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Las Vegas | Part Three

Other Transcripts

Fourth of July
The Kiss in The Rain
Green Mountain Lodge
Las Vegas | Part One
Las Vegas | Part Two
Las Vegas | Part Three
The Aftermath
Bittersweet Goodbyes
Sunset | Part One
Sunset | Part Two
The Proposal
Las Vegas | Part One Photos
Las Vegas | Part Two Photos

Carrie: I had a great time tonight.
Mike: Me, too. Good night.

Carrie leans in for a kiss, but Mike just smiles at her. He turns and goes to his room, and leaves Carrie standing out in the hall.

Inside his room, Mike crumples up the astrological charts and sits down, frustrated. Carrie goes into her room, looking at the charts, and notices that there are no messages. She flashes back to the alphabet game she and Mike played on the way to Las Vegas.

The scene goes back to Mike, who paces around the room.

Mike: Carrie, I love you so much.

He takes off his coat, and turns on the radio just in time to hear "How Do I Live?". Mike has flashbacks of the evening - putting Carrie's necklace on her, dancing with Carrie at dinner, and playing craps.

Mike: I can't take this anymore.

Finally, Mike throws his door open and knocks on Carrie's door. When she answers, he pulls her to him and gives her an urgent, passionate kiss (the kind of kiss that makes your heart drop to the floor!). She looks up at him, dumbfounded.

Mike: (softly) I love you.

He heads back to his room, as Carrie tries to catch her breath. She tries to forget the kiss, but alas - she does not...

There is a knock on Mike's door, and he opens it to find Carrie standing there.

Mike: Carrie...Why did you come to my room?
Carrie: Same reason you came to mine.

Carrie stands on her tiptoes and kisses him gently. His arms encircle her.

Mike: You realize, of course, I'm not going to let you leave here.
Carrie: I don't want to. I couldn't stand another minute without you, Mike. Make love to me...Please make love to me.

They move into Mike's room and he shuts the door behind them - all while holding Carrie's hand tightly. They collide in another passionate kiss, and Mike lifts her off her feet.

Carrie helps Mike take off his robe, and their lips meet in another kiss. Mike slips Carrie's nightgown to the floor, and he nuzzles her shoulder. He leads her over to the bed, before he pulls away from her.

Mike: This isn't right.

Carrie: Mike, what's wrong?
Mike: I want you...I want you more than I've ever wanted anyone or anything in my entire life. But this first time, it has to be something that neither one of us ever can forget. This isn't just about physical desire, it's about our heart's desires. It's not just about possessing each other's bodies, it's about uniting our hearts and our souls. I want to make all of your fantasies come true, I want to make love to you until there's nothing left in this whole world except you and me alone here together...(whispering) I love you.
Carrie: I love you, too. Make love to me.

Mike looks at her tenderly and begins kissing her forehead, her cheeks, until their lips meet in a passionate kiss. They make love while the stars of heavens look down upon them.

Carrie: I never want this night to end.
Mike: Well, the night will end, but the love that we share and the life that we it's tonight. I promise you it will never end.

Mike and Carrie kiss again in the midst of the flowers, lights, and stars.

Carrie: This night has been like a dream.
Mike: But it's really happening. We're finally together.

They kiss softly.

Carrie: (looking upward) Look at that.

There is a heaven full of stars above them.

Carrie: I never want this night to end.
Mike: It doesn't have to.
Carrie: I love you.

Mike and Carrie look upward as the sky explodes with fireworks.

Carrie: Remember the Fourth of July fireworks last year at the Brady/Horton picnic?
Mike: How could I forget that? That was our first real kiss.
Carrie: It was right after you were named Chief of Staff.
Mike: I wanted us to be together that night, just like this.
Carrie: Yeah, me too.
Mike: We fought our attraction for months, but you know what? I knew I was going to lose in the end. I was going to lose that fight. It was inevitable (he begins leaning closer to Carrie)...It was fate (closer...)...It was kismet...

Mike leans in for a kiss and the bed goes flying through the air again...

Carrie: Can we stay here like this and never go back to the real world?
Mike: I may not be able to stop the clock, but what I feel in my heart I know is never going to change.
Carrie: Now that we're finally together, I have a confession to make.
Mike: Serious?
Carrie: Yeah, very. Holding you like this feels so good and so right, that I've decided I'm never going to let you go!

She dives under the covers, and begins tickling Mike. They hoot and holler in laughter.

Mike: You know if I were a selfish man, I'd stay up here with you forever.

He rests his chin on her shoulder.

Carrie: (smiling) I could handle that.
Mike: Yeah, but it wouldn't be right. I mean as long as we're up here, I feel it's incumbent upon me to at least offer you a peek of the sights...Look, there's a whole big, beautiful brassy town down there!

They look over the edge of the bed, and amazingly - there's Las Vegas! They point out the sights, and ooh and ahh! They go into a fantasy sequence, complete with slot machines, dancing, and money!

After floating back to earth, Carrie snuggles under Mike's arm.

Mike: we are. So, ready for some more surprises?
Carrie: Oh (looking spent)...I've had enough surprises tonight to last a lifetime...enough love, too.

Carrie kisses Mike's chest, and he holds her face in his hands.

Mike: No - not enough love. Never enough love...Never ever. Just gettin' started. This is just the beginning.

They kiss again and she snuggles under his arm.

Carrie: This is so perfect. It couldn't get any better than this.

Mike looks down at her, and kisses her passionately.

Carrie: Are you happy?
Mike: No... (Carrie looks at him, confused)
Carrie: No?
Mike: No, you're way too far away!

Mike slides over and encloses her in his arms.

Mike: There - oh yeah, that's better.
Carrie: You had me worried for a second.
Mike: You'll never have to worry about or doubt my love for you. And...(he kisses her shoulder lightly) just to drive that point home...I have a little surprise.

Mike pulls out and a box and opens it. Carrie's mouth drops open, and a star necklace is revealed.

Carrie: Mike, this is perfect. I love it.
Mike: I bought it yesterday. I was going to wait for a special occasion to give it to you.
Carrie: What's more special than this night?
Mike: Whenever you look at these stars, I want you to remember that you are the only star in my universe, and you always will be.

Mike and Carrie admire Carrie's necklace in the mirror, and Carrie turns and kisses him softly.

Carrie: Are you hiding anything else under that pillow, Dr. Horton?
Mike: Oh, maybe...maybe not...
Carrie: Let me see!

She starts toward the bed, but Mike pushes her out of the way, and takes a flying leap to the bed.

Mike: A guy's gotta have a secret!
Carrie: Two can play at that game!

She whallops him with a pillow - and a pillow fight ensues!

When they finish and call a truce, Carrie heads to the bathroom to surprise Mike.

Carrie: Don't go anywhere. And whatever you do - don't put your clothes back on.

The camera pans in on Mike, who is laughing devilishly!

In the bathtub...

Mike: I hereby crown you "Queen Of My World".

Mike takes a handful of bubbles and puts them on top of Carrie's head.

Carrie: And where is my king?
Mike: Oh, right your side as always, Your Majesty.

Carrie: When Barb, Carol, and I were kids, we used to play make-believe, and we would always fight who would be the queen and who would be the servant. Of course, I would have died if you would have played my king then. I had such a crush on you. Everytime I saw you with another girl, my heart would break a little more.
Mike: Well, your heart should be completely mended by now, because I'm all yours.
Carrie: I love you so much.

Back to Mike and Carrie: Together Forever

Photo Credits:
Heather's Mike and Carrie Website
Tara's Mike and Carrie Website