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Las Vegas | Part Two

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Fourth of July
The Kiss in The Rain
Green Mountain Lodge
Las Vegas | Part One
Las Vegas | Part Two
Las Vegas | Part Three
The Aftermath
Bittersweet Goodbyes
Sunset | Part One
Sunset | Part Two
The Proposal
Las Vegas | Part One Photos
Las Vegas | Part Two Photos

Carrie and Mike head up to their rooms after dinner to change into comfortable clothes. There Carrie checks to see if Austin has called.

Carrie: No messages.
Mike: Well maybe Austin's never going to call you. Carrie, come on...We've put our feelings on hold for months now because of your marriage. Well, Austin is the one who broke the trust, and as far as I'm concerned, there's no turning back for us. I want us to be together...I need us to be together. We belong together.
Carrie: (softly) I want us to be together, too.
Mike: That's all I need to hear...So, let's go.

Carrie smiles up at him longingly.

But...Carrie is having her doubts...

Mike: Don't...

He takes Carrie in his arms.

Mike: You have nothing to feel guilty about.
Carrie: Mike - don't I? Look what I'm doing.

She pulls away.

Mike: Look what Austin's done. I mean, he certainly didn't feel guilty checking out on you, did he? He doesn't care about anything except what's right for Sami.
Carrie: He's only trying to do what he thought was the right thing.
Mike: Just like he was trying to do the right thing when he took on the gambling ring to save his sister from her drug addiction, just like...don't you see? This is a pattern for him, he will always choose somebody else over you at your expense. Carrie, I'm sorry, but you've got to see the truth. You will never be first in Austin's life. I can promise you this - You will always, always, always be first in mine. I will never, I will never desert you, and I will never put anyone over you.

Carrie and Mike are sitting on the bed...

Mike: I hate to see you hurt this much. But I can take away your pain...I know I can.
Carrie: You are so good to me.

Mike kisses her hand.

Mike: It's because I'll always hold you first in my heart...Always...

Mike pulls Carrie close and she snuggles under his arm. They stay that way for a few seconds, until the phone rings. It's Austin, but the conversation doesn't last long.

Later, after the phone call and Ali's suicide attempt, Mike and Carrie begin discussing Austin again...

Mike: I know that when you're with me, you're happy.

Carrie turns to look at him.

Carrie: You do. You make me happy, Mike. You really do. And I know that you love me, and I rely on that. But it's not fair to you, either...There's so much that's unresolved. Maybe I should pack my suitcase right now, go back to Salem, and have it out with Austin face-to-face.
Mike: You want to go back to Salem?
Carrie: What else can I do, Mike?
Mike: You can stay...You can stay here and clear your mind.
Carrie: I have to confess what is going on between you and me. I have to be honest with my husband.

Mike convinces Carrie to stay in Las Vegas with him.

Carrie: I want to go to the medical convention.
Mike: Right, and you want to jump in the shower and you want to dress warm, because we're going on a star-gazing outing.
Carrie: What would I do without you?
Mike: Well, you'll never have to find that out.

Mike stares at Carrie for a second, and then winks at her.

Carrie and Mike arrive on the hilltop to do some star-gazing.

Carrie: Look at all the lights on the strip. That's amazing.
Mike: Yeah, hey - if you think that's something, look up.

They both look up at the stars for a moment, and Carrie looks back down at Mike.

Carrie: (softly) I'm so glad you brought me up here.
Mike: Want to lie down and look at the sky?

Carrie nods, and they unfold a blanket on the ground.

Mike: It's like the whole universe is laid out just for us in a blanket of stars.
Carrie: Yeah.
Mike: It's pretty amazing, if you think about it, I mean. They whole universe, all of the time and space, we happen to be born on the same planet, in the same century, and manage to find each other.

Carrie and Mike stare at each other for a second.

Mike: Let's never lose sight of that miracle, okay? Never take it for granted.

Mike stares into Carrie's eyes, and they both lean forward for a kiss.

Carrie and Mike settle back down on the blanket after their kiss, and look back up at the stars.

Carrie: Mmmm...The stars, they make you feel so small, almost insignificant.
Mike: (in a goofy tone) Well, you're the most significant thing in my life.

Carrie snickers at him.

Carrie: Pretty smooth line, Dr. Horton!
Mike: Thank you! It's a cut above "What's your sign?" anyway.
Carrie: I think that question has been asked all over the hotel tonight. Do you happen to notice there's an astrologer convention this weekend?
Mike: Yeah...You just ruined my surprise.

Carrie sits up and looks at him.

Carrie: What surprise?
Mike: I had one of those astrologers do our charts. I just wanted to see if we were in any way, at all compatible.
Carrie: I don't need an astrologer to tell me that.

Mike: So you don't want to see the astrological chart? You don't want to know what really makes us tick?
Carrie: Are you kidding? I have always wanted to have my chart done.
Mike: Now, I wonder what the staff would think if they knew the Chief of Staff had his horoscope done.
Carrie: I think they would think it's pretty sensible. I mean, I'm sure they've all done it themselves.
Mike: Yeah, they probably have.
Carrie: C'mon! I can't take the suspense! Compatible or not?
Mike: Well, you'll just have to wait and see.

Mike pulls the papers out.

Carrie: What? You haven't taken a look yet?
Mike: No...It's something I wanted us to experience together, you know? Although you seem to be concerned about lofty things like the universe and stars.
Carrie: Yeah, well I also want to know what's in the stars for us. Open that thing!
Mike: Okay...And the winner is...

Carrie watches him as he opens the envelope and smiles.

Carrie: So what does it say?
Mike: Hey, calm down!. It says here Pisces have no patience. Okay, according to Madame Zolah....drumroll please...

Carrie drums on her knees.

Mike: We have a long and happy future ahead of us.
Carrie: Does she really predict that?
Mike: See for yourself.

Mike hands the papers over to Carrie.

Carrie: What are all these diagrams?
Mike: I think it shows that Librans and Pisces have a natural attraction for each other. Librans, which is me, of course...have charm, elegance, good taste, and are natural kind.
Carrie: Left out handsome...and witty!
Mike: (looking coyly at Carrie) Yeah, they did, didn't they? I gotta get my money back. Enough frivolity, let's get down to your bit. Pisces...Pisces have trouble letting go, but once they do, they open themselves up to experiences that are waiting for them just around the corner. Or in this case, sitting right next to them.

Carrie nods thoughtfully as a song dedication comes over the radio.

D.J.: We've got another dedication for all you lovebirds tonight, or those aching to be in the arms of the one you love. This one goes out to Carrie from Mike, visiting the Las Vegas area from Salem. LeAnn Rimes, "How Do I Live?"

Carrie looks at Mike, dumbfounded.

Carrie: Mike, when did you do this?
Mike: I called earlier when I was in my hotel room.
Carrie: When I was on the phone with Aus...

Mike puts his finger to her lips to keep her from going on. He holds out his hand to her and they begin dancing.

Back to Mike and Carrie: Together Forever

Photo Credits:
Tara's Mike and Carrie Website