant sleep it off
Think of you
Try to be tough
I give in
Take more meds
Dress for the day
Get out of bed
I call again
Youre not home
Wipe the tear
Hang up the phone


So i sit here
By this phone
Constantly hoping
That youll be home
Maybe youll call
Until then
Stay awake
Restless again
Parents awaken
Go to work
Surprised im up
Im never first
Friends come over
Hit the bong
Im forever praying
You wont be long
One of these days
The phone will ring
It will be you
To stop the sting
In my heart
I want to sleep
In my head
The nightmares creep
My friends go out
I make the choice
To wait here
To hear your voice
But when i call
Youre not home
Wipe the tear
Hang up the phone


How do you sleep?
How do you sleep?
At least you can sleep
How do you sleep?

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Frozen Tears
The pact of the masses
Conform to being hated
Theyre sifting through his ashes
His life was overrated
Dont blink
Their love will diminish
It doesnt matter what you think
When you have breached the finish

Frozen Tears
Shatter on the ground
Frozen Tears
Never make a sound

Why am i here?
Why am i alive?
Why cant i live?
Why cant i die?

When do you love?
Let them take the bait
When do you truly love?
Dont let them fill with hate
You say its not a lie
But today is the day
You havent gotten by
Watch the love blow away

Frozen Tears
Thrown their wrench in the gears
Frozen Tears
Consolidate your fears


Frozen Tears
They are mine
Frozen Tears
Frozen pain in time

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Thrown into a wretched sea of dispair
I was in disbelief that I was left there
At first I thought someone was playing with my head
Then it came to me - I was glad I was dead

No more breathin
No more feeling
No more hoping
No more coping

Falling Falling, Falling Falling

Evil thoughts a'dancing through my mind
Cannot seem to percept the rise of mankind
Feeling no remorse for the rest of them
I rejoiced, I had broken off from the stem



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It was the last day
She wanted to be
But she had no say
In what she meant to me

I was lead on a run
With a collar 'round my neck
But she was not the one
I am left a wreck

I wont take this..

Leave me be
In my state of lonely
Leave me be
I am down with out

I cant take the lies
I cant handle disgrace
Im missing out on life
Noone takes her place

I cannot regain
I cannot abstain
I cannot refrain
Ive been forgotten



In some place..
There may be something for me
I wish thered be something for me



(repeat pre)

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Indecision (True Heart)
I wasnt ready for this
I didnt ask for this
I dont need this
Yet I want this

At first there was one, only one hope, one dream, one fantasy - but now another obstacle blows into my path, now they skies turn grey and the moon fades - for in my way she lies, stars, hides your fires, let not light see my black and deep desires..


Out of the dark she came, interrupting everything that was and is - tearing down the very foundations of the hopes and dreams and fantasies that never would become reality - And I keep the circumstance deep within - A love hidden from all - weighed down by ball and chain in solitude - for in my way she lies, stars, hide your fires, let not light see my black and deep desires..


But sometimes that fact that you are still within me surfaces in my mind and it hurts to think you are a million or more miles away - and then I think - what if you were now? the light that you gave me makes me think twice about it all and at last Im torn in indecision about my dream - for in my way it lies, stars, hide your fires, let not light see my black and deep desires..


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Understood Confusion
The faithful subject
Unable To Dream
Knows hes fucked but just wont scream
Waiting for life
Waiting for death
Waiting for something to take away the rest
He thought itd be alright
Itd be okay
Itd be alright if he found that way
He knows its there
He knows its dim
But its the only thing he can find for him

But what if?
But what if its not?
Will it cure you?

Im not ready for your world of compromise
Im not ready

A feeling worth helping
A feeling worth finding
Even when the feeling is forever binding
Its always gone
But its always around
Just when youre getting your feet back on the ground
It comes back
Then it goes
Leaving you with a new sense of lows
Always inside
And always true
Always trying to find a way to fuck you

But what if?
What if its here?
Will it fuck you?


In your room
In your bed
In your head
Round the clock
With the air
Hard to care
Yet you do
So very much
Care so very much
Hate so very much

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Just Listen
Dont over-do it
Youll put out the stars
Extinguish the sun
Raped and left to flies

I cant talk to walls
Even stones have pores
The fire is clean
Dont hesitate to step in

Step right in, dont forget
Not to look, in case you
Need to have, renewed sense
Of Reality

If you listen
They dont talk
All of it is static
Non important shit

Im all alone
The world is dying
Diseased to the fullest


Die, Why do you have to see?
Just pay the fee
And then just listen, just listen


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A Voice in the Void
A Voice in the Void may be all that youll ever need
To see what you have created and let it bleed
Cry, Scream, and Holler ... See that I havent won
Its only fair for all of the shit Ive done

A voice of reason thrown into the mix
Dont banish me just for your simple kicks
Forced to grow up fast, so grey and old
Dont forget to leave me in space, so cold

Unworthy travelers shot into the void
Never to return home - found the astroid

A Voice in the Void may be all that you fuckin need
To hear all the pain and suffering that has been
Dont even try to leave - youre fucked - youre here
Try to survive everything without a tear

Conspire against me - youll never fuckin get me
Im everything you want and everything you wanna be
So hate just because Im wise
That doesnt mean I have to fuckin die


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Today I try not to feel too much, not enough
Now that youre still here Ill suffer more silently

I learn to walk from you - not always there for me
When you need someone dont come to me I fuck up

Yesterday you advised - told me to look ahead
Now you hide yourself and look away again

I learned to think from your insight then always true
When I need you most please stay right here - I hope you

I hope you, can percieve this, this catastrophy
Just for, just for what it is, no - dont make it more
I hope you, can get on with life - can forget all this
Bullshit, that does plague you - just forget me

When the moon would show I thought it was shown for you
I longed for it to have to give it up for you

When the sun would shine I knew you would think of me
I longed for your touch but you were just never there

Now youre further and now I cannot even talk
Mind shut off now I will have no ambition

Please come back I want your care to help me through
This time - Im sorry - dont be mad - I hope you

(Chorus 2x's)

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