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Nadia Bjorlin and Jay Johnson Chat Transcript
Nadia and Jay chat with SoapCity and Yahoo!
July 6, 2000

Jay's Replies are in BLUE
The first half of the chat is just Jay chatting. If you would like to see the section the chat where Nadia joins in, click here

Nadia's Replies are in RED

Jay: Alright, I just want to say hello to everybody. I'm glad I finally get to talk to my fans here so ASK AWAY!

What is your ultimate dream date? (Hey, Jay, can I come?)
Jay: I like mellow dates! I like to get to know my date better. To start the date, I would maybe take her to a dinner at the beach and then get that whole vibe thing going, then see where it goes. And yes, you can come!

Do you think that Chloe and Philip will become a Days super-couple, like Hope and Bo?
Jay: I think it has absolute potential to go that route, I see the chemistry there and there's a lot of talk so I think indeed that's possible.

Hi Jay - I didn't like you when you first joined, but I absolutely adore you now. How was it coming to LA and starting a whole new life? Cesca, CA
Jay: You're such a sweetheart, thanks so much. It's very different because I came from Missouri, but I was indeed ready for something new. I got started so quickly out here, first in modeling, then commercials then just 7 months later started auditioning and Days called.

What gave you the determination to pursue your dream when hard times arose?
Jay: I was watching 'Before They Were Stars' and there were stars who came from small towns and made it; so I dropped out of college and it took me almost 6 months to tell my parents (they didn't take it too well needless to say).

Jay, do you like working with Lauren Koslow? She's kind of hot to be your mom don't you think?
Jay: She is beautiful and she is such a sweet lady too. She's got somethin', she puts out a really cool vibe. She always attracts a lot of attention.

Jay, were you a long time watcher of the show before you were cast? If you weren't did you research to find out background info on the character?
Jay: I had watched since I was 5 or 6 with my grandparents. They got me hooked on it. I even skipped school a couple of times to catch up. I remember the whole Bo and Hope thing, Shane and Kimberly, I go back with this show. I didn't really research Phillip though (despite the odd birth), without that history I just pick up stuff as I go along. People give me advice about what had happened before Phillip came along.

You seemed completely comfortable out on the dance floor. Do you like to dance in real life?
Jay: I think he and I are pretty opposite. His temper flares up a lot, I think I have a nicer side and I have tried to bring that to the character and the audience enjoys that. I wish I was as rich as Phillip. I may look comfortable but I was actually stepping on her feet. I have since started dancing lessons. I wouldn't call myself a good dancer just yet. In a night club I'll jump up and down, but I don't try to draw attention to myself.

Jay, who is your favorite actress-beauty, personality?
Jay: I've always said my favorite actress is Angelina Jolie, she's talented, beautiful and is definitely her own person.

What are three things you cannot live without?
Jay: I just got a new car and am definitely in love with it. I do watch a lot of TV (let's call it research), and dark chocolate, that's three I think!

Jay, I think u are so cute. Do u think Nadia is attractive and does it ever distract you from your work?
Jay: She is beautiful, but it doesn't distract me.

Mr. Johnson, how did you feel when Miss Bjorlin step out of her cape on the set of the dance?
Jay: That dress, ohh that dress, that thing fit her like a glove. It was great.

Jay, have you joined the internet age? Do you like to surf the internet?
Jay: Actually, I don't own a computer, yet.

Jay, hope to see you in TV and movies in the years to come! Who would you most love to work with in the future?
Jay: I'd love to do a film with my favorite actor, Ed Norton. He is the new up and coming say Robert Deniro. I think he's got so much talent that I'd love to work alongside him.

Jay, before you joined the cast, another actor had been cast as Philip. How did you become the final decision for the role?
Jay: I don't know all the specifics. I got called in to read for Brady and I found out two days later than I'm taking the role over from the other Philip. It was tough at first.

Jay - first I think you are sooo hot! My ? is, who on the show would you love to do more scenes with?
Jay: I have a great time when I'm doing scenes with Jason Cook. Still I'd love to do more scenes with my mom and dad (John and Lauren). They're great actors, I'd like to do more with them.

Do you both have any pets?
Jay: I had an Iguana but it got to be 3 or 4 feet long so I had to get rid of it. Man he was mean too.

Who is the biggest prankster on the set?
Jay: I think Kirsten is actually, always writing stuff on my door, kicking my door, and jumping on my back.

Jay, were you rooting for a relationship with Belle, or Chloe?

Jay: Whatever would cause the most conflict. I do enjoy the chemistry with Chloe however.

The teen portion of "Days" revolves around popularity- were you two popular in high school?
Jay: I had a lot of friends in high school, from a lot of different groups. I played football, I was in a band, etc. I ran the gamut, I wasn't mean to anybody.

What's it like working with John Aniston?
Jay: I was really pretty intimidated by him, he's a big guy and he's a legend. But John's a great guy, it just took awhile to get to know him.

What process or technique do you use to help you learn your lines?
Jay: I'm getting much better, I used to study days in advance. Now I'm down to the night before. I don't really have a technique. I generally study alone and then work on it with my scene partners the next day.

If you were to portray another character on DAYS, who would you like it to be?
Jay: Alice Horton, because she's friends with everybody. No wait, make that John, he's the big stud, gets all the women.

Do you watch any other soap operas?
Jay: I catch Passions sometimes because it's on right after Days. I'm friends with some of the guys on the show. I love the fact that it's so outlandish.

