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Quotes that involve Chloe or the teen storyline on Days...
The crazy things kids say...

Chloe finds solace in her music

"She's a fish out of water, Nancy. She has class and intelligence - qualities not appreciated by people in this town."
~ Dr. Miller ~

"Puccini isn't like that bubble gum music..."
~ Chloe, after Philip asked her if she liked Christina Aguilera and Britney Spears ~

Philip: It's like you went to some other place...Like the rest of us at the Pub - it was like we didn't even exist.
Chloe: That's one of the benefits.
~ After Chloe ran out of the Pub after Shawn's birthday party ~

Chloe: Don't ask questions about things you can't understand.
Philip: How do you know I won't understand it? Try me...
~ On the pier ~

Philip: Look, I'll have you know - Last year in the championship game, I played an entire fourth quarter with a broken wrist!
Chloe: Ooh - you're not only a wuss, you're stupid too!

Hope: Shawn's always talking about what an interesting girl Chloe is - and how beautifully she sang at his birthday.
Marlena: She's very talented. Belle says she's having a rough time right now.
Hope: know - I remember when I was in high school and no one dared to dress differently. This doesn't seem to be the goal these days, does it?
Marlena: We get so caught up in envying youth - their freedom, their whole lives in front of them...We forget that it's a tough time.
Chloe, Belle, and Shawn at the hospital

Chloe: I don't feel like talking right now.
Philip: Look, you could run away if you wanted to, because I'm in no condition to chase you. But...please don't.
Chloe: Okay, what is it?
Philip: I haven't always been that nice to you, but you saved me anyways. So right now in front of everyone here, I just wanted to say 'thank you'.
Philip holds out his hand, and she stares at him. Finally, she reaches over and shakes it firmly. After a few awkward seconds, she pulls away and turns her back on him. Shawn comes over to Philip
Shawn: Hey, what happened?
Philip: That's one weird chick. (still looking after Chloe)
Shawn:'s a weird chick who just saved your life.
Philip: (looking at Shawn briefly before looking back toward Chloe) Yeah...

Chloe and Philip continue to stare at each other. Belle notices them gazing at one another and smile and shakes her head...She knows...

Chloe: You want to check on Philip...
Belle: He hit his head pretty hard. I just want to make sure he's okay.
Chloe: His head's like a rock. I don't see why you'd worry.

Pushing the curtain away to see Philip is fine after hitting his head
Belle: You're fine!
Shawn: Actually, I think he has a major brain injury!
Chloe: What's new?

Chloe: Maybe I should have shoved you a lot harder.
Philip: What's your problem anyhow?

After Chloe and Belle leave the examination area
Nurse Brenda: Your face looks a little flushed. Maybe I should take your blood pressure.
Shawn: It's just...the girl.
Nurse Brenda: I thought so.
Philip: She's infuriating.

Craig: wife, Nancy and I would like to share some very good news with you. The hospital family and as well as our own...has just increased by one.

Bart: I'm not stupid, you know!

Lucas: (to Kate) I'm going to stop worrying about myself for once!

At the Last Blast 2000 Dance:
Philip: Ah, I love this song. Do you like any music besides classical?
Chloe: Some.
Philip: Do you like to dance?
Chloe: Are you asking me to?
Philip: Yeah.
He smiles and holds out his hand to her.

Shawn and Belle are watching Philip and Chloe dance at the Last Blast:
Belle: They're so cute together, aren't they?
Shawn doesn't answer right away, and Belle elbows him in the stomach.
Belle: Come on - let's go find Jason and Jan.
She starts to walk away, but Shawn grabs her arm.
Shawn: Okay, Nancy Drew. Read to work your charm on Jason?
Belle: I don't think so!

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