Bored Now....

The Willow Section

This is where my Willow centric fic lives. Enjoy. To return to the main page, simply click on the exit button located at the bottom of the page.

Vein- Willow/Giles, mentions of Willow/Angelus

Inflection- Willow/Angel(us) - Set During Season 2

Backlash- An after effect of one of Willow's spells. Willow/Angel

Attachment- My very first Willow/Spike piece.

Unity- A Willow/Spike/Angel pice. A challenge response.

Continuity- A sequel to Unity

Father's Day Present- Spike & Dru get something for Father's Day for Angelus

Darkness Within - A VERY DARK Willow/Spike piece, with elements of Willow/Giles & Willow/Spike/Giles, RAPE INVOLVED

Rebuilding Willow- another very dark Willow/Spike peice

Jolene- a blast from Angel's past....Willow/Angel

Journey- The hellmouth becomes too much for Willow, she needs a break. Willow/Giles, then Willow/Angel

Paperdoll- A little Wiillow/Angelus piece

Surprises- a semi-sequal to New Vision, Willow/Gunn

Missing Piece- What if Ms. Calander had the wrong curse? Willow/Angel

Forbidden- a darker Willow/Angel PWP... the sequel is called Undoing

Undoing- The contination of Forbidden. This has has happy moments and some very sad ones. Character death