Where would you like your storyline to go?
Jay: Can't say really. I have so much fun when there's a triangle or quadrangle (Belle, Shawn and I) and now they're bringing in Brady so we'll see where it goes.

In what way has being famous affected both of your lives?
Jay: I don't get recognized when I go out so I wouldn't call it fame per se. I don't think it's really changed me at all.

What kind of music do you like to listen to?
Jay: 311, Jamiroquai, Blues Traveler, Phish, Marvin Gaye are in my disc changer right now, but I like everything. Rock to Rave and beyond.

Jay, my mom and I are practically in withdrawal because we can't see you guys due to Wimbledon! Anyway, what is your favorite part of being on Days?
Jay: I'm sorry! The best part is getting to work with all these people that I've watched and loved for all these years. To come to work and see them there is very surreal.

Hi Jay-I had the honor of meeting you at the Days luncheon. Was it overwhelming to meet so many fans?
Jay: Yes it was actually. I was not expecting that turnout, it was amazing and I felt that I knew everybody by the end. It was very cool to meet everyone in person and I think a good time was had by all.

What do you like to do to just get away?
Jay: I like to go to the lake, get on the boat and do some wake boarding. In Missouri I loved to get on the river and do some canoeing. Just chilling with some music and a book and kick it by the water.

Do you two ad-lib much in your scenes together?
Jay: Maybe at the start, we may sometimes break away from the script but we don't want to disrespect the writers. Thanks for noticing the realism.

What is your fav T.V. show?
Jay: Friends, True Hollywood Stories on E, Mysteries and Scandals.

Hi Jay!! I hear that someday you would like to create your own band. Is that true? And you and Chloe(Nadia) make such a cute couple!!!!!
Jay: Thank you so much. I would love to start my own band one day. I've got a tape out here and am looking to submit it to labels soon. It's all new to me but I hope that once the summer storyline slows down that I'll have more time to work on music.

Send your tape to Fred Durst of Limp Bizkit, he's looking for new talent.
Jay: I've actually met Fred Durst, he is a really nice guy. Do you have an address?

Lance Bass of N' Sync is looking for new talent as well.
Jay: You're tearing up my heart.....Count me in!!! Noted.

Jay, would you say you are calm on the set or are you one that just wants to get the scene done?
Jay: I would say that I'm pretty calm. There's that great feeling when you've nailed a scene but I never get too out of control.

Jay, do you answer your own fan mail?
Jay: I answer it all by hand so far, and have sent everybody pictures. I get a lot of mail back thanking me for that.

Who was the most welcoming your first day on the set?
Jay: My first scenes were with John and Lauren and they were very welcoming. They kind of helped me along through the day, and that was nice. Just imagine, I was their fan for years and then to show up and start working with them was amazing.

What's your astrological sign, and do you think you live up to it?
Jay: I'm a Pisces all the way (Feb 24th). I love Pisces, it's a great sign, I wouldn't wanna be anything else.

Do you get butterflies before shooting the show?
Jay: Yeah sometimes, I feel like I know Philip a lot more now, and I've gotten much better at memorizing my lines. My comfort levels have gone up with my readiness and I'm not camera shy.

Hi jay, I saw you at the s. Pasadena charity basketball game. you are so hot in person. are you a big Lakers buff?
Jay: I have become a huge Lakers fan since I've moved out here, they're awesome. World champions! Can't beat Phil Jackson.

How do you accept the fact that you were just "regular JAY" and now you're a popular star, especially amongst teenage girls. How does that affect you?
Jay: I don't think that it's affected me, I haven't really been mobbed so I don't know, I feel the same, honestly. It will be a different story maybe when I go home.

Are you superstitious?
Jay: I am. I always want to know my lines pretty well before bedtime. I avoid walking under ladders, no mirror breaking, I always go out on a full moon night cause I know I'll have a good time ... Although, last night was really bad, I had some cheesecake around 11PM, but usually I eat pretty healthy.

Jay, what's going to happen to Days when the Olympics come on? Are they going to pre-empt it like with Wimbledon? I'd be really upset cuz the teen storylines are the only reason why I watch Days.
Jay: That's a rough situation. I guess you'll have to tape it because it will air in the middle of the night. It's frustrating though.

Jay, I heard a rumor that you are trying to get out of your contract because you are unhappy with the way your storyline is going. Is there any truth to that rumor? I sure hope not, I love watching you on the show.
Jay: That's completely false. I'm totally happy at Days, having a great time and love everybody I work with.

Jay: My brother's involved with Big Brothers/Big Sisters and I've kind of adopted that as my charity. I feel it's important.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?!
Jay: Still here in LA, I love it, hopefully doing amazing incredible films with actors that I love, and happy, hopefully very happy.

Who's idea was it for you to pick up Chloe and twirl her at the dance? That looked great!!!
Jay: We actually had a choreographer who gave us basic moves and we took it from there. That really happened in the moment. We had a good time filming that.

Hello Jay!!! What would you say is the hardest thing to do as an actor?
Jay: I've never had to cry so I think that would be pretty hard to do, cause you really have to tap into something sad.

Jay, you have the prettiest white teeth, have you ever been approached about doing a toothpaste commercial?
Jay: No I haven't actually, thank you very much. I just had my first cavity a year ago, thank you though.

Nadia Bjorlin and Jay Johnson Chat Continued
When Nadia joins the chat

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